tasks: - name: postfix and httpd are running service: name: "{{ item }}" state: started loop: - postfix - httpd
#cat test_services.yml test_services: - postfix - httpd # cat install_pkgs.yml - name: start services hosts: test vars_files: - test_services.yml tasks: - name: postfix and httpd are running service: name: "{{ item }}" state: started loop: "{{ test_services }}"
# cat test_loop.yml - name: test loop hosts: test tasks: - name: add www group group: name: www - name: add several users user: name: "{{ item.name }}" state: present groups: "{{ item.groups }}" loop: - { name: 'testuser1', groups: 'wheel' } - { name: 'testuser2', groups: 'www' }
# cat register_loop.yml - name: registered variable usage as a loop list hosts: test tasks: - name: ensure /mnt/bkspool exists file: path: /mnt/bkspool state: directory - name: retrieve the list of home directories command: ls /home register: home_dirs - name: Show home_dirs results debug: var: home_dirs.stdout_lines - name: add home dirs to the backup spooler file: path: /mnt/bkspool/{{ item }} src: /home/{{ item }} state: link force: yes loop: "{{ home_dirs.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Loop Register test gather_facts: no hosts: test tasks: - name: Looping Echo Task shell: "echo this is my item: {{ item }}" loop: - one - two register: echo_results - name: Show echo_results variable debug: var: echo_results
ok: [] => { "echo_results": { "changed": true, "msg": "All items completed", "results": [ { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": "echo this is my item: one", "delta": "0:00:00.004905", "end": "2019-06-10 00:23:51.814151", "failed": false, "invocation": { "module_args": { "_raw_params": "echo this is my item: one", "_uses_shell": true, "argv": null, "chdir": null, "creates": null, "executable": null, "removes": null, "stdin": null, "stdin_add_newline": true, "strip_empty_ends": true, "warn": true } }, "item": "one", "rc": 0, "start": "2019-06-10 00:23:51.809246", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "this is my item: one", "stdout_lines": [ "this is my item: one" ] }, { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": "echo this is my item: two", "delta": "0:00:00.004736", "end": "2019-06-10 00:23:52.008981", "failed": false, "invocation": { "module_args": { "_raw_params": "echo this is my item: two", "_uses_shell": true, "argv": null, "chdir": null, "creates": null, "executable": null, "removes": null, "stdin": null, "stdin_add_newline": true, "strip_empty_ends": true, "warn": true } }, "item": "two", "rc": 0, "start": "2019-06-10 00:23:52.004245", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "this is my item: two", "stdout_lines": [ "this is my item: two" ] } ] } }
在Ansible 2.5之前,playbook經過不一樣的循環語句以實現不一樣的循環,這些語句使用with_
循環語句關鍵字 | 描述 |
with_items | 簡單的列表循環 |
with_nested | 嵌套循環 |
with_dict | 循環字典 |
with_fileglob | 循環指定目錄中的全部文件 |
with_lines | 循環一個文件中的全部行 |
with_sequence | 生成一個自增的整數序列,能夠指定起始值和結束值以及步長。參數以key=value的形式指定,format指定輸出的格式。數字能夠是十進制、十六進制、八進制 |
with_subelement | 遍歷子元素 |
with_together | 遍歷數據並行集合 |
- hosts: test vars: data: - user0 - user1 - user2 tasks: - name: "with_items" debug: msg: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ data }}"
tasks: - name: debug loops debug: msg="name is {{ item[0] }} vaule is {{ item[1] }} num is {{ item[2] }}" with_nested: - ['alice','bob'] - ['a','b','c'] - ['1','2','3']
# ansible-playbook with_nested_ex.yml PLAY [with_nested test] ****************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************* ok: [] TASK [debug loops] *********************************************************************************************** ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'a', '1']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is a num is 1" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'a', '2']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is a num is 2" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'a', '3']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is a num is 3" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'b', '1']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is b num is 1" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'b', '2']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is b num is 2" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'b', '3']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is b num is 3" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'c', '1']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is c num is 1" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'c', '2']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is c num is 2" } ok: [] => (item=['alice', 'c', '3']) => { "msg": "name is alice vaule is c num is 3" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'a', '1']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is a num is 1" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'a', '2']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is a num is 2" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'a', '3']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is a num is 3" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'b', '1']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is b num is 1" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'b', '2']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is b num is 2" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'b', '3']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is b num is 3" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'c', '1']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is c num is 1" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'c', '2']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is c num is 2" } ok: [] => (item=['bob', 'c', '3']) => { "msg": "name is bob vaule is c num is 3" } PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
# 假若有以下變量內容: users: alice: name: Alice Appleworth telephone: 123-456-7890 bob: name: Bob Bananarama telephone: 987-654-3210 # 如今須要輸出每一個用戶的用戶名和手機號: tasks: - name: Print phone records debug: msg="User {{ item.key }} is {{ item.value.name }} ({{ item.value.telephone }})" with_dict: "{{ users }}"
- hosts: test tasks: - name: Make key directory file: path: /root/.sshkeys state: directory mode: 0700 owner: root group: root - name: Upload public keys copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: /root/.sshkeys mode: 0600 owner: root group: root with_fileglob: - /root/.ssh/*.pub - name: Assemble keys into authorized_keys file assemble: src: /root/.sshkeys dest: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys mode: 0600 owner: root group: root
with_lines循環結構會讓你在控制主機上執行任意命令,並對命令的輸出進行逐行迭代。假設咱們有一個 文件test.txt包含以下行:
Breeze Yan Bernie Yang jerry Qing
- name: print all names debug: msg="{{ item }}" with_lines: - cat test.txt
假如如今須要遍歷一個用戶列表,並建立每一個用戶,並且還須要爲每一個用戶配置以特定的SSH key登陸。變量文件內容以下:
users: - name: alice authorized: - /tmp/alice/onekey.pub - /tmp/alice/twokey.pub mysql: password: mysql-password hosts: - "%" - "" - "::1" - "localhost" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB1.*:ALL" - name: bob authorized: - /tmp/bob/id_rsa.pub mysql: password: other-mysql-password hosts: - "db1" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB2.*:ALL"
tasks: - user: name={{ item.name }} state=present generate_ssh_key=yes with_items: "{{users}}" - authorized_key: "user={{ item.0.name }} key='{{ lookup('file', item.1) }}'" with_subelements: - users - authorized
- name: Setup MySQL users mysql_user: name={{ item.0.name }} password={{ item.0.mysql.password }} host={{ item.1 }} priv={{ item.0.mysql.privs | join('/') }} with_subelements: - users - mysql.hosts
- hosts: all tasks: # create groups - group: name=evens state=present - group: name=odds state=present # create some test users - user: name={{ item }} state=present groups=evens with_sequence: start=0 end=32 format=testuser%02d # create a series of directories with even numbers for some reason - file: dest=/var/stuff/{{ item }} state=directory with_sequence: start=4 end=16 stride=2 # stride用於指定步長 # a simpler way to use the sequence plugin # create 4 groups - group: name=group{{ item }} state=present with_sequence: count=4
- debug: msg={{ item }} with_random_choice: - "go through the door" - "drink from the goblet" - "press the red button" - "do nothing"
- action: shell /usr/bin/foo register: result until: result.stdout.find("all systems go") != -1 retries: 5 delay: 10
重複執行shell模塊,當shell模塊執行的命令輸出內容包含"all systems go"的時候中止。重試5次,延遲時間10秒。retries默認值爲3,delay默認值爲5。任務的返回值爲最後一次循環的返回結果。
- hosts: webservers remote_user: root vars: alpha: [ 'a','b','c','d'] numbers: [ 1,2,3,4 ] tasks: - debug: msg="{{ item.0 }} and {{ item.1 }}" with_together: - "{{ alpha }}" - "{{ numbers }}" # 輸出的結果爲: ok: [] => (item=['a', 1]) => { "item": [ "a", 1 ], "msg": "a and 1" } ok: [] => (item=['b', 2]) => { "item": [ "b", 2 ], "msg": "b and 2" } ok: [] => (item=['c', 3]) => { "item": [ "c", 3 ], "msg": "c and 3" } ok: [] => (item=['d', 4]) => { "item": [ "d", 4 ], "msg": "d and 4" }