<div id="advanced"> <input type="button" value="log(x)" title="以e爲底的對數"> <input type="button" value="sqrt(x)" title="x的平方根"> <input type="button" value="pow(x,y)" title="x的y次冪"> <input type="button" value="abs(x)" title="x的絕對值"> <input type="button" value="ceil(x)" title="向上取整"> <input type="button" value="log10(x)" title="以10爲底的對數"> <input type="button" value="cbrt(x)" title="x的立方根"> <input type="button" value="exp(x)" title="e的x次冪"> <input type="button" value="round(x)" title="四捨五入"> <input type="button" value="floor(x)" title="向下取整"> </div> <div id="simple"> <input type="button" value="("> <input type="button" value=")"> <input type="button" value="%" title="求餘數"> <input type="button" value="/" title="除法"> <input type="button" value="↑" title="上一條表達式"> <input type="button" value="7"> <input type="button" value="8"> <input type="button" value="9"> <input type="button" value="*" title="乘法"> <input type="button" value="←" title="刪除最後一個字符"> <input type="button" value="4"> <input type="button" value="5"> <input type="button" value="6"> <input type="button" value="-" title="減法"> <input id="CE" type="button" value="CE" title="清除表達式"> <input type="button" value="1"> <input type="button" value="2"> <input type="button" value="3"> <input type="button" value="+" title="加法"> <input id="calc" type="button" value="=" title="計算結果"> <input id="zero" type="button" value="0"> <input type="button" value="00"> <input type="button" value="."> </div>
var sPos = exp.selectionStart; var cursorPos = sPos; var s = exp.value; var btn = this.value.substr(0,this.value.lastIndexOf('x')); exp.value = s.substring(0, sPos) + btn + s.substring(sPos, s.length);
// exp 爲輸入框 var len = exp.value.length; var lastch = exp.value[len - 1]; while (lastch >= 'a' && lastch <= 'z' || lastch >= 'A' && lastch <= 'Z' || escape(exp.value).indexOf("%u") >= 0) { exp.value = exp.value.substring(0, len - 1); len = exp.value.length; lastch = exp.value[len - 1]; }
var reg = new RegExp("[a-z]{2,}", "g"); var res = exp.value.match(reg); //regular expression to find function name if (exp.value.indexOf("//") >= 0 || exp.value.indexOf("*/") >= 0) throw "Invalid"; //If use eval, // and /**/ will be comment if (res != null) { // replace function name xxx with Math.xxx res.sort(); while (res.length) { reg = RegExp(res[0], "g"); exp.value = exp.value.replace(reg, "Math." + res[0]); res.splice(0, res.lastIndexOf(res[0]) + 1); } }