
附1. 核心概念
1. 數據文件: 人工產品 (artifacts) 
2. 數據文件:可視化(visualizations) 
QIIME2生成的圖表結果文件類型,以.qzv爲擴展名,末尾的v表明visual;它同qza文件相似,包括分析方法和結果,方便追溯圖表是如何產生的;惟一與qza不一樣的,它是分析的終點,即結果的呈現,不會在流程中繼續分析。可視化的結果包括統計結果表格、交互式圖像、靜態圖片及其它組合的可視化呈現。這類文件可使用QIIME2 qiime tools view命令查看,不安裝程序也可在線 https://view.qiime2.org 導入顯示; 
3. 語義類型(Semantic types) 
4. 插件(Plugins) 
5. 方法和可視化 
附2. Glossary 名詞解釋
Action 方法或可視化的動做
A general term for a method or visualizer.
Artifact 本流程定義的文件格式,存儲數據和分析結果
Data that can be used as input to a QIIME method or visualizer, or that can be generated as output from a QIIME method. Artifacts typically have the extension .qza when written to file.
Method 對Artifact分析的方法
An action that takes some combination of artifacts and parameters as input, and produces one or more artifacts as output. These output artifacts could subsequently be used as input to other QIIME 2 methods or visualizers. Methods can produce intermediate or terminal outputs in a QIIME analysis.
Parameter 參數,軟件或方法中可調整的部分
A primitive (i.e., non-artifact) input to an action. For example, strings, integers, and booleans are primitives. Primitives are never output from an action.
Pipeline 流程,一系統分析方法的串聯
A combination of actions. This is not yet implemented.
Plugin 插件,可擴展的功能
A plugin provides microbiome (i.e. domain-specific) analysis functionality that is accessible to users through a variety of interfaces built around the QIIME 2 framework. Plugins can be developed and distributed by anyone. In more technical terms, a plugin is a Python 3 package that instantiates a qiime2.plugin.Plugin object, and registers actions, data formats, and/or semantic types that become discoverable in the QIIME 2 framework.
Result 分析結果
A general term for an artifact or visualization. A result is produced by a method, visualizer, or pipeline.
Visualization 可視化,把數據繪製成圖表方便查看和分析規律
Data that can be generated as output from a QIIME visualizer. Visualizations typically have the extension .qzv when written to file.
Visualizer 可視化工具,將結果可視化的軟件
An action that takes some combination of artifacts and parameters as input, and produces exactly one visualization as output. Output visualizations, by definition, cannot be used as input to other QIIME 2 methods or visualizers. Visualizers can only produce terminal output in a QIIME analysis.
附3. 經常使用的語義類型semantic types
FeatureTable[Frequency]: 頻率,即Feature表(OTU表),爲每一個樣品中對應OTU出現頻率的表格
FeatureTable[RelativeFrequency]: 相對頻率,OTU表標準化爲百分比的相度丰度
FeatureTable[PresenceAbsence]: OTU有無表,顯示樣本中某個OTU有或無的表格
FeatureTable[Composition]: 組成表,每一個樣品中OTU的頻率
Phylogeny[Rooted]: 有根進化樹
Phylogeny[Unrooted]: 無根進化樹
DistanceMatrix: 距離矩陣
PCoAResults: 主成分分析結果
SampleData[AlphaDiversity]: Alpha多樣性結果,來自樣本自身的分析
SampleData[SequencesWithQuality]: 帶質量的序列,要求有質量值,要求序列名稱與樣品存在對應關係,如爲按樣品拆分後的數據格式
SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]: 成對的帶質量序列,要求序列ID與樣品編號存在對應關係;
FeatureData[Taxonomy]: 每個OTU/Feature的分類學信息
FeatureData[Sequence]: 表明性序列
FeatureData[AlignedSequence]: 表明性序列進行多序列比對的結果
FeatureData[PairedEndSequence]: 雙端序列進行聚類或去噪後,分類好的OTU或Feature
EMPSingleEndSequences: 採用地球微生物組計劃標準實驗方法產生的單端測序數據;
EMPPairedEndSequences: 採用地球微生物組計劃標準實驗方法產生的雙端測序數據;
TaxonomicClassifier: 用於物種註釋的分類軟件