MapServer Tutorial——MapServer7.2.1教程學習——第一節用例實踐:Example1.6 Defining Projections and Extentshtml
2、在MapServer中使用投影(Projections with MapServer)ui
PROJECTION "proj=utm" "ellps=GRS80" "datum=NAD83" "zone=15" "units=m" "north" "no_defs" END
"init=epsg:26915" END
在cmd中輸入:cd /d E:\SvnWorkspace\LY_WEB_GIS\branches\Documents\ms4w-mapserver-for-wimdows\release-1911-x64-gdal-2-3-3-mapserver-7-2-1\apps
在cmd中輸入:md Example1.6
在cmd中輸入:cd Example1.6
在cmd中輸入:md data
在cmd中輸入:md fonts
在cmd中輸入:md symbols
在cmd中輸入:md logs
在cmd中輸入:cd data
在cmd中輸入:md raster
將 app/tutorial/fonts 文件夾中的全部文件拷貝到 apps/Example1.6/fonts 文件夾中
將 app/tutorial/symbols 文件夾中的 symbols35.sym 文件拷貝到 apps/Example1.6/symbols 文件夾中
將 app/tutorial/data 文件夾中的 states_ugl.dbf、states_ugl.shp、states_ugl.shx 文件拷貝到 apps/Example1.6/data 文件夾中
將 app/tutorial/data/raster 中的 mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif 文件拷貝到 apps/Example1.6/data/raster 文件夾中
修改 web.config 文件以下:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <handlers> <add name="MapServerFastCgi" path="*" verb="*" type="" modules="FastCgiModule"
resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" allowPathInfo="false" preCondition="" /> </handlers> <caching enabled="true" enableKernelCache="true" /> </system.webServer> </configuration>
# The annotated map file (sort of) # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial # 20050408 # # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with a "#". # # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object. # Well, the entire map file is THE map object. Enclosed between MAP and END # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other # objects. MAP #IMAGETYPE PNG24 IMAGETYPE PNG #EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620 # WGS84 經緯度座標數據 #EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # LAEA 原始官網mapfile中的數據
EXTENT 230147.11 -371641.81 1285308.08 632638.93 # LAEA 本身經過命令計算的座標數據 #EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic SIZE 400 300 SHAPEPATH "./data" SYMBOLSET "./symbols/symbols35.sym" FONTSET "./fonts/fonts.list" # The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). # # This is the output PROJECTION definition ------ PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional PROJ.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. "proj=laea" "ellps=clrk66" "lat_0=45" "lon_0=-100" # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. # # "init=epsg:2163" END # End of the output Projection definition --- # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object. You need at least one # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map... You can # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically hard-coded # in map.h in the MapServer source. The default limit is set at 100. You'd # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 layers in # your application. # # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- LAYER # States polygon layer begins here NAME states_polygon DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON # Here's an example of the input projection definition. # EPSG:4326 is code for geographic (latlong) projection # using the WGS84 datum. # # PROJECTION objects within the LAYER object define the input # projection--this is the native projection of your data. PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END # CLASSITEM defines the non-spatial attribute that you will be using to # separate a layer into classes. This attribute will be in the DBF file # of your shapefile (it will be different for each data format). In this # example the shapefile states_ugl has an associated database # (states_ugl.dbf) that contains an attribute called "CLASS". You will be # using two values in the CLASS attribute to separate the classes (also # called themes) used in this layer--land and water. CLASSITEM is used in # association with the EXPRESSION parameter in the CLASS object. See below. CLASSITEM "CLASS" # The class object is defined within the layer object. You can define as # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but it's # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer. There are # situations, however, where you might have to do it.) CLASS NAME 'States' EXPRESSION 'land' # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple styles in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. STYLE COLOR 232 232 232 END END END # States polygon layer ends here # In addition to vector data (shapefiles are vector data), MapServer supports # a host of raster formats. In GIS world, one of the most common raster # formats is GeoTIFF, a TIFF image with geospatial headers. MapServer also # supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, and other common formats. Other raster formats # supported by MapServer include ESRI Arc/Info grid, HDF and HDF-EOS, NetCDF, # Generic raster binaries, OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers, etc. Pretty much # any raster format you can think of is probably supported, thanks to the # impressive Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL, pronounced "GOODALL" # or GOODLE?). More information on GDAL is available at # # MapServer 4.x can read and display bitmapped (like GIFs), RGB/A (true # color), and multispectral (images with more than 3 bands, like raw LandSat # images) rasters. LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here NAME modis DATA "raster/mod09a12003161_ugl_ll_8bit.tif" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65 PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END END # MODIS raster layer ends here LAYER # States line layer begins here NAME states_line DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE LINE PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" CLASS NAME 'State Boundary' EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE SYMBOL 'line5' COLOR 64 64 64 SIZE 1 END END END # States line layer ends here LAYER # States label layer begins here NAME states_label DATA states_ugl STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM "CLASS" # Just like CLASSITEM, LABELITEM defines the database attribute that you # will be using to draw labels. In this case, the values of the attribute # "STATE" will be used to label the states polygons. LABELITEM "STATE" CLASS EXPRESSION 'land' STYLE COLOR -1 -1 -1 END # There can be labels in a class, just like there are classes in a layer, # just like there are layers in a map. You can define multiple labels in # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and multiple # layers in a map. # MapServer has a very flexible labeling system. With that flexibility # comes complexity, specially when using truetype fonts. Please read # through the LABEL section of the MapServer map file documentation at # for more information. LABEL COLOR 132 31 31 #SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218 #SHADOWSIZE 2 2 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold SIZE 12 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION CL PARTIALS FALSE MINDISTANCE 300 BUFFER 4 END # end of label END # end of class END # States label layer ends here # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS ------------------------------- DEBUG 5 CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "logs\ms.log" END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must come to...
在 IIS 中建立站點 Example1.6,端口爲8016,應用程序池爲 Example1.6
設置應用程序池對 apps/Example1.6/logs 文件夾的讀寫權限
在cmd中輸入:icacls "E:\SvnWorkspace\LY_WEB_GIS\branches\Documents\ms4w-mapserver-for-wimdows\release-1911-x64-gdal-2-3-3-mapserver-7-2-1\apps\Example1.6\logs" /grant "IIS AppPool\Example1.6":(OI)(CI)RW
查看mapfile(文件後,首先,你會發現最明顯的改變是 MAP 標籤下面的 EXTENT 標籤的數據。
EXTENT 表示當前數據文件的顯示範圍。如今的顯示方爲值以下:
EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514
#Example1.5 中是:EXTENT -97.238976 41.619778 -82.122902 49.385620
爲何會發生這樣的改變呢,應爲咱們修改了MapServer 的輸出座標系,即添加了 PROJECTION 對象。
EXTENT對象的輸出單位必須與 MapServer 中的輸出座標系一致。
先前的座標系是經緯度。如今 PROJECTION 設置爲:
# The projection object is typically used within the map and the layer # objects. You only define it once within the map object and this definition # becomes your output projection--MapServer will render your maps in this # projection. You also use the projection object within the layer object to # define your input projection. Your layers can be in different # projections--MapServer will reproject them into your output projection. # If no projection is defined within the layer object, MapServer assumes # your input projection is the same as your output projection. This is not # a required object unless you're creating a map file that supports one of # the OGC interoperability web services specifications (WMS/WFS/WCS). # # This is the output PROJECTION definition ------ PROJECTION # Projection parameters can be defined in two ways... # This is the traditional PROJ.4 definition of Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the Continental U.S. "proj=laea" "ellps=clrk66" "lat_0=45" "lon_0=-100" # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code. # This is the EPSG code for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area # projection for the U.S. # # "init=epsg:2163" END # End of the output Projection definition ---
如今的 PROJECTION 設置爲:Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area,其單位爲米,因此咱們如今的範圍 EXTENT 也要設置爲米。
能夠經過 ArcView、PROJ4 的 cs2cs 或其餘GIS包作轉換。下面的命令可用於從新投影原始範圍值:
#在cmd中輸入:cd /d E:\SvnWorkspace\LY_WEB_GIS\branches\Documents\ms4w-mapserver-for-wimdows\release-1911-x64-gdal-2-3-3-mapserver-7-2-1\apps\tutorial\data
#在cmd中輸入:ogrinfo -ro -al -so states_ugl.shp
#獲取到states_ugl.shp 的範圍信息:Extent: (-97.238976, 41.619778) - (-82.122902, 49.385620)。 Extent的格式爲:<Lower Left X> <Lower Left Y> <Upper Right X> <Upper Right Y>
cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to +proj=laea +ellps=clrk66 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-100
-97.238976 41.619778
#回車後獲得三個值,分別爲:西南方向 X、Y、單位精度,其中第三個參數能夠忽略。
230147.11 -371641.81 0.00
-82.122902 49.385620
1285308.08 632638.93 0.00
EXTENT 230147.11 -371641.81 1285308.08 632638.93
#可是原始官網mapfile文件中給出的 EXTENT 值與計算值不符合。這是爲何呢?
EXTENT 201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.511514 # LAEA 原始官網mapfile中的數據
MAP CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/usr/share/proj/" #UNIX的絕對路徑,若是是未定義,則按照安裝MapServer中的 E:\SvnWorkspace\LY_WEB_GIS\branches\Documents\ms4w-mapserver-for-wimdows\release-1911-x64-gdal-2-3-3-mapserver-7-2-1\bin\proj\SHARE 路徑查找(我的理解) PROJECTION "init=epsg:3857" END # PROJECTION ...