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by Ember Crooks onApril 14, 2011 node
So I’m doing a lot of posts in the DB2 Basics area this week. That’s because they are quick for me to write, and they’re questions I get all the time. So bear with me if you read for the more detailed Commerce topics – I’m not abandoning them. dom
DB2 databases can be cataloged on DB2 servers or DB2 clients. Before trying cataloging, make sure you at least have the DB2 client installed. DB2 Clients are free (no licensing required). All App servers should have DB2 clients already installed on them. Web servers should not. You can download DB2 Clients here: tcp
Select the same version and FixPack as the servers you’re connecting to. Then select the proper OS. Finally, select 「IBM Data Server Client」 (9. versions) or 「Administration Client」 (8. versions). Installation and Instance creation are outside the scope of this post. ide
You need: post
$ db2 get dbm cfg |grep SVCENAME
TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) = db2c_db2inst1
$ cat /etc/services |grep db2c_db2inst1
db2c_db2inst1 50001/tcp
The general form of the syntax for doing this is: ui
db2 catalog tcpip node <NODENAME> remote <REMOTE> server <PORT>
For example: this
Logged in (su – is fine) as the db2 instance owner or a privileged user: spa
$ db2 catalog tcpip node prod_ecom remote server 50001
The general form of the syntax for doing this is: code
db2 catalog database <database_name> at node <node_name>
For example:
Logged in (su – is fine) as the db2 instance owner or a privileged user:
db2 catalog database wcs_prod at node prod_ecom
After cataloging, do a db2 terminate to ensure everything shows up
$ db2 terminate
DB20000I The TERMINATE command completed successfully.
It is very important to test the connection because a typo could cause it not to work. Or there could be network issues preventing connection.
The general form of the syntax for doing this is:
db2 connect to <database_name> user <user_name> (you will then be prompted for a password)
For example:
Logged in (su – is fine) as the db2 instance owner or a privileged user:
db2 connect to wcs_prod user ecrooks
Enter current password for ecrooks: Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/LINUX 8.2.9 SQL authorization ID = ECROOKS Local database alias = WCS_PROD