Given a binary tree and a sum, find all root-to-leaf paths where each path's sum equals the given sum.node
Note: A leaf is a node with no children.git
Given the below binary tree and sum = 22
5 / \ 4 8 / / \ 11 13 4 / \ / \ 7 2 5 1
[ [5,4,11,2], [5,8,4,5] ]
說明: 葉子節點是指沒有子節點的節點。code
給定以下二叉樹,以及目標和 sum = 22
5 / \ 4 8 / / \ 11 13 4 / \ / \ 7 2 5 1
[ [5,4,11,2], [5,8,4,5] ]
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * public var val: Int 5 * public var left: TreeNode? 6 * public var right: TreeNode? 7 * public init(_ val: Int) { 8 * self.val = val 9 * self.left = nil 10 * self.right = nil 11 * } 12 * } 13 */ 14 class Solution { 15 func pathSum(_ root: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int) -> [[Int]] { 16 var resArray = [[Int]]() 17 if root == nil { 18 return resArray 19 } 20 21 if root?.left == nil && root?.right == nil { 22 if root!.val == sum { 23 let nodeArray = [Int](repeating:root!.val,count:1) 24 resArray.append(nodeArray) 25 } 26 return resArray 27 } 28 29 var nodeArray = [Int]() 30 helper(root,sum,&resArray,&nodeArray) 31 return resArray 32 } 33 34 func helper(_ root: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int, _ array: inout [[Int]], _ nodeArray: inout [Int]) { 35 if root == nil { 36 return 37 } 38 39 if root?.left == nil && root?.right == nil { 40 if sum-root!.val == 0 { 41 nodeArray.append(root!.val) 42 array.append(nodeArray) 43 nodeArray.remove(at:nodeArray.count-1) 44 } 45 return 46 } 47 48 nodeArray.append(root!.val) 49 helper(root?.left,sum-root!.val,&array,&nodeArray) 50 helper(root?.right,sum-root!.val,&array,&nodeArray) 51 let index = nodeArray.count - 1 52 nodeArray.remove(at:index) 53 } 54 }
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * public var val: Int 5 * public var left: TreeNode? 6 * public var right: TreeNode? 7 * public init(_ val: Int) { 8 * self.val = val 9 * self.left = nil 10 * self.right = nil 11 * } 12 * } 13 */ 14 class Solution { 15 func pathSum(_ root: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int) -> [[Int]] { 16 var ans = [[Int]]() 17 var combination = [Int]() 18 pathSum(root, sum, &combination, &ans) 19 return ans 20 } 21 22 func pathSum(_ node: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int, _ combination: inout [Int], _ ans: inout [[Int]]) { 23 guard let node = node else { return } 24 25 combination.append(node.val) 26 27 if node.left == nil && node.right == nil && (sum - node.val) == 0 { 28 ans.append(combination) 29 } 30 31 pathSum(node.left, sum - node.val, &combination, &ans) 32 pathSum(node.right, sum - node.val, &combination, &ans) 33 34 combination.removeLast() 35 } 36 }
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * public var val: Int 5 * public var left: TreeNode? 6 * public var right: TreeNode? 7 * public init(_ val: Int) { 8 * self.val = val 9 * self.left = nil 10 * self.right = nil 11 * } 12 * } 13 */ 14 class Solution { 15 func pathSum(_ root: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int) -> [[Int]] { 16 if root == nil { return []} 17 var result = [[Int]]() 18 var currentRun = [Int]() 19 checkSum(root, sum, &result, ¤tRun) 20 return result 21 22 } 23 func checkSum(_ root: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int,_ result: inout [[Int]],_ currentRun: inout [Int] ) { 24 if root == nil { return } 25 var current = currentRun 26 current.append(root!.val) 27 if sum - root!.val == 0 && root!.left == nil && root!.right == nil { 28 result.append(current) 29 return 30 } 31 checkSum(root!.left, sum - root!.val, &result, ¤t) 32 checkSum(root!.right, sum - root!.val, &result, ¤t) 33 } 34 }
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * public var val: Int 5 * public var left: TreeNode? 6 * public var right: TreeNode? 7 * public init(_ val: Int) { 8 * self.val = val 9 * self.left = nil 10 * self.right = nil 11 * } 12 * } 13 */ 14 class Solution { 15 func pathSum(_ root: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int) -> [[Int]] { 16 var paths: [[Int]] = [] 17 BFS(root, sum: sum, paths: &paths) 18 return paths 19 } 20 21 func BFS(_ root: TreeNode?, sum: Int, paths: inout [[Int]], path: [Int]? = nil) { 22 guard let root = root else { return } 23 var path: [Int] = path ?? [] 24 path.append(root.val) 25 if root.left == nil && root.right == nil { 26 if sum == path.reduce(0) { $0 + $1 } { 27 paths.append(path) 28 } 29 return 30 } 31 BFS(root.left, sum: sum, paths: &paths, path: path) 32 BFS(root.right, sum: sum, paths: &paths, path: path) 33 } 34 }
1 /** 2 * Definition for a binary tree node. 3 * public class TreeNode { 4 * public var val: Int 5 * public var left: TreeNode? 6 * public var right: TreeNode? 7 * public init(_ val: Int) { 8 * self.val = val 9 * self.left = nil 10 * self.right = nil 11 * } 12 * } 13 */ 14 class Solution { 15 func pathSum(_ root: TreeNode?, _ sum: Int) -> [[Int]] { 16 guard let root = root else { 17 return [] 18 } 19 20 if root.left == nil && root.right == nil && root.val == sum { 21 return [[sum]] 22 } 23 24 let lPathSum = pathSum(root.left, sum - root.val) 25 let rPathSum = pathSum(root.right, sum - root.val) 26 27 return (lPathSum + rPathSum).map { 28 [root.val] + $0 29 } 30 } 31 }