.h //xform 插入點;dScale 比例;pBlockId 圖塊ID //nBasePos 插入的基點,0:以DWG圖形最左下點爲基點,1:右下,2:右上,3:左上,4:原圖(0,0)點 bool InsertDwg(const AcGePoint3d & xform, AcDbDatabase* pSrc, LPCTSTR lpLayer/*=NULL*/, double dScale=1.0/*比例*/, int nBasePos=0, bool bIsDWGMoveToOrignFirst=true, AcDbObjectId* pBlockId=NULL, double dAngle = 0.0); .cpp bool InsertDwg(const AcGePoint3d & xform, AcDbDatabase* pSrc, LPCTSTR lpLayer/*=NULL*/, double dScale/*=1.0比例*/, int nBasePos/*=0*/, bool bIsDWGMoveToOrignFirst/*=true*/, AcDbObjectId* pBlockId/*=NULL*/, double dAngle/* = 0.0*/) { AcAxDocLock docLock(m_pDb); pSrc->updateExt(); // 獲得圖形左下和右上角點 AcGePoint3d p1(pSrc->extmin()); AcGePoint3d p2(pSrc->extmax()); // 取得DWG中全部元素 AcDbObjectId blockId; HHVerifyErr2(m_pDb->insert(blockId, GenGUID(), pSrc),return false;); AcDbBlockReference* pBlockReference = new AcDbBlockReference ( AcGePoint3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), blockId); AddEntity(pBlockReference, pBlockId) { delete pBlockReference; return false; } // 設圖層 if ( lpLayer != NULL ) { AcDbObjectId mLayerId; if ( !GetLayerId(lpLayer, mLayerId) ) { AddLayer(lpLayer, &mLayerId); } pBlockReference->setLayer(mLayerId); } // 設比例 if ( fabs(dScale-1.0) > 1e-6 ) { AcGeScale3d scale(dScale); HHVerifyErr(pBlockReference->setScaleFactors(scale)); p1.scaleBy(dScale); p2.scaleBy(dScale); } if ( !bIsDWGMoveToOrignFirst ) p1 = AcGePoint3d(0.0,0.0,0.0); // 計算座標 switch (nBasePos) { default: case 0:// 左下 break; case 1:// 右下 p1.x = p2.x; break; case 2:// 右上 p1 = p2; break; case 3:// 左上 p1.y = p2.y; break; case 4:// 元座標 p1.x = 0.0; p1.y = 0.0; break; case 5: p1.x += (p2.x - p1.x) / 2.0; p1.y += (p2.y - p1.y) / 2.0; } pBlockReference->transformBy(xform-p1); AcGeMatrix3d matrix = matrix.rotation(dAngle,zAxis,xform); pBlockReference->transformBy(matrix); pBlockReference->close(); return true; }
CString strFilePath;//dxf文件路徑 AcDbDatabase mDb(false, true); Acad::ErrorStatus es = mDb.dxfIn(strFilePath); if (es != Acad::eOk) { HHTalkBox(_T("讀入dxf文件失敗!")); return; } LPCTSTR lpLayer;//插入圖層 AcAxDocLock lock; InsertDwg(ptReference, &mDb, lpLayer, 1, 0, false, &mId);
AcAxDocLock lock; // 分配 AcDbDatabase* pDb = new AcDbDatabase(Adesk::kFalse, true); if(pDb==NULL) return false; if(!pDb->readDwgFile(lpDWG, _SH_DENYNO)) { delete pDb; return false; } LPCTSTR lpLayer;//插入圖層 InsertDwg(xform, pDb, lpLayer, dScale, nBasePos, bIsDWGMoveToOrignFirst, pBlockId, dAngle); delete pDb;
// 計算圖片大小 Gdiplus::Bitmap img(strPrjPath); double dWidth = img.GetWidth()/img.GetHorizontalResolution()*25.4; double dHeight = img.GetHeight()/img.GetVerticalResolution()*25.4; // 插入圖片 AcAxDocLock lock; CImageSupportModule ISM(m_pDb); AcDbObjectId tempId; if (pId == NULL) pId = &tempId; // attach image Acad::ErrorStatus es = ISM.NewImageAttach(lpJpgPath,*pId); // returns Entity Id. if (es != Acad::eOk) { assert(false); acutPrintf(_T("Error: Attach example image failed.\n")); return false; } AcDbObjectId oid = *pId; AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbRasterImage> imgPtr(oid,kForWrite); AcGeMatrix3d mtx; mtx.setToTranslation(mPtLB.asVector()); AcDbExtents ext ; imgPtr->getGeomExtents(ext); AcGeVector3d origsize = ext.maxPoint() - ext.minPoint(); AcGeVector3d newSize = mPtRT - mPtLB; double ratioX = newSize.x / origsize.x; double ratioY = newSize.y / origsize.y; double ratioResult = min(ratioX,ratioY); AcGeMatrix3d scaleMtx = AcGeMatrix3d::scaling(ratioResult,mPtLB); mtx.preMultBy(scaleMtx); imgPtr->transformBy(mtx); AcGePoint3dArray ptArr; imgPtr->getStretchPoints(ptArr); if (4==ptArr.length()) { AcDbExtents extsPost; imgPtr->getGeomExtents(extsPost); AcGeVector3d vecOffset = mPtRT -extsPost.maxPoint(); AcDbIntArray ptIndex; if (ratioX-ratioY>1e-6) { ptIndex.append(2); ptIndex.append(3); } else { ptIndex.append(1); ptIndex.append(2); } imgPtr->moveStretchPointsAt(ptIndex,vecOffset); } if ( vmRoat!=NULL ) imgPtr->transformBy(*vmRoat); // 設置圖層 AcDbObjectId acdIdLayer; if ( !GetLayerId(lpLayer, acdIdLayer) ) { HHVerify(AddLayer(lpLayer, &acdIdLayer)); } imgPtr->setLayer(acdIdLayer); class CImageSupportModule { public: CImageSupportModule(AcDbDatabase* pDb); virtual ~CImageSupportModule(void); public: // Attaches an new Image virtual Acad::ErrorStatus NewImageAttach (const CString& strImgPath, AcDbObjectId & parEntityId); // Manipulate Image virtual Acad::ErrorStatus Manipulate (AcDbObjectId parEntityId); virtual Acad::ErrorStatus SetPos (const AcDbObjectId& id, const AcGePoint3d& ptLB, const AcGePoint3d& ptRT); // Create Objects virtual Acad::ErrorStatus CreateAcDbRasterImage (AcDbObjectId & parEntityId, AcDbObjectId parObjectId); // creates the entity virtual Acad::ErrorStatus CreateAcDbRasterImageDef (AcDbObjectId & parObjectId, CString parImageName, CString parImagePath); // creates the definition virtual Acad::ErrorStatus CreateAcDbRasterImageDefReactor (AcDbObjectId & parReactorId, AcDbObjectId parObjectId, AcDbObjectId parEntityId); // creates the reactor // Utilities Method virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AppendToPaperOrModelSpace (AcDbEntity* parEntity, Adesk::Boolean parbToPaperSpace); // delete image attach virtual Acad::ErrorStatus DeleteImageDef(const ACHAR* pImageName); private: CString m_strImagePath; AcDbDatabase* m_pDb; }; #include "StdAfx.h" #include "ImageSupportModule.h" #include "FilteredEntityCollector.h" using namespace EntityFilter; CImageSupportModule::CImageSupportModule(AcDbDatabase* pDb) : m_pDb(pDb) { if (m_pDb == NULL) { m_pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase(); } } CImageSupportModule::~CImageSupportModule(void) { } // // description: Create image definition object. // Create image entity. // Create image reactor. // // parameter: parEntityId Returns the object Id of the RasterImage. // // // problems: The image path has to be updated in the newImageAttach method. // Or the image path has to be set in the preference project directory // of Acad and set it to the current project. // Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::NewImageAttach (const CString& strImgPath, AcDbObjectId& parEntityId) { CString ImageName; int iIndex = strImgPath.ReverseFind('\\'); if (iIndex != -1) { ImageName = strImgPath.Right(strImgPath.GetLength()-iIndex-1); ImageName = ImageName.Left(ImageName.GetLength()-4); } // Create image definition object. AcDbObjectId ObjectId; Acad::ErrorStatus es = CreateAcDbRasterImageDef(ObjectId, ImageName, strImgPath); if (es != Acad::eOk) return es; // Create image entity. es = CreateAcDbRasterImage(parEntityId, ObjectId); if (es != Acad::eOk) return es; // Create image reactor. AcDbObjectId ReactorId; // AcDbRasterImageDefReactor Id es = CreateAcDbRasterImageDefReactor (ReactorId, ObjectId, parEntityId); if (es != Acad::eOk) return es; return es; } // description: Create a new image entity. // Set Defintion id in Entity. ( link it to the specified image definition object) // Appends the entity to model space. // Set Entity ID to Attribute. // // parameter: parEntityId Returns object Id of the created RasterImage. // parObjectId Object Id of the RasterImageDef. // // Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::CreateAcDbRasterImage (AcDbObjectId & parEntityId, AcDbObjectId parObjectId) { AcDbRasterImage* pAcDbRasterImage = new AcDbRasterImage; if ( pAcDbRasterImage == NULL) return Acad::eNullEntityPointer; // Set Defintion id in Entity. ( link it to the specified image definition object) Acad::ErrorStatus es = pAcDbRasterImage->setImageDefId(parObjectId); if (es != Acad::eOk) { delete pAcDbRasterImage; return es; } // Appends the entity to model space. es = AppendToPaperOrModelSpace ((AcDbEntity*) pAcDbRasterImage, Adesk::kFalse); if (es != Acad::eOk) { delete pAcDbRasterImage; return es; } // Set Entity ID to Attribute. parEntityId = pAcDbRasterImage->objectId(); pAcDbRasterImage->close(); return es; } // description: Create reactor. // Set the entity to be its owner. // Link it to the definition object. // Set Reactor Id. // Adds the database resident object to the reactor list of the object. // // parameter: parReactorId Returns object Id of the created RasterImageDefReactor. // parObjectId Object Id of the RasterImageDef. // parEntityId Object Id of the RasterImage. // Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::CreateAcDbRasterImageDefReactor (AcDbObjectId & parReactorId, AcDbObjectId parObjectId, AcDbObjectId parEntityId) { // Disable image definition notification while changing the defintion reactor list. AcDbRasterImageDefReactor::setEnable(Adesk::kFalse); // open Definition AcDbRasterImageDef* pAcDbRasterImageDef = NULL; Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbOpenObject((AcDbObject*&) pAcDbRasterImageDef, parObjectId, AcDb::kForWrite); if (es != Acad::eOk) return es; AcDbRasterImage* pAcDbRasterImage = NULL; es = acdbOpenObject((AcDbObject*&) pAcDbRasterImage, parEntityId, AcDb::kForWrite); if (es != Acad::eOk) { pAcDbRasterImageDef->close(); return es; } // Create reactor. AcDbRasterImageDefReactor* pAcDbRasterImageDefReactor = new AcDbRasterImageDefReactor; if (pAcDbRasterImageDefReactor == NULL) { pAcDbRasterImage->close(); pAcDbRasterImageDef->close(); return Acad::eNullObjectPointer; } // Set the entity to be its owner. es = pAcDbRasterImageDefReactor->setOwnerId( parEntityId); if (es != Acad::eOk) { pAcDbRasterImage->close(); pAcDbRasterImageDef->close(); delete pAcDbRasterImageDefReactor; return es; } // Link it to the definition object. es = m_pDb->addAcDbObject( parReactorId, pAcDbRasterImageDefReactor); if (es != Acad::eOk) { pAcDbRasterImage->close(); pAcDbRasterImageDef->close(); delete pAcDbRasterImageDefReactor; return es; } // Set Reactor Id. pAcDbRasterImage->setReactorId( parReactorId); // Adds the database resident object to the reactor list of the object. pAcDbRasterImageDef->addPersistentReactor(parReactorId); pAcDbRasterImageDefReactor->close(); pAcDbRasterImageDef->close(); pAcDbRasterImage->close(); // Re-enable image def notification. AcDbRasterImageDefReactor::setEnable(Adesk::kTrue); return es; } // ___ createAcDbRasterImageDef ________________________________________________________________________ // // description: Create new image def object // set source file name // load image // Get Dictionary Id. // Check if image name already in use. // // parameter: parObjectId Returns object Id of the created RasterImageDef. // parImageName Name of the image. // parImagePath Path of the image. // // return value: ErrorStatus // Returns Acad::eOk if successfull. // Acad::eNullObjectPointer failed to initialize entity. // Acad::eHandleInUse image name in use. // And error states of this classes: AcDbDictionary, AcDbRasterImageDef, // and the function acdbOpenObject. // // problems: . Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::CreateAcDbRasterImageDef (AcDbObjectId & parObjectId, CString parImageName, CString parImagePath) { Acad::ErrorStatus es = eOk; // Get Dictionary Id. AcDbObjectId DictionaryId = AcDbRasterImageDef::imageDictionary(m_pDb); if (DictionaryId.isNull()) { // Create dictionary es = AcDbRasterImageDef::createImageDictionary(m_pDb, DictionaryId); if (es!= Acad::eOk) { return es; } } //es = acdbOpenObject((AcDbObject*&)pDictionary, DictionaryId, AcDb::kForRead); AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbDictionary> dictionaryPtr(DictionaryId,kForRead); if (dictionaryPtr.openStatus() != Acad::eOk) { return es; } if (dictionaryPtr->has(parImageName)) { es = dictionaryPtr->getAt(parImageName,parObjectId); return es; } //acutDelString(pTempNewName); // Create new image def object AcDbRasterImageDef* pAcDbRasterImageDef = new AcDbRasterImageDef(); if (pAcDbRasterImageDef == NULL) return Acad::eNullObjectPointer; // set source file name es = pAcDbRasterImageDef->setSourceFileName(parImagePath); if (es != Acad::eOk) { acutPrintf(_T("Error: Could not find the image file.\n")); delete pAcDbRasterImageDef; return es; } // load image es = pAcDbRasterImageDef->load(); pAcDbRasterImageDef->setActiveFileName(parImagePath); if (es != Acad::eOk) { acutPrintf(_T("Error: Could not open the image file.\n")); delete pAcDbRasterImageDef; return es; } dictionaryPtr->upgradeOpen(); // adds a new entry specified by newValue into the dictionary and returns Object Id. es = dictionaryPtr->setAt(parImageName, pAcDbRasterImageDef, parObjectId); pAcDbRasterImageDef->close(); return es; } Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::AppendToPaperOrModelSpace (AcDbEntity* parEntity, Adesk::Boolean parbToPaperSpace) { // declaration Acad::ErrorStatus ErrorStatus; AcDbDatabase* pDataBase; AcDbBlockTable* pBlockTable; AcDbBlockTableRecord* pBlockTableRecord; // get database pDataBase = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase(); // check if (pDataBase == NULL) // No database return Acad::eNoDatabase; // get block table ErrorStatus = pDataBase->getSymbolTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); // check if (ErrorStatus != Acad::eOk) // Failed to get block table return ErrorStatus; // appends to ... if (parbToPaperSpace) // ... paper space ErrorStatus = pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_PAPER_SPACE, pBlockTableRecord, AcDb::kForWrite); else // ... model space by default ErrorStatus = pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBlockTableRecord, AcDb::kForWrite); // check if (ErrorStatus != Acad::eOk) // Failed to get block table record { pBlockTable->close(); return ErrorStatus; } // append entity to block table record ErrorStatus = pBlockTableRecord->appendAcDbEntity (parEntity); pBlockTableRecord->close(); pBlockTable->close(); return ErrorStatus; } // ___ manipulate ______________________________________________________ // // description: Set orientation. // Set clip boundary to whole image. // Set polygonal clip boundary. // // parameter: parEntityId Object Id of the RasterImage. // // return value: ErrorStatus // Returns Acad::eOk if successfull. // problems: . Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::Manipulate (AcDbObjectId parEntityId) { AcDbRasterImage* pAcDbRasterImage; Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbOpenObject((AcDbObject*&) pAcDbRasterImage, parEntityId, AcDb::kForWrite); if (es == Acad::eOk) { // Get current clip boundary. AcGePoint2dArray ClipBoundary = pAcDbRasterImage->clipBoundary (); // type of clip boundary AcDbRasterImage::ClipBoundaryType ClipBoundaryType = AcDbRasterImage::kPoly; // polygonal clip boundary // Define single clip points to set and append it to the clip boundary. // Be aware that the first and last clip point has to be the same // and that the clip points are pixel space. AcGePoint2d ClipPoint; // single clip point ClipPoint.set (100, 100); ClipBoundary.setAt (0, ClipPoint); ClipPoint.set (300, 0); ClipBoundary.setAt (1, ClipPoint); ClipPoint.set (600, 200); ClipBoundary.setAt (2, ClipPoint); ClipPoint.set (100, 400); ClipBoundary.setAt (3, ClipPoint); ClipPoint.set (100, 100); ClipBoundary.setAt (4, ClipPoint); // Last point has to be same as first point. ClipPoint.set (100, 100); ClipBoundary.append (ClipPoint); // Set orientation. AcGePoint3d origin(4, 3, 0); AcGeVector3d u(6, 0, 0),v(0, 1, 0); Adesk::Boolean ReturnValue = pAcDbRasterImage->setOrientation( origin, u, v ); if (ReturnValue != Adesk::kTrue) acutPrintf(_T("Error: Set orientation failed.\n")); // Set clip boundary. es = pAcDbRasterImage->setClipBoundary(ClipBoundaryType, ClipBoundary); if (es != Acad::eOk) acutPrintf(_T("Error: Set orientation failed.\n")); pAcDbRasterImage->close(); } return es; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! @brief //! @param const AcGePoint3d& ptLB //! @param const AcGePoint3d& ptRT //! @exception //! @return Acad::ErrorStatus //! @sa // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // 做者: // 版本: 1.0 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // 修改記錄: // 日 期 版本 修改人 修改內容 // 2011-3-19 1.0 // 2011-7-25 1.0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::SetPos( const AcDbObjectId& id, const AcGePoint3d& ptLB, const AcGePoint3d& ptRT ) { AcDbRasterImage* pRasterImage = NULL; Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbOpenObject((AcDbObject*&) pRasterImage, id, AcDb::kForWrite); if (es != Acad::eOk) return es; AcGePoint3dArray verts; pRasterImage->getVertices(verts); AcGeMatrix3d mtx = ptLB - verts[0]; pRasterImage->transformBy(mtx); if (es != eOk) return es; return Acad::eOk; } /** * @brief 刪除本圖中全部名字爲 \c pImageName 的圖像引用,而後刪除圖像定義 * * @param pImageName * * @returns (Acad::ErrorStatus) * * detailed description here. * */ Acad::ErrorStatus CImageSupportModule::DeleteImageDef( const ACHAR* pImageName ) { Acad::ErrorStatus es = eOk; // Get Dictionary Id. AcDbObjectId DictionaryId = AcDbRasterImageDef::imageDictionary(m_pDb); if (DictionaryId.isNull()) { return eOk; // 沒有圖像字典,說明無需刪除,返回eOK是合理的 } AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbDictionary> dictionaryPtr(DictionaryId,kForRead); if (dictionaryPtr.openStatus() != Acad::eOk) { return es; } if (!dictionaryPtr->has(pImageName)) { return eOk; // 沒有此圖形記錄,返回eOk } AcDbObjectId parObjectId; es = dictionaryPtr->getAt(pImageName,parObjectId); struct ImagePred { ImagePred(AcDbObjectId id) : m_imageDefId(id) { } bool operator()(const AcDbEntity * pEnt) { if (!pEnt->isKindOf(AcDbRasterImage::desc())) return false; const AcDbRasterImage * pImage = (const AcDbRasterImage*) pEnt; return pImage->imageDefId() == m_imageDefId; } private: AcDbObjectId m_imageDefId; }; FilteredEntityCollector entityColl (m_pDb); ImagePred imagePred(parObjectId); entityColl.OfPredicate(imagePred); AcDbObjectIdArray resultImageIds = entityColl.ToObjectIdArray(); for(int i = 0; i < resultImageIds.length(); ++i) { const AcDbObjectId& oid = resultImageIds.at(i); AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbEntity> entPtr(oid,kForWrite); if ((es = entPtr.openStatus()) != eOk) return es; entPtr->erase(); } AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbObject> imageDefPtr(parObjectId,kForWrite); if ((es = imageDefPtr.openStatus()) != eOk) return es; es = imageDefPtr->erase(); if (es != eOk) return es; imageDefPtr->close(); dictionaryPtr->upgradeOpen(); es = dictionaryPtr->remove(pImageName); return es; }