





[root@bogon tmp]# cat data.txt 
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/aaa/' data.txt 
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
[root@bogon tmp]# cat data.txt 
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.



  • 數字,代表新文本將替換第幾處模式匹配的地方;
  • g,代表新文本將會替換全部匹配的文本;
  • p,代表原先行的內容要打印出來;
  • w file,將替換的結果寫到文件中。 


[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/hhhh/2' data.txt
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.code


[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/aaa/g' data.txt
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa

3)w file,將替換的結果寫到新文件中,不會替換原文件

[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/aaa/w aaa.txt' data.txt
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.ip

[root@bogon tmp]# ls
aaa.txt keyring-nBhNRc orbit-gdm pulse-PDnM11f40MzK VMwareDnD
data.txt keyring-o1ipCa orbit-root pulse-tvQCaCozIrxHit


[root@bogon tmp]# cat aaa.txt
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a sss of the test script.
[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/aaa/test/p' aaa.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a sss of the test script.class

$ cat data5.txt
This is a test line.
This is a different line.

$ sed -n 's/test/trial/p' data5.txt
This is a trial line.





  • 以數字形式表示行區間
  • 用文本模式來過濾出行

[address] command

address {






[root@localhost tmp]# sed '2s/test/hhh/' aaa.txt
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a sss of the hhh script.



[root@localhost tmp]# sed '2,4s/test/hhh/2' data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.



[root@localhost tmp]# sed '2,$s/test/hhh/2' data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.



[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,4{        修改2-4行的內容
> s/test/hhh/2                                修改每行的第2次匹配的內容
> s/a test/1111/                              修改每行的第1次匹配的內容
> }' /tmp/data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is 1111 of the hhh script.
this is 1111 of the hhh script.
this is 1111 of the hhh script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
[root@localhost ~]#


$ sed '/number 1/d' data6.txt
This is line number 2.This is line number 3.This is line number 4.
