Jenkins job type: Multi-configuration project

不少時候咱們要copy n個Jenkins job去run automation project, 只由於想同時跑幾種不一樣的parameter choice. 建立一個Multi-configuration project的Jenkins job就能夠解決這個問題。 併發


  1. new item -> select "Multi-configuration project".
  2. configurate the parent job salve server label in Adanced Project Options.
  3. add "User-defined Axis" to Configuration Matrix, 把須要併發跑的parameter choice配在這裏.
  4. add "Slaves" to Configuration Matrix, 點開「Labels」選項,選擇salve server label.
  5. set Trigger for matrix projects to "Trigger for each configuration", default value is "Trigger only the parent job".
  6. 其餘配置跟以前project同樣配就能夠了.
  7. 最後run job後,會看到你設置的parameter choice對應的sub jobs都在併發run,跑完後,會收到每一個sub job本身的那份automation report email. 






默認parameter choice是併發模式跑的,但若是想一個跑完接着一個跑,就勾選「Run each configuration sequentially」 under Excecution Strategy。it
