id name price 1 張三 3.0 2 李四 4.0
測試環境win7 推薦python 編輯器pycharmjson
2.安裝Navicat Premium導入excel表fetch
{ "db":{ "host":"", "user":"root", "passwd":"", "port":3306, "db":"testdb" }, "exp_sep":"\t", "exp_suffix":".txt", "tables":[ "test_table" ], "vos":[ "test_table" ] }
#! /usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 import sys import MySQLdb import json reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') # tables = ('test_table',) # vo = ('test_table',) # ('test_table') is interpreted as using algebraic grouping and simply as max_price and not a tuple. # Adding a comma, i.e. ('test_table',) forces it to make a tuple. head = '''using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; ''' class_part1 = '''public class %s { ''' field = ''' public %s %s; ''' ctor_par1 = ''' public %s(string[] args) { ''' ctor_field = ''' this.%s=%s(arr[%s]); ''' ctor_par2 = ''' } ''' class_part2 = '}' def ConvetType(typeid): if typeid == 3: return 'int' elif typeid == 4: return 'float' else: return 'string' def ConvertCtorType(typeid): if typeid == 3: return 'int.Parse' elif typeid == 4: return 'float.Parse' else: return '' # description (('id', 3, 1, 11, 11, 0, 0), ('name', 253, 6, 765, 765, 0, 0), ('price', 4, 1, 12, 12, 31, 0)) def CreateCS(index, description): vo = curconifg['vos'] with open('%s.cs'% vo[index],"w+") as my_cs: my_cs.write(head) my_cs.write(class_part1 % vo[index]) for colIndex in range(len(description)): curCol = description[colIndex] my_cs.write(field % (ConvetType(curCol[1]),curCol[0])) my_cs.write(ctor_par1 % vo[index]) for colIndex in range(len(description)): curCol = description[colIndex] my_cs.write(ctor_field % (curCol[0],ConvertCtorType(curCol[1]),colIndex)) my_cs.write(ctor_par2) my_cs.write(class_part2) def CreateConfig(): con = MySQLdb.connect(curconifg['db']['host'],curconifg['db']['user'],curconifg['db']['passwd'],curconifg['db']['db'],charset='utf8'); # notice ,charset='utf8' with con: cur = con.cursor() tables = curconifg['tables'] for index in range(len(tables)): table = tables[index] # cur.execute("select * from %s where id = %s",('test_table',1)) # DB API requires you to pass in any parameters as a sequence # but sql query is select * from \\'test_table\\' where id = 1 # like below error # http://blog.xupeng.me/2013/09/25/mysqldb-args-processing # so you can do it below,but not safe query = 'select * from %s '%(table); cur.execute(query) with open('%s.txt'%(table),'w+') as my_txt: # create file if not exits description = cur.description CreateCS(index,description) # description (('id', 3, 1, 11, 11, 0, 0), ('name', 253, 6, 765, 765, 0, 0), ('price', 4, 1, 12, 12, 31, 0)) # create txt line = curconifg['exp_sep'].join(str(curCol[0]) for curCol in description) # id name price my_txt.write(line+'\n') for i in range(cur.rowcount): row = cur.fetchone() line = curconifg['exp_sep'].join(str(col) for col in row) # 1 張三 3.0 if(i <= (cur.rowcount - 1)): my_txt.write(line+'\n') else: my_txt.write(line) with open("config.json","r") as jsonFile: curconifg = json.load(jsonFile) CreateConfig()
id name price 1 張三 3.0 {"id":1,"name":"張三","price":3.0}
參考工程 Pratices1