So I have this Polymer element with dom-repeat. It binds correctly. However, when the array is modified, it doesn't reflect back to DOM. Nothing changed when I click on the button.html
<dom-module id="my-element"> <template> <template is="dom-repeat" id="allRules" items="{{allRules}}"> <span class="tag" rule-enabled$={{item.enabled}}>{{}}</span> </template> <button on-click="click">Click me</button> </template> </dom-module> <script> Polymer({ is: "my-element", properties: { allRules: { type: Array, notify: true } }, click: function() { this.allRules[0].name = "three"; }, ready: function() { this.allRules = [ { name: "one", enabled: true }, { name: "two", enabled: false } ] }, setBind: function(bind) { this.bind = bind; } }); </script>
Is there a method like notifyArrayUpdated to tell the DOM to update binding data?git
When you change a subproperty inside an array, you need to dogithub
this.set('', 'three');
Check out array binding for details.dom
Here is a plunker for it.ide
Polymer 1.0 :Work with Object and array dataui