if 若是 elif 那麼 else 其他ide
# 語法1 # if 條件: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... cls='human' sex='female' age=18 if cls == 'human' and sex == 'female' and age > 16 and age < 22: print('開始表白') print('end....') # # # 語法2 # if 條件: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # else: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... cls='human' sex='female' age=38 if cls == 'human' and sex == 'female' and age > 16 and age < 22: print('開始表白') else: print('阿姨好') print('end....') # 語法3 # if 條件1: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # elif 條件2: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # elif 條件3: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # ............ # else: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... ''' 若是:成績>=90,那麼:優秀 若是成績>=80且<90,那麼:良好 若是成績>=70且<80,那麼:普通 其餘狀況:不好 ''' score=input('your score: ') #score='73' score=int(score) #score=73 if score >= 90: print('優秀') elif score >= 80: print('良好') elif score >= 70: print('普通') else: print('不好') user_from_db='egon' pwd_from_db='123' user_from_inp=input('username>>>: ') pwd_from_inp=input('password>>>: ') if user_from_inp == user_from_db and pwd_from_inp == pwd_from_db: print('login successfull') else: print('user or password error') #if的嵌套 cls='human' sex='female' age=18 is_success=False if cls == 'human' and sex == 'female' and age > 16 and age < 22: print('開始表白...') if is_success: print('在一塊兒') else: print('我逗你玩呢....') else: print('阿姨好') print('end....')
while + 條件: code
while+else: else(其他)只有在整個循環結束後,纔會進行判斷;只有while循環在沒有被break結束掉的狀況下才會執行else中的代碼for循環
#while語法,while循環又稱爲條件循環 # while 條件: # code1 # code2 # code3 # .... # user_db='egon' # pwd_db='123' # # while True: # inp_user=input('username>>: ') # inp_pwd=input('password>>: ') # if inp_user == user_db and inp_pwd == pwd_db: # print('login successfull') # else: # print('user or password error') #2 while+break:break的意思是終止掉當前層的循環,.執行其餘代碼 # while True: # print('1') # print('2') # break # print('3') # user_db='egon' # pwd_db='123' # # while True: # inp_user=input('username>>: ') # inp_pwd=input('password>>: ') # if inp_user == user_db and inp_pwd == pwd_db: # print('login successfull') # break # else: # print('user or password error') # print('其餘代碼') #3 while+continue:continue的意思是終止掉本次循環,.直接進入下一次循環 #ps:記住continue必定不要加到循環體最後一步執行的代碼 # n=1 # while n <= 10: # # if n == 8: # n += 1 #n=9 # continue # print(n) # n+=1 #n=11 # while True: # if 條件1: # code1 # code2 # code3 # continue #無心義 # elif 條件1: # code1 # continue #有意義 # code2 # code3 # elif 條件1: # code1 # code2 # code3 # continue #無心義 # .... # else: # code1 # code2 # code3 # continue #無心義 #while循環嵌套 user_db='egon' pwd_db='123' while True: inp_user=input('username>>: ') inp_pwd=input('password>>: ') if inp_user == user_db and inp_pwd == pwd_db: print('login successfull') while True: cmd=input('請輸入你要執行的命令: ') if cmd == 'q': break print('%s 功能執行...' %cmd) break else: print('user or password error') print('end....') #while+tag user_db='egon' pwd_db='123' tag=True while tag: inp_user=input('username>>: ') inp_pwd=input('password>>: ') if inp_user == user_db and inp_pwd == pwd_db: print('login successfull') while tag: cmd=input('請輸入你要執行的命令: ') if cmd == 'q': tag=False else: print('%s 功能執行...' %cmd) else: print('user or password error') print('end....') # 語法1 # if 條件: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... cls='human' sex='female' age=18 if cls == 'human' and sex == 'female' and age > 16 and age < 22: print('開始表白') print('end....') # # # 語法2 # if 條件: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # else: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... cls='human' sex='female' age=38 if cls == 'human' and sex == 'female' and age > 16 and age < 22: print('開始表白') else: print('阿姨好') print('end....') # 語法3 # if 條件1: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # elif 條件2: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # elif 條件3: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... # ............ # else: # 代碼1 # 代碼2 # 代碼3 # ... user_from_db='egon' pwd_from_db='123' user_from_inp=input('username>>>: '#while+else (***) n=1 while n < 5: # if n == 3: # break print(n) n+=1 else: print('在整個循環結束後,會進行判斷:只有while循環在沒有被break結束掉的狀況下才會執行else中的代碼')
len的意思是統計長度 for x in range for x in range +break for x in range+continue for x in range+else event