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164 var _isDeleted = rowData.isDelete; 165 var cs = ""; 166 if(_isAdmindel ==1){ 167 cs = cs+'<span style=" display:inline-block;padding: 3px 4px;color:white;background-color:#767d88;">管理員刪除</span>'; 168 } 169 if(_isDeleted ==1){ 170 cs = cs+'<span style=" display:inline-block;padding: 3px 4px;color:white;background-color:#35373c;">用戶刪除</span>'; 171 } 172 if(_isTop==1){ 173 cs = cs+'<span style=" display:inline-block;padding: 3px 4px;color:white;background-color:#4b8ae8">置頂</span>'; 174 } 175 cc.push('<div style="float:left;margin-left:20px;">'); 176 cc.push('<div > <img src="'+rowData.avatar+'" height="100" width="100" ></div>'); 177 cc.push('<div><span class="c-label">用戶名:</span> <span style="color:blue;">' + rowData.nickName + '</span></div>'); 178 cc.push('<div> '+rowData.channelName+'>'+ rowData.brandName + '</div>'); 179 cc.push('<div> 發佈時間: '+rowData.createDate + '</div>'); 180 cc.push('</div>'); 181 cc.push('<div style="margin-left:230px;">'); 182 if(rowData.channelId==2){ 183 if(rowData.title != null){ 184 cc.push('<div id="title_'+rowData.postId+'"> '+cs+'配件編號:'+jEmoji.unifiedToHTML(rowData.title )+ '</div>'); 185 }else{ 186 cc.push('<div id="title_'+rowData.postId+'"> '+cs+'配件編號:</div>'); 187 } 188 }else{ 189 if(rowData.title != null){ 190 cc.push('<div id="title_'+rowData.postId+'"> '+cs+'標題:'+jEmoji.unifiedToHTML(rowData.title )+ '</div>'); 191 }else{ 192 cc.push('<div id="title_'+rowData.postId+'"> '+cs+'標題:</div>'); 193 } 194 } 195 if(rowData.content != null){ 196 cc.push('<div class="c-content" id="content_'+rowData.postId+'"> '+'內容:'+jEmoji.unifiedToHTML(rowData.content )+ '</div>'); 197 }else{ 198 cc.push('<div class="c-content" id="content_'+rowData.postId+'"> '+'內容:</div>'); 199 } 200 var ss ='<div> '; 201 var attachmentList = rowData.channelPostAttach ; 202 for(var p in attachmentList){ 203 if(attachmentList[p].type==10121002){ 204 /* ss +='<video src="'+attachmentList[p].attachNameUrl+'" controls="controls" height="100" width="100"></video>' */ 205 /* ss +='<video id="example-video" width="100" height="100" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" poster=""><source src="'+attachmentList[p].attachNameUrl+'" type="application/x-mpegURL" id="target"></video>' */ 206 /* ss+='<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="none" width="100" height="100" poster="http://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.png" data-setup="{}"><source src="'+attachmentList[p].attachNameUrl+'" type="video/mp4"></source><source src="'+attachmentList[p].attachNameUrl+'" type="video/webm"></source><source src="'+attachmentList[p].attachNameUrl+'" type="video/ogg"></source><p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that<a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p></video>' */ 207 /* ss+='<embed src="'+attachmentList[p].attachNameUrl+'" quality= "high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:100px; 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244 }, 245 nowrap:false, 246 pageSize: 10,//每頁顯示的記錄條數,默認爲15 247 pageList: [10,20,30], 248 onLoadSuccess:function(data){ 249 if(data.errcode == -1){ 250 showResult("更新出錯"); 251 }else if(data.errcode == 1){ 252 }else{ 253 showResult("更新成功"); 254 } 255 } 256 }); 257 }); 258 259 $("#submitSearch").click(function(){ 260 selectFunction(); 261 }); 262 263 function selectFunction(){ 264 var content=$('#content').val(); 265 var nickName=$('#author').val(); 266 var dealType=$('#postStatus').val(); 267 var isDelete=$('#isDeleted').val(); 268 var startDate=$('#startDate').val(); 269 var endDate=$('#endDate').val(); 270 var forumIdArray = $('#forumIds').combobox('getValues'); 271 var brandIdArray = $('#brandIds').combobox('getValues'); 272 var brandIds =""; 273 var forumIds =""; 274 for(var o in brandIdArray){ 275 brandIds +=brandIdArray[o]; 276 if(o <brandIdArray.length-1){ 277 brandIds +=","; 278 } 279 } 280 for(var o in forumIdArray){ 281 forumIds +=forumIdArray[o]; 282 if(o <forumIdArray.length-1){ 283 forumIds +=","; 284 } 285 } 286 var str=$(".validatebox-text.validatebox-invalid:first"); 287 if(str.val()==null){ 288 $('#dg').datagrid('load',{ 289 "content":content, 290 "nickName":nickName, 291 "dealTypes":dealType, 292 "isDeletes":isDelete, 293 "startDate":startDate, 294 "endDate":endDate, 295 "brandIds":brandIds, 296 "channelIds":forumIds 297 }); 298 }else{ 299 alert("請檢查填寫錯誤的數據!"); 300 } 301 } 302 303 304 function allselectRow(tableName) { //全選 305 $('#' + tableName).datagrid('selectAll'); 306 } 307 308 function unselectRow(tableName) { //反選 309 var s_rows = $.map($('#' + tableName).datagrid('getSelections'), 310 function(n) { 311 return $('#' + tableName).datagrid('getRowIndex', n); 312 }); 313 $('#' + tableName).datagrid('selectAll'); 314 $.each(s_rows, function(i, n) { 315 $('#' + tableName).datagrid('unselectRow', n); 316 }); 317 } 318 319 320 function doDel(column,value,msg) { 321 //返回選中多行 322 var selRow = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelections') 323 //判斷是否選中行 324 if (selRow.length==0) { 325 $.messager.alert("提示", "請選擇"+msg+"行!", "info"); 326 return; 327 }else{ 328 var temID=""; 329 //批量獲取選中行的id 330 for (i = 0; i < selRow.length;i++) { 331 if(selRow[i].isAdmindel==1){ 332 $.messager.alert("提示", "已經有選中行的狀態是'管理員刪除',請去掉此行重試", "info"); 333 return; 334 } 335 /* if(selRow[i].isTop==1){ 336 $.messager.confirm('提示', '你選中要刪除的裏面包含置頂帖,是否繼續?', function (r) { 337 if (!r) { 338 return; 339 } 340 }); 341 } */ 342 if (temID =="") { 343 temID = selRow[i].postId 344 }else{ 345 temID = selRow[i].postId + "," + temID; 346 } 347 } 348 $.messager.confirm('提示', '是否'+msg+'選中數據?', function (r) { 349 if (!r) { 350 return; 351 }else{ 352 $.ajax({ 353 type : "POST", //提交方式 354 async: false, 355 url : "/channelPost/updateChannel",//路徑 356 data : {item:column,value:value,strPostIds:temID}, 357 success:function(data) { 358 if(data=='ok'){ 359 $.messager.alert("提示", "ok", "info"); 360 selectFunction(); 361 }else{ 362 $.messager.alert("提示", "error", "info"); 363 } 364 } 365 }); 366 } 367 }); 368 369 } 370 }; 371 372 373 374 function doTop(column,value,msg) { 375 //返回選中多行 376 var selRow = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelections') 377 //判斷是否選中行 378 if (selRow.length==0) { 379 $.messager.alert("提示", "請選擇"+msg+"行!", "info"); 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431 return; 432 }else{ 433 var temID=""; 434 //批量獲取選中行的id 435 for (i = 0; i < selRow.length;i++) { 436 if(selRow[i].isTop!=1){ 437 $.messager.alert("提示", "只有'置頂'的才能取消置頂,檢查選中項", "info"); 438 return; 439 }else{ 440 if (temID =="") { 441 temID = selRow[i].postId 442 }else{ 443 temID = selRow[i].postId + "," + temID; 444 } 445 } 446 } 447 $.messager.confirm('提示', '是否'+msg+'選中數據?', function (r) { 448 if (!r) { 449 return; 450 } 451 $.ajax({ 452 type : "POST", //提交方式 453 url : "/channelPost/updateChannel",//路徑 454 data : {item:column,value:value,strPostIds:temID}, 455 success:function(data) { 456 if(data=='ok'){ 457 $.messager.alert("提示", "ok", "info"); 458 selectFunction(); 459 }else{ 460 $.messager.alert("提示", "error", "info"); 461 } 462 } 463 }); 464 }); 465 } 466 }; 467 </script> 468 </body> 469 </html>
{"total":67,"errmsg":"查詢成功","errcode":1,"rows":[{"postId":77,"dealType":0,"title":"理解","partNo":null,"content":"理解[圖片]","location":null,"tradeType":0,"brandId":0,"quantity":0,"contacts":"SakuraAoi","contactNumber":null,"color":null,"channelId":1,"createDate":"2018-10-16 10:12:19","updateDate":null,"status":0,"isDelete":0,"isAdmindel":0,"isTop":0,"replyNumber":0,"readNumber":0,"thumbNumber":0,"authorId":0,"isOem":0,"type":0,"amount":0.0,"channelPostAttach":[{"attachId":99,"postId":77,"uploadDate":1539655939000,"attachName":"record-attach/sell/371-20181016101221.png","type":10121001,"typeName":null,"attachNameUrl":""}],"nickName":"SakuraAoi","avatar":"","channelName":"新車交易","brandName":"長安鈴木","startDate":null,"endDate":null,"brandIds":null,"channelIds":null,"strBrandIds":null,"strChannelIds":null,"begin":0,"end":0,"dealTypes":null,"isDeletes":null,"item":null,"value":0,"userId":0,"actId":0,"dealTypeName":null,"tradeTypeName":null,"isTopName":null,"createDate2":null}]}html
public class BsChannelPost { private int postId; private int dealType; private String title; private String partNo; private String content; private String location; private int tradeType; private int brandId; private int quantity; private String contacts; private String contactNumber; private String color; private int channelId; @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",timezone = "GMT+8") private Date createDate; @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",timezone = "GMT+8") private Date updateDate; private int status; private int isDelete; private int isAdmindel; private int isTop; private int replyNumber; private int readNumber; private int thumbNumber; private int authorId; private int isOem; private int type; private double amount; private List<BsChannelPostAttach> channelPostAttach;//附件 private String nickName; private String avatar; private String channelName; private String brandName; private String startDate; private String endDate; private List<Integer> brandIds; private List<Integer> channelIds; private String strBrandIds; private String strChannelIds; private int begin; private int end; private String dealTypes; private String isDeletes; private String item; private int value; private int userId; private int actId; private String dealTypeName; private String tradeTypeName; private String isTopName; private String createDate2; }
import lombok.Data; @Data//lombok 免寫get set public class BsChannelPostAttach { private int attachId; private int postId; private Date uploadDate; private String attachName; private int type; private String typeName; private String attachNameUrl; }
dao: web
1 <resultMap type="com.yonyou.wechatMng.domain.BsChannelPost" id="channelPost"> 2 <id property="postId" column="postId" /> 3 <collection property="channelPostAttach" javaType="ArrayList" select="selectAttach" column="postId" ofType="com.yonyou.wechatMng.domain.BsChannelPostAttach"></collection> 4 </resultMap> 5 6 <select id="selectAttach" parameterType="int" resultType="com.yonyou.wechatMng.domain.BsChannelPostAttach"> 7 select attach_id attachId,post_id postId,upload_date uploadDate,attach_name attachName,type from bs_channel_post_attach where post_id = #{postId} order by attach_id 8 </select> 9 10 <select id="getChannelPost" parameterType="com.yonyou.wechatMng.domain.BsChannelPost" resultMap="channelPost"> 11 select p.post_id postId,u.nickname nickName,c.channel_name channelName,b.brand_name brandName,p.create_date createDate,p.title title,p.content content,p.part_no partNo,p.contacts contacts,u.avatar avatar,p.is_top isTop, 12 is_delete isDelete,p.is_admindel isAdmindel,p.channel_id channelId 13 from bs_channel_post p left join bs_channel c on p.channel_id=c.channel_id left join bs_brand b 14 on p.brand_id=b.brand_id left join bs_user u on p.author_id=u.user_id where 1=1 15 <if test="content!=null and content!=''"> 16 and (p.content like '%${content}%' or p.title like '%${content}%' ) 17 </if> 18 <if test="nickName!=null and nickName!=''"> 19 and u.nickname like '%${nickName}%' 20 </if> 21 <if test="dealType!=0"> 22 and p.deal_type=#{dealType} 23 </if> 24 <if test="isDelete==1"> 25 and (is_delete=0 and is_admindel=0) 26 </if> 27 <if test="isDelete==2"> 28 and (is_delete=1 or is_admindel=1) 29 </if> 30 <if test="isDelete==3"> 31 and is_top=1 32 </if> 33 <if test="brandIds !=null and brandIds.size()>0"> 34 and p.brand_id in 35 <foreach collection="brandIds" item="id" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=","> 36 #{id} 37 </foreach> 38 </if> 39 <if test="channelIds !=null and channelIds.size()>0"> 40 and p.channel_id in 41 <foreach collection="channelIds" item="id" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=","> 42 #{id} 43 </foreach> 44 </if> 45 <if test="(startDate!=null and startDate!='') and (endDate==null or endDate=='')"> 46 and p.create_date>#{beginDate} 47 </if> 48 <if test="(startDate==null or startDate=='') and (endDate!=null and endDate!='')"> 49 and p.create_date <#{endDate} 50 </if> 51 <if test="(startDate!=null and startDate!='') and (endDate!=null and endDate!='')"> 52 and p.create_date between #{beginDate} and #{endDate} 53 </if> 54 order by p.create_date desc limit #{begin},#{end} 55 </select>