Guava BiMap AbstractBiMap


BiMap是一個結構,他定義了一個Map結構,表明這個Map的key和value都具備惟一性, 而且能夠生成相互聯繫的反向視圖, 反向視圖的數據會隨着本體BiMap的變動而變動java

 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * A bimap (or "bidirectional map") is a map that preserves the uniqueness of
 * its values as well as that of its keys. This constraint enables bimaps to
 * support an "inverse view", which is another bimap containing the same entries
 * as this bimap but with reversed keys and values.
 * bimap (或者叫作 "bidirectional map") 是指一個map同時保證了values和keys的惟一性.
 * 這種約束容許bimap支持逆視圖, 也就是另外一個bimap和它擁有相同的entry, 可是這些entry的value和key對換
 * <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href=
 * "">
 * {@code BiMap}</a>.
 * @author Kevin Bourrillion
 * @since 2.0 (imported from Google Collections Library)
public interface BiMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
    // Modification Operations

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is already bound to a
     *     different key in this bimap. The bimap will remain unmodified in this
     *     event. To avoid this exception, call {@link #forcePut} instead.
     * 若是給定的value已經存在不一樣的key中則會拋出IllegalArgumentException.在這種狀況下
     * bimap會保持不變你能夠調用 forcePut 來避免這個exception
    V put(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value);

     * An alternate form of {@code put} that silently removes any existing entry
     * with the value {@code value} before proceeding with the {@link #put}
     * operation. If the bimap previously contained the provided key-value
     * mapping, this method has no effect.
     * put 的替代方法, 在put以前他會強制移除和你想插入的value同樣的entry.若是bimap已經包含了提供的
     * key-value映射, 那麼這個方法無效.
     * <p>Note that a successful call to this method could cause the size of the
     * bimap to increase by one, stay the same, or even decrease by one.
     * 注意對這個方法成功的調用會致使一個bimap的size +1, 不變, 甚至-1 (當bimap裏存在(k1, v1)
     * (k2, v2))而你打算forcePut(k1, v2),那麼 (k1, v1) (k2, v2) 都會被刪除
     * <p><b>Warning:</b> If an existing entry with this value is removed, the key
     * for that entry is discarded and not returned.
     * 警告: 加入一個指定value已經存在的entry被刪除,那麼這個entry的key會被丟棄且不會被返回
     * @param key the key with which the specified value is to be associated
     * @param value the value to be associated with the specified key
     * @return the value which was previously associated with the key, which may
     *     be {@code null}, or {@code null} if there was no previous entry
     *     返回原來和這個key關聯的value, 若是原來這個key對應的entry不存在則返回null
    V forcePut(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value);

    // Bulk Operations
    // 擴容操做

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p><b>Warning:</b> the results of calling this method may vary depending on
     * the iteration order of {@code map}.
     * 警告: 這個方法的調用結果可能很是依賴於map的遍歷順序
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an attempt to {@code put} any
     *     entry fails. Note that some map entries may have been added to the
     *     bimap before the exception was thrown.
     *     任何put操做失敗都會拋出一個IllegalArgumentException. 注意有些map entry可能
     *     在異常拋出以前已經被加到bimap裏了
    void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map);

    // Views

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>Because a bimap has unique values, this method returns a {@link Set},
     * instead of the {@link java.util.Collection} specified in the {@link Map}
     * interface.
     * 因爲一個bimap的value具備惟一性,這個方法返回一個set而不是返回一個由map接口指定的collection
    Set<V> values();

     * Returns the inverse view of this bimap, which maps each of this bimap's
     * values to its associated key. The two bimaps are backed by the same data;
     * any changes to one will appear in the other.
     * 返回一個bimap的反序視圖 -- 一個將原來的bimap的value映射到key的map, 這兩個bimaps有相同
     * 的數據組成. 任何對其中一個的修改將會致使另外一個的修改
     * <p><b>Note:</b>There is no guaranteed correspondence between the iteration
     * order of a bimap and that of its inverse.
     *提示: bimap的和它的反序視圖之間的遍歷順序是沒有保證的
     * @return the inverse view of this bimap
     * 返回bimap的反序視圖
    BiMap<V, K> inverse();



AbstractBiMap實現了BiMap接口, 把BiMap的方法實現了一遍. 其中最主要的原理是使用forward和backward來表示兩個kv相互對調的Map來構造AbstractBiMap,而後AbstractBiMap內部用express

    private transient Map<K, V> delegate;
    transient AbstractBiMap<V, K> inverse;

delegate表示的正向的Map, inverse表示的反向Map, 他們的關係就像是一個相互死循環,代碼分析以下apache

 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * A general-purpose bimap implementation using any two backing {@code Map}
 * instances.
 * 一個由任意兩個Map實例支持的通用bimap
 * <p>Note that this class contains {@code equals()} calls that keep it from
 * supporting {@code IdentityHashMap} backing maps.
 * @author Kevin Bourrillion
 * @author Mike Bostock
@GwtCompatible(emulated = true)
abstract class AbstractBiMap<K, V> extends ForwardingMap<K, V>
        implements BiMap<K, V>, Serializable {

    private transient Map<K, V> delegate;
    transient AbstractBiMap<V, K> inverse;

    /** Package-private constructor for creating a map-backed bimap. */
    /** 用來建立一個map-backed的bimap包私有構造器 */
    AbstractBiMap(Map<K, V> forward, Map<V, K> backward) {
        setDelegates(forward, backward);

    /** Private constructor for inverse bimap. */
    /** 用來生成bimap反向視圖的私有構造器 */
    private AbstractBiMap(Map<K, V> backward, AbstractBiMap<V, K> forward) {
        delegate = backward;
        inverse = forward;

    @Override protected Map<K, V> delegate() {
        return delegate;

     * Returns its input, or throws an exception if this is not a valid key.
     * 返回輸入參數,若是key不合法則拋出一個異常
    K checkKey(@Nullable K key) {
        return key;

     * Returns its input, or throws an exception if this is not a valid value.
     * 返回輸入參數,若是value不合法則拋出一個異常
    V checkValue(@Nullable V value) {
        return value;

     * Specifies the delegate maps going in each direction. Called by the
     * constructor and by subclasses during deserialization.
     * 指定各個方向的代理map. 由構造器和子類在反序列化時調用
    void setDelegates(Map<K, V> forward, Map<V, K> backward) {
        checkState(delegate == null);
        checkState(inverse == null);
        checkArgument(forward != backward);
        delegate = forward;
        inverse = new Inverse<V, K>(backward, this);

    void setInverse(AbstractBiMap<V, K> inverse) {
        this.inverse = inverse;

    // Query Operations (optimizations)
    // 查詢操做(優化)

    @Override public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
        return inverse.containsKey(value);

    // Modification Operations
    // 修改操做

    @Override public V put(K key, V value) {
        return putInBothMaps(key, value, false);

    public V forcePut(K key, V value) {
        return putInBothMaps(key, value, true);

     * 同時在delegate和inverse中插入key和value
     * @param key
     * @param value
     * @param force
     * @return
    private V putInBothMaps(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value, boolean force) {
        boolean containedKey = containsKey(key);
        // entry 已存在,直接返回value
        if (containedKey && Objects.equal(value, get(key))) {
            return value;
        if (force) {
            // 強制put key & value
        } else {
            // 不然檢查value是否存在,存在則拋出異常
            checkArgument(!containsValue(value), "value already present: %s", value);
        V oldValue = delegate.put(key, value);
        // 更新反向視圖
        updateInverseMap(key, containedKey, oldValue, value);
        return oldValue;

     * 更新反向視圖
    private void updateInverseMap(
            K key, boolean containedKey, V oldValue, V newValue) {
        // key存在(相對於inverse來講應該是value存在),先刪除舊的entry
        if (containedKey) {
        inverse.delegate.put(newValue, key);

    @Override public V remove(Object key) {
        return containsKey(key) ? removeFromBothMaps(key) : null;

    private V removeFromBothMaps(Object key) {
        V oldValue = delegate.remove(key);
        return oldValue;

    private void removeFromInverseMap(V oldValue) {

    // Bulk Operations
    // 擴容操做

    @Override public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) {
        for (Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    @Override public void clear() {

    // Views
    // 視圖

    public BiMap<V, K> inverse() {
        return inverse;

    private transient Set<K> keySet;

    @Override public Set<K> keySet() {
        Set<K> result = keySet;
        return (result == null) ? keySet = new KeySet() : result;

    private class KeySet extends ForwardingSet<K> {
        @Override protected Set<K> delegate() {
            return delegate.keySet();

        @Override public void clear() {

        @Override public boolean remove(Object key) {
            if (!contains(key)) {
                return false;
            return true;

        @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> keysToRemove) {
            return standardRemoveAll(keysToRemove);

        @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> keysToRetain) {
            return standardRetainAll(keysToRetain);

        @Override public Iterator<K> iterator() {
            return Maps.keyIterator(entrySet().iterator());

    private transient Set<V> valueSet;

    @Override public Set<V> values() {
     * We can almost reuse the inverse's keySet, except we have to fix the
     * iteration order so that it is consistent with the forward map.
     * 咱們能夠重用inverse的keyset來獲得forward的valueset, 除非咱們關注遍歷器的順序,
     * 那樣能夠考慮使用forward map
        Set<V> result = valueSet;
        return (result == null) ? valueSet = new ValueSet() : result;

    private class ValueSet extends ForwardingSet<V> {
        /** 使用inverse的keySet來獲取valueSet */
        final Set<V> valuesDelegate = inverse.keySet();

        @Override protected Set<V> delegate() {
            return valuesDelegate;

        @Override public Iterator<V> iterator() {
            return Maps.valueIterator(entrySet().iterator());

        @Override public Object[] toArray() {
            return standardToArray();

        @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) {
            return standardToArray(array);

        @Override public String toString() {
            return standardToString();

    private transient Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet;

    @Override public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
        Set<Entry<K, V>> result = entrySet;
        return (result == null) ? entrySet = new EntrySet() : result;

    private class EntrySet extends ForwardingSet<Entry<K, V>> {
        final Set<Entry<K, V>> esDelegate = delegate.entrySet();

        @Override protected Set<Entry<K, V>> delegate() {
            return esDelegate;

        @Override public void clear() {

        @Override public boolean remove(Object object) {
            if (!esDelegate.contains(object)) {
                return false;

            // safe because esDelgate.contains(object).
            Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) object;
       * Remove the mapping in inverse before removing from esDelegate because
       * if entry is part of esDelegate, entry might be invalidated after the
       * mapping is removed from esDelegate.
       * 刪除forward的entry以前先將inverse的entry刪除,由於若是entry是forward的一部分,
       * 那麼entry可能會在forward中刪除之後變成不可用
            return true;

        @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {
            final Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator = esDelegate.iterator();
            return new Iterator<Entry<K, V>>() {
                Entry<K, V> entry;

                @Override public boolean hasNext() {
                    return iterator.hasNext();

                @Override public Entry<K, V> next() {
                    entry =;
                    final Entry<K, V> finalEntry = entry;

                    return new ForwardingMapEntry<K, V>() {
                        @Override protected Entry<K, V> delegate() {
                            return finalEntry;

                        @Override public V setValue(V value) {
                            // Preconditions keep the map and inverse consistent.
                            checkState(contains(this), "entry no longer in map");
                            // similar to putInBothMaps, but set via entry
                            if (Objects.equal(value, getValue())) {
                                return value;
                                    "value already present: %s", value);
                            V oldValue = finalEntry.setValue(value);
                            checkState(Objects.equal(value, get(getKey())),
                                    "entry no longer in map");
                            updateInverseMap(getKey(), true, oldValue, value);
                            return oldValue;

                @Override public void remove() {
                    checkState(entry != null);
                    V value = entry.getValue();

        // See java.util.Collections.CheckedEntrySet for details on attacks.

        @Override public Object[] toArray() {
            return standardToArray();
        @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) {
            return standardToArray(array);
        @Override public boolean contains(Object o) {
            return Maps.containsEntryImpl(delegate(), o);
        @Override public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
            return standardContainsAll(c);
        @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
            return standardRemoveAll(c);
        @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
            return standardRetainAll(c);

    /** The inverse of any other {@code AbstractBiMap} subclass. */
    /** inverse類, 實際上實現很簡單,就是把AbstractBiMap的forward和inverse給反過來了 */
    private static class Inverse<K, V> extends AbstractBiMap<K, V> {
        private Inverse(Map<K, V> backward, AbstractBiMap<V, K> forward) {
            super(backward, forward);

     * Serialization stores the forward bimap, the inverse of this inverse.
     * Deserialization calls inverse() on the forward bimap and returns that
     * inverse.
     * 序列化儲存forward bimap, inverse的反向.
     * 反序列化調用forward的inverse()並返回這個inverse
     * If a bimap and its inverse are serialized together, the deserialized
     * instances have inverse() methods that return the other.

        K checkKey(K key) {
            return inverse.checkValue(key);

        V checkValue(V value) {
            return inverse.checkKey(value);

         * @serialData the forward bimap
         * 因爲 delegate和inverse都有transient關鍵字
         * 因此序列化方法只會序列化inverse()的內容
        private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {

         * 反序列化恢復inverse
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // reading data stored by writeObject
        private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
                throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            setInverse((AbstractBiMap<V, K>) stream.readObject());

         * 最後反序列化返回的是inverse().inverse(),其實就是forward了.
        @GwtIncompatible("Not needed in the emulated source.")
        Object readResolve() {
            return inverse().inverse();

        @GwtIncompatible("Not needed in emulated source.")
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

    @GwtIncompatible("Not needed in emulated source.")
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;