


The Mozilla Firefox Logo.

If you browse with Mozilla Firefox, you can now set a default zoom level for all websites. And you can still set custom zoom levels for individual websites, too. This feature was added in Firefox 73, which was released Feb. 11, 2020.

如果使用Mozilla Firefox瀏覽,現在可以爲所有網站設置默認縮放級別。 而且,您仍然可以爲各個網站設置自定義縮放級別。 2020年2月11日發佈的Firefox 73中添加了此功能。

如何爲所有網站設置默認縮放級別 (How to Set a Default Zoom Level for All Websites)

It’s easy to tell Firefox to zoom in or out automatically on all websites you visit. To get started, click the menu button in the top-right corner of the Firefox window, and then select 「Options」 (on a Mac, select 「Preferences」).

告訴Firefox在您訪問的所有網站上自動放大或縮小很容易。 要開始使用,請單擊Firefox窗口右上角的菜單按鈕,然後選擇「選項」(在Mac上,選擇「首選項」)。

Click "Options."

Scroll down to the 「Language and Appearance」 section on the General pane. Click the 「Default Zoom」 box in the 「Zoom」 section and select the zoom level you want. You can choose a zoom level between 30 and 300 percent.

向下滾動到「常規」窗格上的「語言和外觀」部分。 單擊「縮放」部分中的「默認縮放」框,然後選擇所需的縮放級別。 您可以在30%到300%之間選擇縮放比例。

If you like, you can also check the 「Zoom Text Only」 option. This will enlarge or shrink the text on a web page, but it won’t zoom the other content, like images.

如果您願意,還可以選中「僅縮放文本」選項。 這將放大或縮小網頁上的文本,但不會縮放其他內容,例如圖像。

Firefox's default zoom option.

If you don’t see the 「Default Zoom」 option, you’ll need to update Firefox. Click Menu > Help > About Firefox to check for updates.

如果看不到「默認縮放」選項,則需要更新Firefox。 單擊菜單>幫助>關於Firefox以檢查更新。

如何爲一個網站設置縮放級別 (How to Set a Zoom Level for One Website)

To quickly set a different zoom level for a particular website, click the menu button at the top right, and then click the plus (+) or minus sign (-) to zoom in or out, respectively. You can see the current zoom level in the address bar.

要爲特定網站快速設置不同的縮放級別,請單擊右上角的菜單按鈕,然後單擊加號(+)或減號(-)分別進行放大或縮小。 您可以在地址欄中看到當前的縮放級別。

Firefox will remember the zoom level you set for each website.


The Firefox option for per-website zoom.

If you want to change the size of text only, click 「View」 in the menu bar, hover your mouse over 「Zoom,」 and then click 「Zoom Text Only.」


There are also some handy shortcuts you can use to quickly zoom in or out. Press Ctrl on Windows or Cmd on Mac while performing any of the following:

您還可以使用一些便捷的快捷方式來快速放大或縮小。 在執行以下任一操作時,請在Windows上按Ctrl,在Mac上按Cmd:

  • Scroll in or out with your mouse to zoom in or out.

  • Press the plus sign (+) to zoom in or the minus sign (-) to zoom out.

  • Press zero to restore the zoom level to 100 percent.


These features, new and old, can help you reduce eye strain and make reading much easier on the web.

這些新的和舊的功能可以幫助您減少眼睛疲勞 ,並使網上閱讀更加輕鬆。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/657255/how-to-set-a-default-zoom-level-in-firefox/
