What Makes Buck so Fast?:介紹了BUCK如何作到性能提高c++
BUCK源碼: 裏面有源碼和大量Unit Test提供了不少示例,同時查看Issues能夠找到不少問題的解決方案git
基於Facebook Buck改造Android構建系統之初體驗shell
A build rule is a procedure for producing an output file from a set of input files.數組
A build target is a string that is used to identify a build rule in your project.app
A build file is a file named BUCK
that defines one or more build rules.iphone
apple_asset_catalog() |
沒有特定產出,能夠做爲apple_bundle()的依賴 | Contains resources stored in Apple asset catalog directories |
apple_binary() |
靜態庫:.a file | An apple_binary() rule builds a native executable from the supplied set of Objective-C/C++ source files |
apple_bundle() |
.app 或者 .appex (apple watch extension) | An apple_bundle() rule takes an Apple binary and all of the resources and asset catalogs in the rule's transitive dependencies and generates a bundle containing all of those files. |
apple_library() |
靜態庫:.a file | An apple_library() rule represents a set of Objective-C/C++ source files |
apple_package() |
ipa file | An apple_package() rule takes the output of an apple_bundle() rule and compresses it in an IPA (iOS App Store Package) file. |
apple_resource() |
This rule does not have any output on its own and can be built only as a dependency (either direct or transitive) of an apple_bundle() rule. |
An apple_resource() rule contains sets of resource directories, files and file variants that can be bundled in an application bundle. |
apple_test() |
無 | An apple_test() rule contains Objective-C/C++ code which can be built and used to test code contained in other rules. |
core_data_model() |
This rule does not have any output on its own and can be built only as a dependency (either direct or transitive) of an apple_bundle() rule, in which case all core_data_model() rules that the bundle rule depends on are merged and placed into the final output bundle together. |
An core_data_model() rule contains models for Apple's Core Data framework. |
prebuilt_apple_framework() |
無 | 引用.framework庫 |
每一個子工程的BUCK文件,負責配置build rule,生成靜態.a 文件,而後最終經過根目錄中的BUCK,來生成.ipa文件。
[cache] mode = dir [cxx] cflags = -std=gnu11 cxxflags = -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ default_platform = iphonesimulator-x86_64 combined_preprocess_and_compile = true [alias] SubProject1 = //SubProject1: SubProject1Lib SubProject2 = //SubProject2: SubProject2Lib SubProject3 = //SubProject3: SubProject3Lib SubProject4 = //SubProject4: SubProject4Lib [apple] xctool_zip_target = //third-party/ios/xctool:xctool-minimal-zip [project] ignore = .buckd, \ .hg, \ .git, \ .idea, \ buck-cache, \ buck-out, \
alias: 定義了一些build target的別名。例如CTFoundation爲例,在CTFoundation中的BUCK文件中定義了CTFoundationLib的rule,因此若是要打包CTFoundation,能夠經過別名的方式,命令以下:
# 未用別名 buck build //SubProject1:SubProject1Lib # 使用別名 buck build SubProject1
apple: 指定了xctool的文件地址。Buck的iOS打包是依賴於xctool,因此須要把xctool的相關代碼引入,具體內容能夠參考示例:
git clone git@github.com:fbsamples/bucksamples.git cd bucksamples/cross-platform-scale-2015-demo/
apple_library( name = 'SubProject1Lib', preprocessor_flags = ['-fobjc-arc','-Wno-deprecated-declarations','-fmodules'], compiler_flags = ['-Wno-objc-designated-initializers','-fembed-bitcode'], linker_flags = [ '-F$DEVELOPER_DIR/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks', '-F$DEVELOPER_DIR/../SharedFrameworks', '-F$DEVELOPER_DIR/Library/PrivateFrameworks', ], srcs = glob(['src/**/**/**/*.m',]), frameworks = [ '$SDKROOT/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework', ], exported_headers = { 'xxx1.h': './src/xxx.h', 'xxx2.h': './src/xxx2.h', ... }, #header_namespace = '', visibility = [ 'PUBLIC', ], )
經過命令 buck build CTLocation就能夠打包查看,在buck-out目錄中能夠看到生成出來的.a文件。
The set of header files that are made available for inclusion to the source files in this target and all targets that transitively depend on this one. These should be specified as either a list of header files or a dictionary of header names to header files. The header names can contain forward slashes (/
). If a list of header files is specified, the headers can be imported with #import "$HEADER_PATH_PREFIX/$HEADER_NAME"
or, if a header file that belongs to the same rule is being imported, with #import "$HEADER_NAME"
is the value of the target's header_path_prefix
attribute, and $HEADER_NAME
is the filename of the header file. If a dictionary is specified, each header can be imported with #import "$HEADER_NAME"
, where $HEADER_NAME
is the key corresponding to this file. In this case, the header_path_prefix
attribute is ignored. In either case, quotes in the import statements can be replaced with angle brackets.
使用數組的時候,其餘代碼引用是須要加上前綴例如:#import "SubProject1/xxx.h",默認前綴和apple_library的name一致,能夠經過設置header_path_prefix改變。
// BUCK配置: exported_headers = { 'xxx.h': './src/xxx.h', } // 其餘代碼引用 #import "xxx.h"
apple_resource( name = 'SubProject1Resource', files = glob(['*.png']), dirs = [], )
在iOS中,有些源代碼須要一些特殊的compiler flag,例如非ARC的源碼。在src裏面能夠進行配置:
srcs = glob(['SubProject1/**/**/**/*.m',], excludes = ['**/**/xxx1.m','**/**/xxx2.m'])+ [('src/xxx1.m', ['-Wno-shorten-64-to-32']), ('src/xxx2.m', ['-fno-objc-arc'])]
prebuilt_apple_framework( name = 'BuckTest', framework = 'BuckTest.framework', preferred_linkage = 'shared', visibility = ['PUBLIC'], )
cxx_library( name = 'lib1', srcs = [], exported_headers = { 'xxx.h': 'libs/xxx.h', }, visibility = ['PUBLIC'], ) apple_library( name = 'SubProject1Lib', deps = [':lib1'], ... libraries = [ 'libs/xxx.a', ],