In Angular 1.5 introduces "compoment" syntax. But ng-annotate doesn't understand ".compoment" syntax, that's why in min version, the code doesn't
so use "ng-strict-di" directive, it tell AngualrJS when compile time to check whether the dependciy injection is working or not.this
<body ng-app="app" ng-strict-di ng-cloak> <app> Loading... </app> <script src="bundle.js"></script> </body>
Then we when use compoment, if we don't add 'ngInject', then it will block the compiler, so everytime we use component, we need to add:spa
class CategoriesController { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(categories => this.categories = categories); } } export default CategoriesController;