CPU --> cache --> 存儲
所謂理想很豐滿,現實很骨感。這種計算體系有一個重要的問題須要解決,那就是:緩存一致性(cache coherence)問題。在現代的計算機系統中,主要都是多核系統爲主。在這些計算機系統中,每個CPU都擁有本身獨立的高速緩存,可是由於主存只有一個,所以他們之間只能共享,這種系統也被稱爲:共享內存多核系統(Shared-Menory multiprocessors System)。服務器
同時爲了保證CPU數據存儲的一致性,須要定義一個統一的緩存一致性協議,這類協議有不少,例如:MSI、MESI、MOSI、Synapse、Firefly以及Dragon Protocol等等。因此,一般狀況下,共享內存多核系統的架構以下:網絡
除了使用高速cache來緩存CPU和存儲設備之間的速度鴻溝,爲了可以充分利用多核CPU的處理性能,處理在實際執行機器指令時並不必定會按照程序設定的指令順序執行,可能存在代碼亂序執行(Out-Of_Order Execution)優化。可是,僅僅只是在代碼層面上亂序執行,系統會保證執行的結果邏輯正確,從宏觀上看就好像是順序執行同樣。架構
/* Make sure registerNatives is the first thing <clinit> does. */ private static native void registerNatives(); static { registerNatives(); }
static JNINativeMethod methods[] = { {"start0", "()V", (void *)&JVM_StartThread}, {"stop0", "(" OBJ ")V", (void *)&JVM_StopThread}, {"isAlive", "()Z", (void *)&JVM_IsThreadAlive}, {"suspend0", "()V", (void *)&JVM_SuspendThread}, {"resume0", "()V", (void *)&JVM_ResumeThread}, {"setPriority0", "(I)V", (void *)&JVM_SetThreadPriority}, {"yield", "()V", (void *)&JVM_Yield}, {"sleep", "(J)V", (void *)&JVM_Sleep}, {"currentThread", "()" THD, (void *)&JVM_CurrentThread}, {"countStackFrames", "()I", (void *)&JVM_CountStackFrames}, {"interrupt0", "()V", (void *)&JVM_Interrupt}, {"isInterrupted", "(Z)Z", (void *)&JVM_IsInterrupted}, {"holdsLock", "(" OBJ ")Z", (void *)&JVM_HoldsLock}, {"getThreads", "()[" THD, (void *)&JVM_GetAllThreads}, {"dumpThreads", "([" THD ")[[" STE, (void *)&JVM_DumpThreads}, {"setNativeName", "(" STR ")V", (void *)&JVM_SetNativeThreadName}, }; JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_java_lang_Thread_registerNatives(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) { (*env)->RegisterNatives(env, cls, methods, ARRAY_LENGTH(methods)); }
/* * used in RegisterNatives to describe native method name, signature, * and function pointer. */ typedef struct { char *name; char *signature; void *fnPtr; } JNINativeMethod;
JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_StartThread(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread)) JVMWrapper("JVM_StartThread"); JavaThread *native_thread = NULL; // We cannot hold the Threads_lock when we throw an exception, // due to rank ordering issues. Example: we might need to grab the // Heap_lock while we construct the exception. bool throw_illegal_thread_state = false; // We must release the Threads_lock before we can post a jvmti event // in Thread::start. { // Ensure that the C++ Thread and OSThread structures aren't freed before // we operate. MutexLocker mu(Threads_lock); // Since JDK 5 the java.lang.Thread threadStatus is used to prevent // re-starting an already started thread, so we should usually find // that the JavaThread is null. However for a JNI attached thread // there is a small window between the Thread object being created // (with its JavaThread set) and the update to its threadStatus, so we // have to check for this if (java_lang_Thread::thread(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jthread)) != NULL) { throw_illegal_thread_state = true; } else { // We could also check the stillborn flag to see if this thread was already stopped, but // for historical reasons we let the thread detect that itself when it starts running jlong size = java_lang_Thread::stackSize(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jthread)); // Allocate the C++ Thread structure and create the native thread. The // stack size retrieved from java is 64-bit signed, but the constructor takes // size_t (an unsigned type), which may be 32 or 64-bit depending on the platform. // - Avoid truncating on 32-bit platforms if size is greater than UINT_MAX. // - Avoid passing negative values which would result in really large stacks. NOT_LP64(if (size > SIZE_MAX) size = SIZE_MAX;) size_t sz = size > 0 ? (size_t) size : 0; // 重點看這裏!!! native_thread = new JavaThread(&thread_entry, sz); // At this point it may be possible that no osthread was created for the // JavaThread due to lack of memory. Check for this situation and throw // an exception if necessary. Eventually we may want to change this so // that we only grab the lock if the thread was created successfully - // then we can also do this check and throw the exception in the // JavaThread constructor. if (native_thread->osthread() != NULL) { // Note: the current thread is not being used within "prepare". native_thread->prepare(jthread); } } } if (throw_illegal_thread_state) { THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalThreadStateException()); } assert(native_thread != NULL, "Starting null thread?"); if (native_thread->osthread() == NULL) { // No one should hold a reference to the 'native_thread'. native_thread->smr_delete(); if (JvmtiExport::should_post_resource_exhausted()) { JvmtiExport::post_resource_exhausted( JVMTI_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED_OOM_ERROR | JVMTI_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED_THREADS, os::native_thread_creation_failed_msg()); } THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_OutOfMemoryError(), os::native_thread_creation_failed_msg()); } Thread::start(native_thread); JVM_END
JavaThread::JavaThread(ThreadFunction entry_point, size_t stack_sz) : Thread() { initialize(); _jni_attach_state = _not_attaching_via_jni; set_entry_point(entry_point); // Create the native thread itself. // %note runtime_23 os::ThreadType thr_type = os::java_thread; thr_type = entry_point == &compiler_thread_entry ? os::compiler_thread : os::java_thread; // 經過 os 類的 create_thread 函數來建立一個線程 os::create_thread(this, thr_type, stack_sz); // The _osthread may be NULL here because we ran out of memory (too many threads active). // We need to throw and OutOfMemoryError - however we cannot do this here because the caller // may hold a lock and all locks must be unlocked before throwing the exception (throwing // the exception consists of creating the exception object & initializing it, initialization // will leave the VM via a JavaCall and then all locks must be unlocked). // // The thread is still suspended when we reach here. Thread must be explicit started // by creator! Furthermore, the thread must also explicitly be added to the Threads list // by calling Threads:add. The reason why this is not done here, is because the thread // object must be fully initialized (take a look at JVM_Start) }
bool os::create_thread(Thread* thread, ThreadType thr_type, size_t req_stack_size) { ... // init thread attributes pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); // Calculate stack size if it's not specified by caller. size_t stack_size = os::Posix::get_initial_stack_size(thr_type, req_stack_size); // In the Linux NPTL pthread implementation the guard size mechanism // is not implemented properly. The posix standard requires adding // the size of the guard pages to the stack size, instead Linux // takes the space out of 'stacksize'. Thus we adapt the requested // stack_size by the size of the guard pages to mimick proper // behaviour. However, be careful not to end up with a size // of zero due to overflow. Don't add the guard page in that case. size_t guard_size = os::Linux::default_guard_size(thr_type); if (stack_size <= SIZE_MAX - guard_size) { stack_size += guard_size; } assert(is_aligned(stack_size, os::vm_page_size()), "stack_size not aligned"); int status = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stack_size); assert_status(status == 0, status, "pthread_attr_setstacksize"); // Configure glibc guard page. pthread_attr_setguardsize(&attr, os::Linux::default_guard_size(thr_type)); ... pthread_t tid; // 建立並啓動線程 int ret = pthread_create(&tid, &attr, (void* (*)(void*)) thread_native_entry, thread); ... }
這個函數比較長,這裏就省略部分,只保留和線程建立啓動相關的部分,能夠看到,在linux平臺上,JVM的線程是經過大名鼎鼎的pthread庫來建立啓動線程的,這裏須要注意的是,在指定線程棧大小的時候,並非程序員指定多少就是多少,而是要根據系統平臺的限制來綜合決定的。咱們也能夠得出結論,Java Thread在底層對應一個pthread線程。咱們看下pthread建立並啓動線程的接口:
int thread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg);
// Thread start routine for all newly created threads static void *thread_native_entry(Thread *thread) { ... // call one more level start routine thread->run(); ... }
// The first routine called by a new Java thread void JavaThread::run() { ... // We call another function to do the rest so we are sure that the stack addresses used // from there will be lower than the stack base just computed thread_main_inner(); }
void JavaThread::thread_main_inner() { assert(JavaThread::current() == this, "sanity check"); assert(this->threadObj() != NULL, "just checking"); // Execute thread entry point unless this thread has a pending exception // or has been stopped before starting. // Note: Due to JVM_StopThread we can have pending exceptions already! if (!this->has_pending_exception() && !java_lang_Thread::is_stillborn(this->threadObj())) { { ResourceMark rm(this); this->set_native_thread_name(this->get_thread_name()); } HandleMark hm(this); // 這裏開始調用 java thread 的 run 方法啦~~~ this->entry_point()(this, this); } DTRACE_THREAD_PROBE(stop, this); // java 中的 run 方法執行完畢了,這裏須要退出線程並清理資源 this->exit(false); // delete cpp 的對象 this->smr_delete(); }
能夠看到,Java Thread中的run方法就是在this->entry_point()(this,this);這裏調用的。看這裏的調用方式就知道,entry_point()返回的是一個函數指針,而後直接調用,entry_point函數實現以下:
ThreadFunction entry_point() const { return _entry_point; }