Introduction to Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer


Windows 8應用開發權威指南》介紹

Introduction to Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer網絡

1、封面設計要求及文字  多線程

中文書名:Windows 8應用開發權威指南app

英文書名:Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developeride

I. Cover design requirements and characters工具

Book name in Chinese: Windows 8應用開發權威指南佈局

Book name in English: Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer學習


II. Content profile 測試

本書應該是目前全球範圍內最爲系統、全面、詳盡和極具實戰性的一本關於Windows應用商店應用開發的著做,書中深入地闡述了Windows應用商店應用簡潔、直觀、優雅的界面設計理念和思想,以及開發中的重點和難點。技術內容涵蓋了Visual C#JavaScriptVisual C++ 開發語言,以知足不一樣讀者羣體的需求。爲方便讀者學習,書中在講解技術重點的同時輔以完整的示例演示,使讀者可以更快地將所學知識運用到實踐開發當中,最後還針對不一樣的開發語言精心設計了三個綜合性案例,可操做性極強。動畫

This book is the most systematic, complete, detailed, and practical material for the development of Windows App Store applications all over the world. It deeply elaborates the simple, visualized, and refined interface design concepts and thoughts of Windows App Store applications as well as key points and difficulties during development. The technical contents of this book cover Visual C#, JavaScript, and Visual C++ development language to meet the demands of different reader groups. This book also presents complete demonstrations while it explains technical concepts, so that readers can apply the knowledge learned to practical development. At the final part of the book, three comprehensive cases are hereby designed carefully using different development languages with stronger operability.

全書共分21章:第1~2章首先介紹了Windows 8系統的特色、Windows應用商店應用的設計風格和思想、Windows應用商店應用的特徵,而後詳細介紹了開發Windows應用商店應用所需的開發工具及其使用方法,以後還介紹了開發者帳號的註冊、開發環境的搭建、遠程調試以及應用程序的發佈;第3章詳細講解了適用於Windows應用商店應用開發的XAML語法基礎;第4~18章則系統講解了使用Visual C#語言開發Windows應用商店應用的相關技術,包括應用控件、界面佈局與導航、數據綁定、推送通知、圖形與畫刷、多媒體、動畫效果、多線程與後臺任務、傳感器、文件與數據存儲、網絡通訊、生命週期管理、地圖應用、外部設備、全球化;第19~20章分別講解了使用JavaScriptVisual C++語言進行Windows應用商店應用開發時所使用的重要技術;第21章結合前面章節所介紹的技術知識完整的實現一個真實的Windows應用商店應用案例。

This book is divided into 21 chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 present characteristics of Windows 8 system, show the design style, concepts, and characteristics of Windows 8 App Store applications, then they detail development tools and application methods required by Windows App Store applications, and later registration of developer’s account number, establishment of development environment, remote commissioning, and release of this application program are explained. Chapter 3 explains XAML grammar basis applicable for the development of Windows App Store applications. On the other hand, chapters 4 to 18 systematically elaborate relevant technologies for the development of Windows App Store applications by Visual C# language, including application control, interface layout and navigation, data binding, propulsion notice, figure and paintbrush, multi-media, cartoon effect, multithread and background task, sensor, file and data memory, network communication, life cycle management, map application, external equipment, and globalization. Then chapters 19 to 20 respectively present important technologies adopted when Windows App Store applications are developed by JavaScript and Visual C++ languages. Finally, chapter 21 sets forth a real Windows App Store application case integrating the technical knowledge stated in the previous chapters.  



軟件開發工程師,專一於移動互聯網和雲計算,對移動終端設備應用的界面設計及自動化測試有深刻研究,熟悉Windows PhoneAndroidiOS平臺應用開發技術。




III. About the Author

Yan Yan, a development engineer, is devoted to mobile Internet and cloud computing. She deeply researches on the interface design and automatization testing of mobile terminal device applications, and she is adept with the development technologies of Windows Phone, Android, and iOS platform applications.  

Microblog:  @ Yanyan

Twitter: @finehappy.
