
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class RedBlackTree<AnyType extends Comparable<? super AnyType>>
    public RedBlackTree( )
        nullNode = new RedBlackNode<>( null );
        nullNode.left = nullNode.right = nullNode;
        header      = new RedBlackNode<>( null );
        header.left = header.right = nullNode;

    private int compare( AnyType item, RedBlackNode<AnyType> t )
        if( t == header )
            return 1;
            return item.compareTo( t.element );

    public void insert( AnyType item )
        current = parent = grand = header;
        nullNode.element = item;

        while( compare( item, current ) != 0 )
            great = grand; grand = parent; parent = current;
            current = compare( item, current ) < 0 ?
                    current.left : current.right;

            // Check if two red children; fix if so
            if( current.left.color == RED && current.right.color == RED )
                handleReorient( item );

        // Insertion fails if already present
        if( current != nullNode )
        current = new RedBlackNode<>( item, nullNode, nullNode );

        // Attach to parent
        if( compare( item, parent ) < 0 )
            parent.left = current;
            parent.right = current;
        handleReorient( item );

    public void remove( AnyType x )
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException( );

    public AnyType findMin( )
        if( isEmpty( ) )
            throw new NoSuchElementException("BST underflow");

        RedBlackNode<AnyType> itr = header.right;

        while( itr.left != nullNode )
            itr = itr.left;

        return itr.element;

    public AnyType findMax( )
        if( isEmpty( ) )
            throw new NoSuchElementException("BST underflow");

        RedBlackNode<AnyType> itr = header.right;

        while( itr.right != nullNode )
            itr = itr.right;

        return itr.element;

    public boolean contains( AnyType x )
        nullNode.element = x;
        current = header.right;

        for( ; ; )
            if( x.compareTo( current.element ) < 0 )
                current = current.left;
            else if( x.compareTo( current.element ) > 0 )
                current = current.right;
            else if( current != nullNode )
                return true;
                return false;

    public void makeEmpty( )
        header.right = nullNode;

    public void printTree( )
        if( isEmpty( ) )
            System.out.println( "Empty tree" );
            printTree( header.right );

    private void printTree( RedBlackNode<AnyType> t )
        if( t != nullNode )
            printTree( t.left );
            System.out.println( t.element );
            printTree( t.right );

    public boolean isEmpty( )
        return header.right == nullNode;

    private void handleReorient( AnyType item )
        // Do the color flip
        current.color = RED;
        current.left.color = BLACK;
        current.right.color = BLACK;

        if( parent.color == RED )   // Have to rotate
            grand.color = RED;
            if( ( compare( item, grand ) < 0 ) !=
                    ( compare( item, parent ) < 0 ) )
                parent = rotate( item, grand );  // Start dbl rotate
            current = rotate( item, great );
            current.color = BLACK;
        header.right.color = BLACK; // Make root black

    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> rotate( AnyType item, RedBlackNode<AnyType> parent )
        if( compare( item, parent ) < 0 )
            return parent.left = compare( item, parent.left ) < 0 ?
                    rotateWithLeftChild( parent.left )  :  // LL
                    rotateWithRightChild( parent.left ) ;  // LR
            return parent.right = compare( item, parent.right ) < 0 ?
                    rotateWithLeftChild( parent.right ) :  // RL
                    rotateWithRightChild( parent.right );  // RR

    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> rotateWithLeftChild( RedBlackNode<AnyType> k2 )
        RedBlackNode<AnyType> k1 = k2.left;
        k2.left = k1.right;
        k1.right = k2;
        return k1;

    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> rotateWithRightChild( RedBlackNode<AnyType> k1 )
        RedBlackNode<AnyType> k2 = k1.right;
        k1.right = k2.left;
        k2.left = k1;
        return k2;

    private static class RedBlackNode<AnyType>
        // Constructors
        RedBlackNode( AnyType theElement )
            this( theElement, null, null );

        RedBlackNode( AnyType theElement, RedBlackNode<AnyType> lt, RedBlackNode<AnyType> rt )
            element  = theElement;
            left     = lt;
            right    = rt;
            color    = RedBlackTree.BLACK;

        AnyType               element;    // The data in the node
        RedBlackNode<AnyType> left;       // Left child
        RedBlackNode<AnyType> right;      // Right child
        int                   color;      // Color

    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> header;
    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> nullNode;

    private static final int BLACK = 1;    // BLACK must be 1
    private static final int RED   = 0;

    // Used in insert routine and its helpers
    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> current;
    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> parent;
    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> grand;
    private RedBlackNode<AnyType> great;

    // Test program
    public static void main( String [ ] args )
        RedBlackTree<Integer> t = new RedBlackTree<>( );
        final int NUMS = 400000;
        final int GAP  =  35461;

        System.out.println( "Checking... (no more output means success)" );

        for( int i = GAP; i != 0; i = ( i + GAP ) % NUMS )
            t.insert( i );

        if( t.findMin( ) != 1 || t.findMax( ) != NUMS - 1 )
            System.out.println( "FindMin or FindMax error!" );

        for( int i = 1; i < NUMS; i++ )
            if( !t.contains( i ) )
                System.out.println( "Find error1!" );