
Best Practices

1) SPA Is Your Friend

First and foremost - your Cordova applications should adopt the SPA (Single Page Application) design. Loosely defined, a SPA is a client-side application that is run from one request of a web page. The user loads an initial set of resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and further updates (showing a new view, loading data) is done via AJAX. SPAs are commonly used for more complex client-side applications. GMail is a great example of this. After you load GMail, mail views, editing, and organization are all done by updating the DOM instead of actually leaving the current page to load a completely new one.html

Using a SPA can help you organize your application in a more efficient manner, but it also has specific benefits for Cordova applications. A Cordova application must wait for the deviceready event to fire before any plugins may be used. If you do not use a SPA, and your user clicks to go from one page to another, you will have to wait for deviceready to fire again before you make use of a plugin. This is easy to forget as your application gets larger.react

Even if you choose not to use Cordova, creating a mobile application without using a single page architecture will have serious performance implications. This is because navigating between pages will require scripts, assets, etc., to be reloaded. Even if these assets are cached, there will still be performance issues.jquery

Examples of SPA libraries you can use in your Cordova applications are:git

And many, many, more.

2) Performance Considerations

One of the biggest mistakes a new Cordova developer can make is to assume that the performance they get on a desktop machine is the same they will get on a mobile device. While our mobile devices have gotten more powerful every year, they still lack the power and performance of a desktop. Mobile devices typically have much less RAM and a GPU that is a far cry from their desktop (or even laptop) brethren. A full list of tips here would be too much, but here are a few things to keep in mind (with a list of longer resources at the end for further research).

Click versus Touch - The biggest and simplest mistake you can make is to use click events. While these "work" just fine on mobile, most devices impose a 300ms delay on them in order to distinguish between a touch and a touch "hold" event. Using touchstart, or touchend, will result in a dramatic improvement - 300ms doesn't sound like much, but it can result in jerky UI updates and behavior. You should also consider the fact that 「touch」 events are not supported on non-webkit browsers, see CanIUse. In order to deal with these limitations, you can checkout various libraries like HandJS and Fastouch.

CSS Transitions versus DOM Manipulation - Using hardware accelerated CSS transitions will be dramatically better than using JavaScript to create animations. See the list of resources at the end of this section for examples.

Networks Suck - Ok, networks don't always suck, but the latency of mobile networks, even good mobile networks, is far worse than you probably think. A desktop app that slurps down 500 rows of JSON data, every 30 seconds, will be both slower on a mobile device as well as a battery hog. Keep in mind that Cordova apps have multiple ways to persist data in the app (LocalStorage and the file system for example). Cache that data locally and be cognizant of the amount of data you are sending back and forth. This is an especially important consideration when your application is connected over a cellular network.

Additional Performance Articles and Resources

3) Recognize and Handle Offline Status

See the previous tip about networks. Not only can you be on a slow network, it is entirely possible for your application to be completely offline. Your application should handle this in an intelligent manner. If your application does not, people will think your application is broken. Given how easy it is to handle (Cordova supports listening for both an offline and online event), there is absolutely no reason for your application to not respond well when run offline. Be sure to test (see the Testing section below) your application and be sure to test how your application handles when you start in one state and then switch to another.

Note that the online and offline events, as well as the Network Connection API is not perfect. You may need to rely on using an XHR request to see if the device is truly offline or online. At the end of the day, be sure add some form of support for network issues - in fact, the Apple store (and probably other stores) will reject apps that don’t properly handle offline/online states. For more discussion on this topic, see "Is This Thing On?"
