計算: ip
# mobilenet_v1網絡定義 def mobilenet_v1(inputs, alpha, is_training): assert const.use_batch_norm == True # assert斷言是聲明其布爾值必須爲真的斷定,若是發生異常就說明表達示爲假 # 縮小因子, 只能爲1,0.75,0.5,0.25 if alpha not in [0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0]: raise ValueError('alpha can be one of' '`0.25`, `0.50`, `0.75` or `1.0` only.') filter_initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() # 卷積,BN,RELU def _conv2d(inputs, filters, kernel_size, stride, scope=''): with tf.variable_scope(scope): outputs = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs, filters, kernel_size, strides=(stride, stride), padding='same', activation=None, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=filter_initializer) # 非線性激活以前進行BN批標準化 outputs = tf.layers.batch_normalization(outputs, training=is_training) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) return outputs # 深度可分離卷積,標準卷積分解成深度卷積(depthwise convolution)和逐點卷積(pointwise convolution) def _depthwise_conv2d(inputs, pointwise_conv_filters, depthwise_conv_kernel_size, stride, scope=''): with tf.variable_scope(scope): with tf.variable_scope('depthwise_conv'): outputs = tf.contrib.layers.separable_conv2d( inputs, None, depthwise_conv_kernel_size, depth_multiplier=1, stride=(stride, stride), padding='SAME', activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=filter_initializer, biases_initializer=None) outputs = tf.layers.batch_normalization(outputs, training=is_training) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) with tf.variable_scope('pointwise_conv'): pointwise_conv_filters = int(pointwise_conv_filters * alpha) outputs = tf.layers.conv2d(outputs, pointwise_conv_filters, (1,1), padding='same', activation=None, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=filter_initializer) outputs = tf.layers.batch_normalization(outputs, training=is_training) outputs = tf.nn.relu(outputs) return outputs # 平均池化 def _avg_pool2d(inputs, scope=''): inputs_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list() assert len(inputs_shape) == 4 pool_height = inputs_shape[1] pool_width = inputs_shape[2] with tf.variable_scope(scope): outputs = tf.layers.average_pooling2d(inputs, [pool_height, pool_width], strides=(1, 1), padding='valid') return outputs with tf.variable_scope('mobilenet_v1', 'mobilenet_v1', [inputs]): end_points = {} net = inputs net = _conv2d(net, 32, [3,3], stride=2, scope='block0') end_points['block0'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 64, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block1') end_points['block1'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 128, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='block2') end_points['block2'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 128, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block3') end_points['block3'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 256, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='block4') end_points['block4'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 256, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block5') end_points['block5'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 512, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='block6') end_points['block6'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 512, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block7') end_points['block7'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 512, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block8') end_points['block8'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 512, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block9') end_points['block9'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 512, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block10') end_points['block10'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 512, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block11') end_points['block11'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 1024, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='block12') end_points['block12'] = net net = _depthwise_conv2d(net, 1024, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='block13') end_points['block13'] = net output = _avg_pool2d(net, scope='output') return output, end_points