

在android中wifi限速主要是用到linux 的tc iptables ip 等命令,須要root 權限 linux

下面是android wifi 限速的基本過程: android

                                          1, 下載附件tc_bash.sh shell

                                          2, adb remount api

                                          3 , adb push xx/tc_bash.sh system/ bash

                                          4,  chmod a+x /system/tc_bash.sh 網絡

                                          5, cd /system/ ide

                                          6, sh ./tc_bash.sh start  //開啓限速如今下行200kbit 上行100kbit 函數

                                          7, sh ./tc_bash.sh stop  //刪除限速規則。 spa


sh ./tc_bash.sh show 查看規則,以及具體效果的命令解圖: rest

注意 1,因爲android 提供tc 命令功能有限,因此有些在linux 上的rule 不能用,若有其餘需求,具體請修改shell 腳本。2,本例子是針對播放器限速的定義的規則是針對lo設備






#  tc uses the following units when passed as a parameter.
#  kbps: Kilobytes per second
#  mbps: Megabytes per second
#  kbit: Kilobits per second
#  mbit: Megabits per second
#  bps: Bytes per second
#       Amounts of data can be specified in:
#       kb or k: Kilobytes
#       mb or m: Megabytes
#       mbit: Megabits
#       kbit: Kilobits
#  To get the byte figure from bits, divide the number by 8 bit
# Name of the traffic control command.
# Name of the iptables command
# Name of ifconfig
# Name of awk
# The network interface we're planning on limiting bandwidth.
#IF=wlan0             # Interface
IF=lo            # Interface
# Download limit (in mega bits)
DNLD=200kbit         # DOWNLOAD Limit
# Upload limit (in mega bits)
UPLD=100kbit         # UPLOAD Limit
IP=$($IFCONFIG $IF | $AWK '{print $3}')
# IP address of the machine we are controlling
#IP= # Host IP
# Filter options for limiting the intended interface.
U32="$TC filter add dev $IF protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32"
start() {
# We'll use Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) to shape bandwidth.
# For detailed configuration options, please consult Linux man
# page.
    $TC qdisc add dev $IF root handle 1: htb default 30
    $TC class add dev $IF parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate $DNLD ceil $DNLD
    $TC class add dev $IF parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate $UPLD ceil $UPLD
    $U32 match ip dst $IP/32flowid 1:1
    $U32 match ip src $IP/32flowid 1:2
# The first line creates the root qdisc, and the next two lines
# create two child qdisc that are to be used to shape download
# and upload bandwidth.
# The 4th and 5th line creates the filter to match the interface.
# The 'dst' IP address is used to limit download speed, and the
# 'src' IP address is used to limit upload speed.
start_limit_dw() {
#$TC  qdisc del dev $IF root
$TC  qdisc add dev $IF root handle 10: htb default 256
$TC class add dev $IF parent 10: classid 10:1 htb rate 500kbit ceil 500kbit
$TC  class add dev $IF  parent 10:1 classid 10:10 htb rate $DNLD ceil $DNLD prio 1
#android not support sfq
#$TC qdisc add dev $IF parent 10:10 handle 101: sfq perturb 10
#創建網絡包過濾器,設置fw。android not support fw
#$TC filter add dev $IF parent 10: protocol ip prio 10 handle 1 fw classid 10:10
$IPTAB -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -d $IP -j MARK --set-mark 1
#TC qdisc del dev eth0 root
#TC qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 20: htb default 256
#TC class add dev eth0 parent 20: classid 20:1 htb rate 1mbit ceil 1mbit
#TC class add dev eth0 parent 20:1 classid 20:10 htb rate 40kbps ceil 40kbps prio 1
#TC qdisc add dev eth0 parent 20:10 handle 201: sfq perturb 10
#TC filter add dev eth0 parent 20: protocol ip prio 100 handle 2 fw classid 20:10
#IPTAB -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s IP -j MARK --set-mark 2
stop() {
# Stop the bandwidth shaping.
    $TC qdisc del dev $IF root
restart() {
# Self-explanatory.
show() {
# Display status of traffic control status.
    echo"tc -s qdisc ls dev ${IF}"
    $TC -s qdisclsdev $IF
    echo"tc -s class ls dev ${IF}"
    $TC -s classlsdev $IF
    echo"tc -s filter ls dev ${IF}"
    $TC -s filterlsdev $IF
    echo-n"Starting bandwidth shaping: "
    echo-n"Stopping bandwidth shaping: "
    echo-n"Restarting bandwidth shaping: "
    echo"Bandwidth shaping status for $IF:"
    echo"start ext shaping  $IF:"
    echo"Usage: tc_bash.sh {start|start_limit_dw|stop|restart|show}"