A simple library for hide and show text with animation.工具
android-trinity is tiny proactive framework with much of the scaffolding code required to start a new Android Application.ui
ItemDecoration for Android Recyclerview
DialogX 採用全新的實現方式,不依賴 AlertDialog、Window 或 Fragment 實現,更加輕便快捷。DialogX 的啓動與線程無關,你能夠在任意線程啓動 DialogX 而它都將自動在 UI 線程運行。DialogX 的啓動無需 context 參數,默認提供靜態方法一句代碼實現對話框的啓動,使用更加方便。
Android 10 + 適用於國內各大手機廠商的開放匿名設備標識(OAID),若不支持OAID則須自行生成一個全局惟一標識(GUID)。該開源方案相似於移動安全聯盟官網提供的統一SDK閉源方案(miit_mdid_xxx.aar)。
An in-display logging library for Android
🪁 Android Resources Wrapper Library
An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture
Android Gradle Plugin -- Auto Check big image and compress image in building.
A sample to showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Koin, Coroutines, StateFlow, Room, WorkManager, Retrofit and Unit test.
Tracepath for android
A demo app to show how to detect screenshots taken by the user while using the app
Android Merge Tool
Parsing and re-packing Android boot.img/vbmeta.img, supporting Android 11
android APK一鍵DEX加固腳本(內存加載DEX)
基於Appium的 App UI 遍歷 & Monkey工具 (支持操做步驟回放)
Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ based IDEs Sponsors
原文地址:https://www.androidweekly.io/android-dev-weekly-issue-299/ 版權聲明:禁止一切形式的轉載-禁止商用-禁止衍生