jquery highcharts組件--餅型圖標實例

 <html>     <head>         <title>highcharts報表示例</title>         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>         <script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>         <script type="text/javascript">             $(function () {                 var chart;                 $(document).ready(function() {                     /**                      * highcharts數據圖表                      *                      * @param {object} chart 圖表的相關參數配置                      * @param {object} credits 圖表版權信息參數配置                      * @param {object} lang 圖表語言參數配置                      * @param {object} exporting 導出配置                      * @param {object} title 標題配置                      * @param {object} xAxis X軸配置                      * @param {object} yAxis Y軸配置                      * @param {object} plotOptions 各種型圖表繪製配置                      * @param {object} labels 數據圖表標籤配置                      * @param {array} series 數據源配置                      */                     chart = new Highcharts.Chart({                         /**                          * 圖表配置                          *                          * @param {string} renderTo 圖表加載的位置                          * @param {int} width 圖表的寬度                          * @param {int} hight 圖表的高度                          * @param {string} type 圖表的默認類型                          * @param {string} zoomType 圖表的縮放選項,有:x, y, xy                          */                         chart: {                             // 圖表加載的位置                             renderTo: 'container',                             // 圖表寬度                             width: 600,                             // 圖表高度                             hight: 500,                             // 默認圖表類型                             type: 'pie',                             // 縮放配置:x,y,xy                             zoomType: ''                         },                         /**                          * 版權信息配置,不用修改直接複製                          *                          * @param {boolean} enabled 是否顯示版權信息                          * @param {string} href 版權信息所連接到的地址                          * @param {string} text 版權信息所顯示的文字內容                          */                         credits:{                             enabled: false,                             href: "http://www.msnui.tk/Admin",                             text: '微源網絡科技'                         },                         /**                          * 語言配置,不用修改直接複製                          *                          * @param {string} exportButtonTitle 導出按鈕的標題文字                          * @param {string} printButtonTitle 打印按鈕的標題文字                          */                         lang:{                             exportButtonTitle:'導出PDF',                             printButtonTitle:'打印報表'                         },                         /**                          * 導出配置,不用修改直接複製                          *                          * @param {boolean} enabled 是否容許導出                          * @param {object} buttons 關於與導出和打印按鈕相關的配置對象                          * @param {string} filename 導出文件的文件名                          * @param {string} type 默認導出文件的格式                          */                         exporting:{                             // 是否容許導出                             enabled:true,                             // 按鈕配置                             buttons:{                                 // 導出按鈕配置                                 exportButton:{                                     menuItems: null,                                     onclick: function() {                                         this.exportChart();                                     }                                 },                                 // 打印按鈕配置                                 printButton:{                                     enabled:false                                 }                             },                             // 文件名                             filename: '報表',                             // 導出文件默認類型                             type:'application/pdf'                         },                         /**                          * 圖表的標題                          *                          * @param {string} text 圖表的標題,若是不須要顯示標題,直接設置爲空字符串就行                          */                         title: {                             text: '餅型圖表實例'                         },                                            /**                          * 繪圖的各選項、參數配置                          * @param {object} series 數列,能夠配置各類不一樣類型圖表的默認參數                          * @param {object} bar 橫向柱狀圖配置參數                          * @param {object} column 縱向柱狀圖配置參數                          * @param {object} line 線性圖                          * @param {object} spline 圓滑曲線圖配置參數                          * @param {object} pie 餅狀圖                          */                         plotOptions:{                             /**                              * 數列,對於全部的圖表均可以適用的配置參數,屬於共用性質。                              */                             series: {                                 // 鼠標樣式                                 cursor: 'pointer',                                 events:{                                     // 數據標註不可點擊                                     legendItemClick: true                                 },                                 // 當是柱狀圖時,柱狀的寬度                                 pointWidth: 15                             },                                                    /**                              * 餅狀圖                              */                             pie:{                                 // 是否容許扇區點擊                                 allowPointSelect: true,                                 // 點擊後,滑開的距離                                 slicedOffset: 5,                                 // 餅圖的中心座標                                 center: [300, 150],                                 // 餅圖的大小                                 size: 300,                                 // 數據標籤                                 dataLabels: {                                     // 是否容許標籤(圖形外面指向有字true沒字false)                                     enabled: true,                                     // 標籤與圖像元素之間的間距                                     distance: 10                                 },                                 // 數據點的點擊事件                                 events:{                                     click: function(event){                                         //alert('The bar was clicked, and you can add any other functions.');                                     }                                 },                                 // 是否忽略隱藏的項                                 ignoreHiddenPoint: true,                                 // 當具體的數據點被點擊時的事件響應函數。若是不須要事件響應,能夠刪除。                                 point:{                                     events:{                                         click: function(){                                             //alert('This point on the line was clicked. You can and any other functions.');                                         }                                     }                                 },                                 // 是否在圖注中顯示。(是否有下面的標籤)                                 showInLegend: true,                                 // 調整圖像順序關係                                 zIndex: 0                             }                         },                         /**                          * 數據源配置,自己是一個對象數組                          *                          * @param {string} type 圖表的類型                          * @param {string} name 數據序列的名稱                          * @param {array} data 數據序列,是一個對象數組                          */                         series: [{                                 type: 'pie',                                 name: '水果總消耗量',                                 data: [{                                         name: 'Jane',                                         y: 13,                                         color: '#4572A7' // Jane's color                                     }, {                                         name: 'John',                                         y: 23,                                         color: '#AA4643' // John's color                                     }, {                                         name: 'Joe',                                         y: 19,                                         color: '#89A54E' // Joe's color                                     }]                             }]                     });                 });             });         </script>     </head>     <body>         <script src="./highcharts.js"></script>         <script src="./exporting.js"></script>         <div id="container"></div>     </body> </html>