Store and Forward Networking

Efficient Message Transmission:Packet Switching(分組交換)
- Challenge: in a simple approach, like store-and-forward, large messages block small ones(延遲問題)
- Break each message into packets(大化小)
- Can allow the packets from a single message to travel over different paths, dynamically adjusting for use(可不一樣路徑)
- Use special-purpose computers, called routers, for the traffic control(路由器來控制數據移動)
Shared Network

- In order to keep cost low and the connections short geographically - data would be forwarded through several routers.
- Network Connection
- Host A-->Router-->Router-->Host B
- Getting across the country usually takes about 10 「hops」
Layered Network Model
- A layered approach allows the problem of designing a network to be broken into more manageable sub problems(大問題拆分爲小問題)
- Best-known model: TCP/IP—the 「Internet Protocol Suite」(TCP/IP模型)
- There was also a 7 layer OSI: Open System Interconnection Model(7層模型)

Internet Standards
- The standards for all of the Internet protocols (inner workings) are developed by an organization——Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
- Standards are called 「RFCs」 - 「Request for Comments」(我的能夠查看RFC並提出建議,建議-->草案-->審覈經過-->新標準)
Layered Architecture
- The Physical and Internet Layers are like trucks and trains - they haul stuff and get it to the right loading dock - it takes multiple steps
- The Transport layer checks to see if the trucks made it and send the stuff again if necessary

Link Layer(aka Physical Layer)
- phisical
- the lowest layer in the Internet Protocol Suite
- described in RFC 1122 and RFC 1123
- Link Layer Addresses
- Many physical layer devices have addresses built in to them by the manufacturer(製造時就有)
- Wireless Ethernet (Wifi)

Sharing Nicely - Avoiding Chaos
- To avoid garbled messages, systems must observe 「rules」 (Protocols)
- Ethernet rules are simple
- steps(步驟 !!!)
- Wait for silence
- Begin Transmitting data
- Listen for your own data
- If you cannot hear your own data clearly, assume a collision, stop and wait before trying again
- Each system waits a different amount of time to avoid 「too much politeness」
- Invented at PARC (Xerox)
- The first Local-Area-Network
- Connected PC's to laser printers
- Inspired by an earlier wireless network called Aloha from the University of Hawaii
Internetwork Layer(IP)

Internet Protocol Layer(實際移動)
- Goal: Gets your data from this computer to the other computer half way across the world
- Each router knows about nearby routers
- IP Is best effort - it is OK to drop data if things go bad...(丟棄)

IP Addresses
- The IP address is the worldwide number which is associated with one particular workstation or server(全球性)
- network number(6 bit) + computer number within network(6 bit)
Router tables
The best outbound route for each router record to reach another router, dynamic update, an indexweb
DHCP(dynamic host configuraton protocol動態主機配置協議)
- is given a temporary address (被給了臨時地址)
- it can not run in the Internet network. It only applies to local network,
- such as and so on.
- the non-routable website.(不可路由地址)
- to control the count of hop
- Abandoned from 255 to 0(減到0時認爲沒法到達,便捨棄)
Transport Layer(負責移動的可靠性)
TCP(Transport Protocol)

- built on the IP Layer.
- function:to solve some problems that may arise in the IP layer.(彌補Link Layer的不足)
- steps(過程):
- Send and receive feedback(先確認一下)
- acknowledged --> Discard acknowledged packets(確認接受後丟棄)
- Not confirmed --> again(未確認則再發知道成功確認)
Slow Start Algorithm(慢啓動算法)(看不太懂)

- First send slowly, then slowly increase the speed.
DNS(Domain Name System)(域名系統)
- A way to remember more easily than an IP address.
- IP:left to right : DNS:right to left
- such

Application Layer(應用層)
Application Protocol

- Ports are dependent on IP, similar to branch paths of IP addresses. Different ports correspond to different functions and services.
- such as:80 , 45
HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
- base on TCP/IP
- client --> click link--> generate links to server --> look up server --> show
- "Hacking" HTTP:pretend browers ,ues "get" commond