--取出集合;長度 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_all list_nested := list_nested('a','b','c','d','c','d'); begin dbms_output.put_line('list leng :' || cardinality(v_all)); end; / --從集合中取出取消重複的元素 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_all list_nested := list_nested('a','b','c','d','c','d'); begin dbms_output.put_line('list leng :' || cardinality((set(v_all)))); end; / --判斷集合是否爲空 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_allA list_nested := list_nested('shanghai','beijing','changan'); v_allB list_nested := list_nested('shanghai'); begin if v_allA is not empty then dbms_output.put_line('v_allA not null!'); end if; if v_allB is empty then dbms_output.put_line('v_allB is null!'); else dbms_output.put_line('v_allB not null!!'); end if; end; / --判斷字符是否存在 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_allA list_nested := list_nested('shanghai','beijing','changan'); v_allB list_nested := list_nested('shanghai'); v_str varchar2(20) := 'shanghai'; begin if v_str member of v_allA then dbms_output.put_line('shanghai value is exists'); end if; end; /( --使用for循環遍歷集合的每個元素; 取出list中交集 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_allA list_nested := list_nested('shanghai','beijing','hunan'); v_allB list_nested := list_nested('Java','beijing','tianjing'); v_newlist list_nested ; BEGIN v_newlist := v_allA multiset except v_allB; for x in 1 .. v_newlist.count loop dbms_output.put_line(v_newlist(x)); end loop; end; / --使用for循環遍歷集合的每個元素; 取出集合中全部的元素 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_allA list_nested := list_nested('shanghai','beijing','hunan'); v_allB list_nested := list_nested('Java','beijing','tianjing'); v_newlist list_nested ; BEGIN v_newlist := v_allA multiset union v_allB; for x in 1 .. v_newlist.count loop dbms_output.put_line(v_newlist(x)); end loop; end; / 判斷集合是否爲集合 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_allA list_nested := list_nested('shanghai','beijing','Java'); begin if v_allA is A set then dbms_output.put_line('v_allA is list'); end if; end; / declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_allA varchar2(20) := 'a'; begin if v_allA is A set then dbms_output.put_line('v_allA is list'); end if; end; / --判斷B是否爲A的子集合 declare type list_nested is table of varchar2(50) not null; v_allA list_nested := list_nested('shanghai','beijing','hunan','Java'); v_allB list_nested := list_nested('Java','beijing'); BEGIN if v_allB submultiset v_allA then dbms_output.put_line('v_allB is v_allA submultiset'); end if; end; /
--集合的異常處理; --理解集合異常的纏身及處理操做; 全部異常捕獲都可以使用others進行捕獲; DECLARE type list_varray is varray(8) of varchar2(50); v_info list_varray; --此時的集合變量沒有初始化 BEGIN v_info(0) := 10; --此集合未初始化,因此會存在錯誤, exception when collection_is_null then dbms_output.put_line('The error collection is not initialized'); END; / DECLARE type list_varray is varray(8) of varchar2(50); v_info list_varray := list_varray('shanghai','changan','facebook'); BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(v_info(5)); exception when subscript_beyond_count then dbms_output.put_line('索引值超過定義的元素個數!!'); end; / DECLARE type list_varray is varray(8) of varchar2(50); v_info list_varray := list_varray('shanghai','changan','facebook'); BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(v_info('1')); dbms_output.put_line(v_info('a')); exception when value_error then dbms_output.put_line('索引值類型錯誤'); end; / declare type info_index is table of varchar2(100) index by PLS_INTEGER; v_info info_index; begin v_info(1) := 'fireof'; v_info(2) := 'firefox.com'; v_info(3) := 'www.firefox.com'; v_info.delete(1); dbms_output.put_line(v_info(1)); dbms_output.put_line(v_info(2)); dbms_output.put_line(v_info(3)); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('data not found !!!'); end; /