- select concat(id,username) str from app_user
- select id||username str from app_user
實際上就是拆分字符串的問題,可使用 substr、instr、regexp_substr函數方式
- create table test(id number,name varchar2(20));
- insert into test values(1,'a');
- insert into test values(1,'b');
- insert into test values(1,'c');
- insert into test values(2,'d');
- insert into test values(2,'e');
效果1 : 行轉列 ,默認逗號隔開
- select wm_concat(name) name from test;
效果2: 把結果裏的逗號替換成"|"
- select replace(wm_concat(name),',','|') from test;
效果3: 按ID分組合並name
- select id,wm_concat(name) name from test group by id;
- select id, max(decode(rn, 1, name, null)) || max(decode(rn, 2, ','||name, null)) || max(decode(rn, 3, ','||name, null)) str
- from (select id, name ,row_number() over(partition by id order by name) as rn from test) t group by id order by 1;
- select id, str from (select id,row_number() over(partition by id order by name) as rn,name || lead(',' || name, 1)
- over(partition by id order by name) || lead(',' || name, 2) over(partition by id order by name) || lead(',' || name, 3)
- over(partition by id order by name) as str from test) where rn = 1 order by 1;
- select id, substr(str, 2) str from test model return updated rows partition by(id) dimension by(row_number()
- over(partition by id order by name) as rn) measures (cast(name as varchar2(20)) as str) rules upsert iterate(3)
- until(presentv(str[iteration_number + 2], 1, 0)=0) (str[0] = str[0] || ',' || str[iteration_number + 1]) order by 1;
- select t.id id, max(substr(sys_connect_by_path(t.name, ','), 2)) str from (select id, name, row_number()
- over(partition by id order by name) rn from test) t start with rn = 1 connect by rn = prior rn + 1 and id = prior id
- group by t.id;
案例: 我要寫一個視圖,相似"create or replace view as select 字段1,...字段50 from tablename" ,基表有50多個字段,要是靠手工寫太麻煩了,有沒有什麼簡便的方法? 固然有了,看我若是應用wm_concat來讓這個需求變簡單,假設個人APP_USER表中有(id,username,password,age)4個字段。查詢結果以下html
- /** 這裏的表名默認區分大小寫 */
- select 'create or replace view as select '|| wm_concat(column_name) || ' from APP_USER' sqlStr
- from user_tab_columns where table_name='APP_USER';
- select * from user_tab_columns
在Oracle 11g中,Oracle 又增長了2個查詢:pivot(行轉列) 和unpivot(列轉行)oracle
google 一下,網上有一篇比較詳細的文檔:http://www.oracle-developer.net/display.php?id=506函數
pivot 列轉行
測試數據 (id,類型名稱,銷售數量),案例:根據水果的類型查詢出一條數據顯示出每種類型的銷售數量。post
- create table demo(id int,name varchar(20),nums int);
- insert into demo values(1, '蘋果', 1000);
- insert into demo values(2, '蘋果', 2000);
- insert into demo values(3, '蘋果', 4000);
- insert into demo values(4, '橘子', 5000);
- insert into demo values(5, '橘子', 3000);
- insert into demo values(6, '葡萄', 3500);
- insert into demo values(7, '芒果', 4200);
- insert into demo values(8, '芒果', 5500);
分組查詢 (固然這是不符合查詢一條數據的要求的)
- select name, sum(nums) nums from demo group by name
- select * from (select name, nums from demo) pivot (sum(nums) for name in ('蘋果' 蘋果, '橘子', '葡萄', '芒果'));
注意: pivot(聚合函數 for 列名 in(類型)) ,其中 in(‘’) 中能夠指定別名,in中還能夠指定子查詢,好比 select distinct code from customersgoogle
- select * from (select sum(nums) 蘋果 from demo where name='蘋果'),(select sum(nums) 橘子 from demo where name='橘子'),
- (select sum(nums) 葡萄 from demo where name='葡萄'),(select sum(nums) 芒果 from demo where name='芒果');
- select sum(decode(name,'蘋果',nums)) 蘋果, sum(decode(name,'橘子',nums)) 橘子,
- sum(decode(name,'葡萄',nums)) 葡萄, sum(decode(name,'芒果',nums)) 芒果 from demo
unpivot 行轉列
- create table Fruit(id int,name varchar(20), Q1 int, Q2 int, Q3 int, Q4 int);
- insert into Fruit values(1,'蘋果',1000,2000,3300,5000);
- insert into Fruit values(2,'橘子',3000,3000,3200,1500);
- insert into Fruit values(3,'香蕉',2500,3500,2200,2500);
- insert into Fruit values(4,'葡萄',1500,2500,1200,3500);
- select * from Fruit
- select id , name, jidu, xiaoshou from Fruit unpivot (xiaoshou for jidu in (q1, q2, q3, q4) )
注意: unpivot沒有聚合函數,xiaoshou、jidu字段也是臨時的變量
- select id, name ,'Q1' jidu, (select q1 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f
- union
- select id, name ,'Q2' jidu, (select q2 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f
- union
- select id, name ,'Q3' jidu, (select q3 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f
- union
- select id, name ,'Q4' jidu, (select q4 from fruit where id=f.id) xiaoshou from Fruit f