vsftpd + mysql + virtual users

There was nothing Sutra on Monday, decided to write this article, how to raise the working ftp server vsftpd with users in the mysql database with encrypted passwords.OS: FreeBSD-STABLE 6/3 essence of the mechanism: vsftpd deals with pam, pam and communicate with mysql.


# Cd / usr / ports / FTP / vsftpd /  # make install clean

I put no support for SSL. They put further module pam_mysql.so


# Cd / usr / ports / Security / pam-mysql  # make install clean

After installation, makes the link

# Ln-sf / usr / local / lib / pam_mysql.so / usr / lib / pam_mysql.so

Put mysql.

# / Usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server  # make install clean

In / etc / rc.conf add:

mysql_enable = "YES" mysql_limits = "NO" mysql_dbdir = "/ var / db / mysql"

Run mysql

# / Usr / local / etc / rc.d / mysql-server start

Create a database where to store user names and passwords from users. The owner of the base vsftpd, password ftpdpass

# Mysql-u root 

CREATE DATABASE vsftpd; GRANT SELECT , INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE , CREATE , \ DROP ON vsftpd .* TO 'vsftpd' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ftpdpass'; GRANT SELECT , INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE , CREATE , \ DROP ON vsftpd .* TO 'vsftpd' @ 'localhost.localdomain' IDENTIFIED BY 'ftpdpass'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Create the table:

USE vsftpd; CREATE TABLE `accounts` ( `ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `Username` VARCHAR ( 30 ) NOT NULL, `Pass` VARCHAR ( 50 ) NOT NULL, UNIQUE ( `Username` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM; quit ; 

Next, the team # adduser create a user with similar data / etc / passwd

vsftpd: *: 1003 : 1003 : User &: / home / vsftpd: / usr / sbin / nologin

Now ftp server configuration: 
/ usr / local / etc / vsftpd.conf

anonymous_enable=NO local_enable=YES write_enable=YES local_umask=022 anon_upload_enable=NO anon_mkdir_write_enable=NO dirmessage_enable=YES xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log nopriv_user=vsftpd  chroot_local_user=YES secure_chroot_dir=/usr/local/share/vsftpd/empty listen=YES pasv_min_port=50000 pasv_max_port=50100  pam_service_name=vsftpd guest_enable=YES guest_username=vsftpd local_root=/home/vsftpd/$USER user_sub_token=$USER virtual_use_local_privs=YES user_config_dir=/usr/local/etc/vsftpd_user_conf

Next, create a directory (if honestly I do not understand why he, but it seems sonecessary)

# mkdir /usr/local/etc/vsftpd_user_conf

Create a configuration file vsftpd, pam that would be operated with the FPT server)

# ee /etc/pam.d/vsftpd

auth required pam_mysql.so user=vsftpd passwd=ftpdpass \host=localhost db=vsftpd table=accounts usercolumn=username passwdcolumn=pass crypt=2 account required pam_mysql.so user=vsftpd passwd=ftpdpass \host=localhost db=vsftpd table=accounts usercolumn=username passwdcolumn=pass crypt=2

In the file / etc / pam.d / vsftpd, make sure that would have been only two lines (the first starts with auth required, second account required), without hyphenation

Add a test user with a login and password secret testuser

#mysql -u root USE vsftpd; INSERT INTO accounts (username, pass) VALUES('testuser', PASSWORD('secret'));quit;

And a little more user rights to directories:

mkdir /home/vsftpd/testuserchown vsftpd:nogroup /home/vsftpd/testuser

Create a FTP server zagruzochnik:

# ee  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/vsftpd.sh

#!/bin/sh  echo 'vsftpd starting...' /usr/local/libexec/vsftpd &



Or you can reboot ...

PS:As I always use a firewall pf, add in / etc / pf.conf rules for ftp server:

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any port 1024:65535 to \ ваш.ip.адрес port 21 flags S/SA keep state pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any port 1024:65535 to \ ваш.ip.адрес port 50000:50100 flags S/SA keep state



in / usr / local / etc / vsftpd.conf mean that the ports are opened with 50,000 to 50,100for passive mode FTP server and can only be a maximum 100 concurrent session.

pss: User can start with a regular and phpmyadmin

Very useful: Read the original article - it was written for linupsa Dibivan :

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any port 1024:65535 to \ ваш.ip.адрес port 21 flags S/SA keep state pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any port 1024:65535 to \ ваш.ip.адрес port 50000:50100 flags S/SA keep state



in / usr / local / etc / vsftpd.conf mean that the ports are opened with 50,000 to 50,100for passive mode FTP server and can only be a maximum 100 concurrent session.

pss: User can start with a regular and phpmyadmin

Very useful: Read the original article - it was written for linupsa Dibivan

