nodejs(connect-cas2)調cas報錯Receive response from CAS when validating ticket, but the validation is failed 完整報錯:node
options.restletIntegration is set, but options.paths.restletIntegration is undefined! Maybe you forget to set all your paths. Get lastUrl: http://localhost:3000/ Start validating ticket... Find ticket in query Sending request to: "" to validate ticket. |GET||200|100 Receive from CAS server, status: 200 Receive response from CAS when validating ticket, but the validation is failed. Cas response: { '$': { 'xmlns:cas': '' }, authenticationFailure: [ { _: '\r\n\t\tUNAUTHORIZED_SERVICE_PROXY\r\n\t', '$': [Object] } ] }
Sending request to: "" to validate ticket. 用了pgt,不對,不要proxy。 proxyCallback不要定義,填空。code