- 若是構建定義中包含多個項目,key在每一個項目中能夠有不一樣的值。
- 針對main源碼和測試源碼,若是想用不一樣的方式編譯他們,compile鍵能夠有不一樣的值。
- 打包class文件(package-bin)或打包源碼(package-src),package-options鍵(包含建立jar包的選項)能夠有不一樣的值。
Scope axes
scope axis是一種類型,這種類型的每個實例均可以定義自身的做用域(就是說,對於keys,每一個實例都擁有本身的惟一值)
有三個scope axes:
- Projects
- Configurations
- Tasks
project axis範圍界定
project axis也能夠設爲"entire build",這樣setting應用於entire build而非單一項目。當一個項目沒有定義特定項目setting,構建級別settings一般用做後備。
configuration axis範圍界定
- Compile 定義了main構建(src/main/scala)
- Test 定義瞭如何構建測試(src/test/scala)
- Runtime 定義了run任務的classpath
task axis範圍界定
各類各樣的打包任務(package-src, package-bin, package-doc)能夠共享與打包相關的key,好比artifact-name和package-options。這些key對於每一個打包任務能夠有不一樣的值。
每一個scope axis能夠被axis類型的實例填充(例如task axis能夠被任務填充),或被特殊值Global填充。
Global意味着你所指望的:setting的值應用於全部axis的實例。例如若是task axis是Global,那麼這個setting將應用於全部任務。
你能夠用inspect命令來查看一個key的回調搜索路徑(fallback search path)或「delegates」,以下所述。
Referring to scoped keys when running sbt
- {<build-uri>}<project-id> 標識project axis。若是project axis有「完整構建(entire build)」做用域,<project-id>部分將丟失。
- config 標識configuration axis。
- intask 標識task axis。
- key 標識key存在做用域(identifies the key being scoped)。
* 能夠爲每個axis顯示,參考Global做用域。
- 若是省略項目,將使用當前項目
- 若是省略configuration或task,一個依賴鍵configuration會被自動發現。
Examples of scoped key notation
- full-classpath: just a key, so the default scopes are used: current project, a key-dependent configuration, and global task scope.
- test:full-classpath: specifies the configuration, so this is full-classpath in the test configuration, with defaults for the other two scope axes.
- *:full-classpath: specifies Global for the configuration, rather than the default configuration.
- doc::full-classpath: specifies the full-classpath key scoped to the doc task, with the defaults for the project and configuration axes.
- {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a/test:full-classpath specifies a project, {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a, where the project is identified with the build {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/} and then a project id inside that build default-aea33a. Also specifies configuration test, but leaves the default task axis.
- {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}/test:full-classpath sets the project axis to "entire build" where the build is {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}
- {.}/test:full-classpath sets the project axis to "entire build" where the build is {.}. {.} can be written ThisBuild in Scala code.
- {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}/compile:doc::full-classpath sets all three scope axes.
Inspecting scopes
In sbt's interactive mode, you can use the inspect command to understand keys and their scopes. Try inspect test:full-classpath:
$ sbt
> inspect test:full-classpath
[info] Task: scala.collection.Seq[sbt.Attributed[java.io.File]]
[info] Description:
[info] The exported classpath, consisting of build products and unmanaged and managed, internal and external dependencies.
[info] Provided by:
[info] {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a/test:full-classpath
[info] Dependencies:
[info] test:exported-products
[info] test:dependency-classpath
[info] Reverse dependencies:
[info] test:run-main
[info] test:run
[info] test:test-loader
[info] test:console
[info] Delegates:
[info] test:full-classpath
[info] runtime:full-classpath
[info] compile:full-classpath
[info] *:full-classpath
[info] {.}/test:full-classpath
[info] {.}/runtime:full-classpath
[info] {.}/compile:full-classpath
[info] {.}/*:full-classpath
[info] */test:full-classpath
[info] */runtime:full-classpath
[info] */compile:full-classpath
[info] */*:full-classpath
[info] Related:
[info] compile:full-classpath
[info] compile:full-classpath(for doc)
[info] test:full-classpath(for doc)
[info] runtime:full-classpath
On the first line, you can see this is a task (as opposed to a setting, as explained in .sbt build definition). The value resulting from the task will have type scala.collection.Seq[sbt.Attributed[java.io.File]].
"Provided by" points you to the scoped key that defines the value, in this case {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a/test:full-classpath (which is the full-classpath key scoped to the test configuration and the {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}default-aea33a project).
"Dependencies" may not make sense yet; stay tuned for the next page.
You can also see the delegates; if the value were not defined, sbt would search through:
- two other configurations (runtime:full-classpath, compile:full-classpath). In these scoped keys, the project is unspecified meaning "current project" and the task is unspecified meaning Global
- configuration set to Global (*:full-classpath), since project is still unspecified it's "current project" and task is still unspecified so Global
- project set to {.} or ThisBuild (meaning the entire build, no specific project)
- project axis set to Global (*/test:full-classpath) (remember, an unspecified project means current, so searching Global here is new; i.e. * and "no project shown" are different for the project axis; i.e. */test:full-classpath is not the same as test:full-classpath)
- both project and configuration set to Global (*/*:full-classpath) (remember that unspecified task means Global already, so */*:full-classpath uses Global for all three axes)
Try inspect full-classpath (as opposed to the above example, inspect test:full-classpath) to get a sense of the difference. Because the configuration is omitted, it is autodetected as compile. inspect compile:full-classpath should therefore look the same as inspect full-classpath.
Try inspect *:full-classpath for another contrast. full-classpath is not defined in the Global configuration by default.
Again, for more details, see Interacting with the Configuration System.
Referring to scopes in a build definition
若是你在build.sbt中用一個空鍵(a bare key)建立一個setting,他將適用於當前項目,Global配置(configuration Global)和Global任務(task Global):
key有一個重載的方法in用於設置做用域。in的參數能夠是任何一個scope axes的實例。例如,雖然你沒有真正理由這麼作,你能夠設置Compile配置範圍限定的name:
name in Compile := "hello"
name in packageBin := "hello"
或者你可使用多個scope axes設置name,例如在packageBin任務和Compile配置中。
name in (Compile, packageBin) := "hello"
name in Global := "hello"
(name in Global implicitly converts the scope axis Global to a scope with all axes set to Global; the task and configuration are already Global by default, so here the effect is to make the project Global, that is, define */*:name rather than
要改變compile鍵關聯的值,你須要寫compile in Compile或compile in Test。用普通的compile將定義一個新的compile任務,並範圍限定於當前項目,而不是覆蓋標準compile任務(範圍限定於一個configuration的)。
Reference to undefined setting」這樣的錯誤,一般是你指定做用域失敗,或指定一個錯誤的做用域。你正在使用的key可能定義在其餘做用域,sbt將嘗試給出建議,做爲錯誤消息的一部分(sbt will try to suggest what you meant as part of the error message);尋找「Did you mean compile:compile?」
一種記住它的方式是,name僅僅是一個鍵的一部分。實際上,全部的key既包含name,也有做用域(做用域有3個axes)。換句話說,完整的表達式packageOptions in (Compile, packageBin)是一個鍵名。簡單的packageOptions也是一個鍵名,但卻不是同一個(對於沒有in的key,做用域隱式假定爲:當前項目,全局配置,全局任務)。 html
這篇怎麼全是字啊,沒幾句代碼,沒咋看懂都,湊合這樣吧。等啥時候我把這塊理解了,再回頭好好看看這些翻譯。中間一大段懶得翻譯,由於不知道它在說啥... java