e.g. dictionary包含"ab", "ba", "aaab", "abab", "baa"。Tries建立爲:優化
e.g. 爲dictionary包含"ab", "ba", "aaab", "abab", "baa"的tries分配fail指針。code
1) 根節點 和 根節點的全部子結點 的fail指針都指向根結點;
2) 以BFS的順序遍歷tries中每一個結點i,看它parent的fail結點是否有與i字符值相同的子結點,若是有則將fail指針指向那個子結點,沒有則繼續找下一個fail結點。若是一直找到root仍然沒有(root也沒有與i有相同字符值的子結點)則將fail指針指向root。
1. 若是沿着fail一直搜索到根結點都找不到(說明整個trie數中都沒有)值爲c的結點,返回false;
2. 在搜索過程當中找到值爲c的結點,若是是終止結點則返回true,不然一直繼續沿着fail搜索(一樣,直到搜索到根節點)仍找不到值爲c的終止結點才返回false。
直接照着這個定義寫了份粗製劣造的code。缺點:1. 性能差,速度慢;2. debug麻煩,另加了輔助打印函數才調正確; 3. 由於結點基本都是在堆上建立的,還要另寫一份析構函數確保內存都成功釋放。
class TrieNode { public: int value; TrieNode* children[26]={NULL}; TrieNode* fail; bool isEnd; TrieNode() : value(-1), fail(NULL), isEnd(false) {} TrieNode(char charValue) : value(charValue-'a'),fail(NULL),isEnd(false){} /* used to debug TrieNode() : value(-1), fail(NULL), isEnd(false), parent(-1), tier(0){} TrieNode(char charValue, TrieNode* pParent) : value(charValue-'a'), fail(NULL), isEnd(false), parent(pParent->value), tier(pParent->tier+1) {} int parent; int tier; void printBasic() const { if (tier==0) { cout << "root\n"; } else { cout << "Node: "<<(char)('a'+value) << "\nlevel: "<<tier << '\t' <<"parent: "; if (tier==1) cout << "root"; else cout <<(char)('a'+parent); cout <<endl; //how to print node whose parent is root } } void print() const { printBasic(); cout << "fail-> "; fail->printBasic(); cout << endl; } */ }; class StreamChecker { public: StreamChecker(vector<string>& words):root() { buildTrie(words); buildFail(); current=&root; } ~StreamChecker() { for(int i=0;i<26;i++) { if (root.children[i]!=NULL) releaseChildren(root.children[i]); } } void releaseChildren(TrieNode* temp) { for (int i=0;i<26;i++) { if (temp->children[i]!=NULL) releaseChildren(temp->children[i]); } delete temp; } void buildTrie(vector<string>& words) { TrieNode* temp_current; for (string word : words) { temp_current=&root; for (char c : word) { if (temp_current->children[c-'a']==NULL) //if node not build yet //used to debug //temp_current->children[c-'a']=new TrieNode(c, temp_current); temp_current->children[c-'a']=new TrieNode(c); temp_current=temp_current->children[c-'a']; //go to the target node } temp_current->isEnd=true; } } void buildFail() { root.fail=&root; queue<TrieNode*> process_queue; for (int i=0;i<26;i++) { if(root.children[i]!=NULL) { root.children[i]->fail=&root; process_queue.push(root.children[i]); } } while (!process_queue.empty()) { TrieNode* temp_current=process_queue.front(); for (int i=0;i<26;i++) { if (temp_current->children[i]!=NULL) { setFailForChild(temp_current, i); process_queue.push(temp_current->children[i]); } } process_queue.pop(); } } void setFailForChild(TrieNode* parent, int child_index) { TrieNode* to_search=parent->fail; while (to_search!=&root) { if (to_search->children[child_index]!=NULL) { parent->children[child_index]->fail=to_search->children[child_index]; return; } to_search=to_search->fail; } if (root.children[child_index]!=NULL) { parent->children[child_index]->fail=root.children[child_index]; return; } parent->children[child_index]->fail=&root; } bool query(char letter) { while (current!=&root) { if (current->children[letter-'a']!=NULL) { current=current->children[letter-'a']; if (current->isEnd==false) { TrieNode* temp=current; while (temp!=&root) { if (temp->isEnd==true) return true; else temp=temp->fail; } return false; } else { return true; } } else { current=current->fail; } } if (root.children[letter-'a']!=NULL) { current=root.children[letter-'a']; return current->isEnd; } return false; } TrieNode root; TrieNode* current; /* add for debug void printTrie() const { root.print(); queue<TrieNode*> nodes; for (int i=0;i<26;i++) { if (root.children[i]!=NULL) nodes.push(root.children[i]); } while (!nodes.empty()) { const TrieNode* current=nodes.front(); current->print(); for (int i=0;i<26;i++) { if (current->children[i]!=NULL) nodes.push(current->children[i]); } nodes.pop(); } cout << "--end.\n"; } */ }; int main() { string inputs[]={"ab","ba","aaab","abab","baa"}; vector<string> words(inputs,inputs+5); StreamChecker* checker=new StreamChecker(words); cout << "000001111100111100011111101110" << endl << endl; string testinput="aaaaabababbbababbbbababaaabaaa"; for (char c:testinput) cout << checker->query(c); delete checker; cout << endl; }