我看的這本是Bjarne Stroustrup寫的,南開大學的楊巨峯和王剛譯的。這本書不適合初學者看,我就是大概翻了翻其中感興趣的章節。dom
從中能夠看出,ISO C和ISO C++是K&R C [Kernighan, 1978] 的兩個主要後代,所以它們是兄弟。二者發展過程當中都從經典C繼承了關鍵特性,但又不都是100%兼容經典C。學習
What is the purpose of this site?
Our goal is to provide programmers with a complete online reference for the C and C++ languages and standard libraries, i.e. a more convenient version of the C and C++ standards.spa
The primary objective is to have a good specification of C and C++. That is, things that are implicitly clear to an experienced programmer should be omitted, or at least separated from the main description of a function, constant or class. A good place to demonstrate various use cases is the "example" section of each page. Rationale, implementation notes, domain specific documentation are preferred to be included in the "notes" section of each page. 繼承