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new MongoDump.Builder() .runtime(mockRuntime) .uri("mongodb://") .archive("dbname.archive") .commandPath("/usr/local/bin/mongodump") .build() .execute();
package learningops.mongo; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import static; /** * @author learningops * @date 22/03/2018 */ public class MongoDump { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoDump.class); private String uri; private String archive; private String commandPath; private Runtime runtime; public static class Builder { private String uri; private String archive; private String commandPath; private Runtime runtime; public Builder archive(String archive) { this.archive = archive; return this; } public Builder runtime(Runtime runtime) { this.runtime = runtime; return this; } public Builder commandPath(String commandPath) { this.commandPath = commandPath; return this; } public Builder uri(String uri) { this.uri = uri; return this; } public MongoDump build() { MongoDump result = new MongoDump(); result.uri = checkNotNull(uri, "uri was null."); result.commandPath = checkNotNull(commandPath, "commandPath was null."); result.archive = checkNotNull(archive, "archive was null."); Runtime rt = runtime; if (rt == null) { rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); } result.runtime = rt; return result; } } public String execute() { try { String command = String.format("%s --archive=%s --uri=%s", commandPath, archive, uri); LOG.debug("command: {}", command); Process runtimeProcess = runtime.exec(new String[]{"/bin/sh", "-c", command}); int exitValue = runtimeProcess.waitFor(); if (exitValue != 0) { InputStream error = runtimeProcess.getErrorStream(); String errorMessage = IOUtils.toString(error, "UTF-8"); throw new MongoDumpException(errorMessage); } InputStream message = runtimeProcess.getInputStream(); return IOUtils.toString(message, "UTF-8"); } catch (MongoDumpException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
package learningops.mongo; /** * @author learningops * @date 22/03/2018 */ public class MongoDumpException extends RuntimeException { public MongoDumpException(String message) { super(message); } }
package learningops.mongo; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; /** * @author learningops * @date 22/03/2018 */ public class MongoDumpTest { @Test public void test() throws Exception { Runtime mockRuntime = mock(Runtime.class); Process mockProcess = mock(Process.class); when(mockProcess.getInputStream()).thenReturn(IOUtils.toInputStream("success message", "UTF-8")); when(mockRuntime.exec(new String[]{anyString()})).thenReturn(mockProcess); when(mockProcess.waitFor()).thenReturn(0); String result = new MongoDump.Builder() .runtime(mockRuntime) .uri("mongodb://") .archive("dbname.archive") .commandPath("/usr/local/bin/mongodump") .build() .execute(); assertEquals(result, "success message"); } @Test(expectedExceptions = {MongoDumpException.class}, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "error message") public void unknownTermination() throws Exception { Runtime mockRuntime = mock(Runtime.class); Process mockProcess = mock(Process.class); when(mockRuntime.exec(new String[]{anyString()})).thenReturn(mockProcess); when(mockProcess.waitFor()).thenReturn(1); InputStream errorStream = IOUtils.toInputStream("error message", "UTF-8"); when(mockProcess.getErrorStream()).thenReturn(errorStream); new MongoDump.Builder() .runtime(mockRuntime) .uri("mongodb://") .archive("dbname.archive") .commandPath("/usr/local/bin/mongodump") .build() .execute(); } @Test(expectedExceptions = {RuntimeException.class}) public void unknownException() throws Exception { Runtime mockRuntime = mock(Runtime.class); Process mockProcess = mock(Process.class); when(mockRuntime.exec(new String[]{anyString()})).thenReturn(mockProcess); InputStream errorStream = IOUtils.toInputStream("error message", "UTF-8"); when(mockProcess.getErrorStream()).thenReturn(errorStream); new MongoDump.Builder() .runtime(mockRuntime) .uri("mongodb://") .archive("dbname.archive") .commandPath("/usr/local/bin/mongodump") .build() .execute(); } @Test public void buildWithDefaultRuntime() { new MongoDump.Builder() .uri("mongodb://") .archive("dbname.archive") .commandPath("/usr/local/bin/mongodump") .build(); } }