Linux 內核通知鏈隨筆【中】



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  1. /* Godness.c */
  2. /* 咱們假設女神需求鏈的類型是原始通知鏈(PS:不要和原始需求掛鉤理解 -_-||)*/
  3. static RAW_NOTIFIER_HEAD(requirment_chain);

    當需求被定義出來後,還須要向外提供兩個接口:一個是別人用於知足她需求的接口,另外一個是別人須要和她break out的接口(雖然在現實生活中這種狀況比較使人sadness,但女神所在的虛擬世界裏這個是必須的)。因而女神提供了別人往其需求鏈註冊響應函數的接口和卸載響應函數的接口:

點擊(此處)摺疊或打開 linux

  1. /* Godness.c*/

  2. int register_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb)
  3. {
  4.         return raw_notifier_chain_register(&requirment_chain, nb);
  5. }
  6. EXPORT_SYMBOL(register_godness_notifier); //註冊函數實現了以後必須將其公佈出去,否則別人怎麼看獲得呢

  7. int unregister_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb)
  8. {
  9.         return raw_notifier_chain_unregister(&requirment_chain, nb);
  10. }
  11. EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_godness_notifier); //同上


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  1. int call_godness_notifier_chain(unsigned long val, void *v)
  2. {
  3.         return raw_notifier_call_chain(&requirment_chain, val, v);
  4. }
  5. EXPORT_SYMBOL(call_godness_notifier_chain);


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  1. #define PHY_REQ 0 //物質需求
  2. #define SPR_REQ 1 //精神需求

  3. #define REQ_MAX SPR_REQ+1

  4. static int make_requirment_thread(void *data)
  5. {
  6.      int i = 10;
  7.      struct completion cmpl;
  8.      unsigned int requirment_type = 0;
  9.      printk("[Godness]requirements thread starting...\n");
  10.      while((i--) > 0){
  11.             init_completion(&cmpl);
  12.             wait_for_completion_timeout(&cmpl, 3 * HZ);

  13.             get_random_bytes(&requirment_type,sizeof(requirment_type));  //生成一個內核隨機數
  14.             requirment_type %= REQ_MAX;  //需求類型之多是0或者1

  15.             printk("[Godness]requirment type: %d \n",requirment_type);
  16.             call_godness_notifier_chain(requirment_type,NULL);
  17.      }
  18.      printk("[Godness]requirements thread ended!\n");
  19.      return 0;
  20. }


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  1. #include <asm/uaccess.h>
  2. #include <linux/types.h>
  3. #include <linux/kernel.h>
  4. #include <linux/sched.h>
  5. #include <linux/notifier.h>
  6. #include <linux/init.h>
  7. #include <linux/types.h>
  8. #include <linux/module.h>
  9. #include <linux/kthread.h>

  11. #define PHY_REQ 0 //物質需求
  12. #define SPR_REQ 1 //精神需求
  13. #define REQ_MAX SPR_REQ+1

  14. extern void get_random_bytes(void* buf,int nbytes);
  15. static struct task_struct *requirments_thread = NULL;
  16. /*
  17. * 女神全部的需求都會列在她的需求鏈裏。這裏咱們定義了一個原始通知鏈,暫時沒考慮鎖的問題。
  18. */
  19. static RAW_NOTIFIER_HEAD(requirment_chain);

  20. /*
  21. * 若是誰想追求本女王,就來獻殷勤吧
  22. */
  23. int register_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb)
  24. {
  25.         return raw_notifier_chain_register(&requirment_chain, nb);
  26. }
  27. EXPORT_SYMBOL(register_godness_notifier);

  28. /*
  29. * 伺候不起的,趕忙Get out as soon as
  30. */
  31. int unregister_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb)
  32. {
  33.         return raw_notifier_chain_unregister(&requirment_chain, nb);
  34. }
  35. EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_godness_notifier);

  36. /*
  37. * 本女王開始提需求了,看看誰能纔是真心的。
  38. */
  39. int call_godness_notifier_chain(unsigned long val, void *v)
  40. {
  41.         return raw_notifier_call_chain(&requirment_chain, val, v);
  42. }
  43. EXPORT_SYMBOL(call_godness_notifier_chain);

  44. static int make_requirment_thread(void *data)
  45. {
  46.      int i = 10;
  47.      struct completion cmpl;
  48.      unsigned int requirment_type = 0;
  49.      printk("[Godness]requirements thread starting...\n");
  50.      while((i--) > 0){
  51.             init_completion(&cmpl);
  52.             wait_for_completion_timeout(&cmpl, 3 * HZ);
  53.             get_random_bytes(&requirment_type,sizeof(requirment_type));  //生成一個內核隨機數
  54.             requirment_type %= REQ_MAX;  //需求類型之多是0或者1
  55.            printk("[Godness]requirment type: %d \n",requirment_type);
  56.             call_godness_notifier_chain(requirment_type,NULL);
  57.      }
  58.      printk("[Godness]requirements thread ended!\n");
  59.      return 0;
  60. }

  61. static int __init godness_init_notifier(void)
  62. {
  63.         printk("[Attention]The Godness coming into the world!\n");
  64.         requirments_thread = kthread_run(make_requirment_thread,NULL,"Godness_requirments_thread");
  65.         return 0;
  66. }

  67. static void __exit godness_exit_notifier(void)
  68. {
  69.         printk("[Attention]The Godness leaving out!\n");
  70. }
  71. module_init(godness_init_notifier);
  72. module_exit(godness_exit_notifier);


點擊(此處)摺疊或打開 函數

  1. /*Tuhao.c*/

  2. extern int register_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block*);
  3. extern int unregister_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block*);

  4. static int baby_need_money(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long event, void *ptr)
  5. {
  6.         if(event != 0)  //不是金錢需求關我鳥事
  7.         {
  8.             return NOTIFY_DONE; //Don't care
  9.         }
  10.         printk("[Tuhao]Hi Baby,$$$$$$$$ 麼麼噠 \n");
  11.         return NOTIFY_OK;
  12. }

  13. static struct notifier_block cash_notifier =
  14. {
  15.         .notifier_call = baby_need_money,
  16.         .priority = 2,
  17. };

  18. static int __init tuhao_register(void)
  19. {
  20.         int err;
  21.         printk("[Tuhao]Tuhao register cash_requirment response to Godness...");

  22.         err = register_godness_notifier(&cash_notifier);
  23.         if (err)
  24.         {
  25.                 printk("Refused!\n");
  26.                 return -1;
  27.         }
  28.         printk("Accepted!\n");

  29.         return err;
  30. }

  31. static void __exit tuhao_unregister(void)
  32. {
  33.         unregister_godness_notifier(&cash_notifier);
  34.         printk("[Tuhao]Tuhao is giving up Godness!(Son of bitch)\n");
  35. }

  36. module_init(tuhao_register);
  37. module_exit(tuhao_unregister);


點擊(此處)摺疊或打開 測試

  1. /*Diors.c*/

  2. extern int register_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block*);
  3. extern int unregister_godness_notifier(struct notifier_block*);

  4. static int godness_need_music(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long event, void *ptr)
  5. {
  6.         if(event != 1) //我又沒錢,給不了你大房子、氣派的車子...
  7.         {
  8.             return NOTIFY_DONE; //Don't care
  9.         }
  10.         printk("[Diors]Hi girl,This is a classic Music disk,take it. \n");
  11.         return NOTIFY_OK;
  12. }

  13. static struct notifier_block music_notifier =
  14. {
  15.         .notifier_call = godness_need_music,
  16.         .priority = 2,
  17. };

  18. static int __init diors_register(void)
  19. {
  20.         int err;
  21.         printk("[Diors]Diors register music_requirment response to Godness...");

  22.         err = register_godness_notifier(&music_notifier);
  23.         if (err)
  24.         {
  25.                 printk("Refused!\n");
  26.                 return -1;
  27.         }
  28.         printk("Accepted!\n");

  29.         return err;
  30. }

  31. static void __exit diors_unregister(void)
  32. {
  33.         unregister_godness_notifier(&music_notifier);
  34.         printk("[Diors]Tuhao is giving up Godness!(What a pity)\n");
  35. }

  36. module_init(diors_register);
  37. module_exit(diors_unregister);


點擊(此處)摺疊或打開 ui

  1. #Makefile for fun

  2. obj-m:=Goddess.o Tuhao.o Diors.o

  3. CURRENT_PATH := $(shell pwd)
  4. KERNEL_VERSION := $(shell uname -r)
  6. all:
  7.         make -C $(KERNEL_HEADER_DIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) modules
  8. clean:
  9.         make -C $(KERNEL_HEADER_DIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) clean


   It's time time to show :)


   OK,讓咱們總結一下Linux內核通知鏈的應用場景。若是一個子系統須要向外通告事件時,它須要首先定義本身的通知鏈對象,而後向內核裏其餘子系統 提供一個向本身的通知鏈註冊消息響應函數的接口,固然也必須 提供一個用於從本身從本身的通知鏈上卸載響應函數的接口。接下來,咱們這個子系統要作的事情就是根據本身的實際運行狀況,按期地產生一些消息,並調用本身通知鏈裏別的系統已經註冊好了消息響應函數,這樣別的子系統就能夠根據咱們這個系統的的消息類型進行一些處理動做。