記得公衆號好久以前推出過一個branch and price的概念推文,後來小編找到了部分(不完整)的代碼,通過研究之後補齊了這部分代碼,可以運行之後也分享了給你們。詳情能夠看:java
乾貨 | 10分鐘帶你掌握branch and price(分支訂價)算法超詳細原理解析)node
乾貨 | Branch and Price算法求解VRPTW問題(附JAVA代碼分享)web
2、branch and price
branch and price實際上是column generation和branch and bound的結合。爲何要結合呢?前面的文章中介紹過,column generation是求解大規模線性規劃問題的,注意是線性規劃問題,不是整數或者混合整數規劃問題。編程
所以在用column generation求解VRPTW的Set-Partitioning Model的時候,須要先將決策變量由整數鬆弛爲實數,詳情參見:微信
乾貨 | 10分鐘教你使用Column Generation求解VRPTW的線性鬆弛模型app
那麼問題來了,既然column generation只能求解線性鬆弛模型,求得的解若是剛好是整數解那還好說。可是大部分狀況獲得的多是一個非整數解,這顯然不是咱們VRPTW問題的最終解。框架
這個時候就須要用到branch and bound去找整數解了。我記得前面的推文也提到過,branch and bound自己是一個比較通用的算法,只要設計好問題的branch和bound,便可用來求解該問題。所以branch and bound也能夠用來求解整數規劃問題,詳情能夠參見:less
乾貨 | 10分鐘帶你全面掌握branch and bound(分支定界)算法-概念篇編輯器
乾貨 | 10分鐘搞懂branch and bound算法的代碼實現附帶java代碼
branch and bound在求解整數規劃模型的時候經過對當前模型加約束的方式,來對決策變量進行分支,而支路的lower bound能夠經過求解該支路下整數規劃模型的線性鬆弛而得到。求解通常線性規劃問題能夠用單純形法,可是VRPTW的Set-Partitioning Model線性鬆弛後是超大規模的線性規劃問題,無法枚舉全部列。所以採用column generation來進行求解。
3、branch and bound
關於VRPTW的Set-Partitioning Model是這樣的:

決策變量爲整數,我當時想着按照branch and bound求解整數規劃模型的思路看代碼,結果半天沒看出個因此然來。由於我沒找到 的相關分支代碼。而後看着看着就懵逼了。最後我問了下學長怎麼進行分支,他一句話點醒了我:你能夠按照Set-Partitioning Model進行分支,也能夠按照以前的arc-flow model進行分支。
瞬間醒悟,代碼中的分支方式也是採用arc-flow model進行分支的,那麼這兩個是怎樣關聯起來的呢?實際上是靠"邊",Set-Partitioning Model中的一列其實就表明一條路徑:

for example,在上面的模型中就包含了4列,每一列就表明一條路徑:
r1 : 1->4
r2 : 2->3
r3 : 1->3
r4 : 1->2->3->4
arc-flow model中的「邊」是否是包含在上面的路徑中了呢,當Set-Partitioning Model中的 (k=1,2,3,4)不爲整數時,那麼這些路徑中相應的「邊」在arc-flow model也不是整數了。這樣兩個模型就能夠關聯起來了。所以咱們在branch and bound的時候也能夠按照「邊」來進行分支。
(1) 首先判斷上下界是否達到指定的gap,若是是,則認爲已經完成了搜索,跳出遞歸。
// check first that we need to solve this node. Not the case if we have
// already found a solution within the gap precision
if ((upperbound - lowerbound) / upperbound < userParam.gap)
return true;
(2) 分支節點爲null時,說明爲初始狀態,那麼分配根節點,開始進行分支。
// init
if (branching == null) { // root node - first call
// first call - root node
treeBB newNode = new treeBB();
newNode.father = null;
newNode.toplevel = true;
newNode.branchFrom = -1;
newNode.branchTo = -1;
newNode.branchValue = -1;
newNode.son0 = null;
branching = newNode;
(3) branchValue<1時,該邊被禁止,不然該邊被選擇(必定要通過)。
// display some local info
if (branching.branchValue < 1) {
System.out.println("\nEdge from " + branching.branchFrom + " to "
+ branching.branchTo + ": forbid");
} else {
System.out.println("\nEdge from " + branching.branchFrom + " to "
+ branching.branchTo + ": set");
(4) 利用column generation計算該節點的lower bound,注意上面有些邊被禁止了,所以這些邊在column generation中是沒法被訪問或者強制要通過的。
// Compute a solution for this node using Column generation
columngen CG = new columngen();
CGobj = CG.computeColGen(userParam, routes);
(5) 新的lower bound出來後,看看要不要更新全局的lower bound(其實這裏維護一個全局最小的lower bound也沒啥用,就是拿來輸出看看gap的):
// update the global lowerBound when required
if ((branching.father != null) && (branching.father.son0 != null)
&& branching.father.toplevel) {
// all nodes above and on the left have been processed=> we can compute
// a new lowerBound
lowerbound = Math.min(branching.lowestValue, branching.father.son0.lowestValue);
branching.toplevel = true;
} else if (branching.father == null) {
// root node
lowerbound = CGobj;
(6) 接下來是常規操做,判斷lower bound和upper bound的大小,進行剪枝或者再次分支。若是該分支的lower bound > upperbound,那麼cut掉:
if (branching.lowestValue > upperbound) {
CG = null;
System.out.println("CUT | Lower bound: " + lowerbound
+ " | Upper bound: " + upperbound + " | Gap: "
+ ((upperbound - lowerbound) / upperbound) + " | BB Depth: "
+ depth + " | Local CG cost: " + CGobj + " | " + routes.size()
+ " routes");
return true; // cut this useless branch
(7) 不然,先判斷column generation找到的解是否是整數解(全部的邊都不能有小數):
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// check the (integer) feasibility. Otherwise search for a branching
// variable
feasible = true;
bestEdge1 = -1;
bestEdge2 = -1;
bestObj = -1.0;
bestVal = 0;
// transform the path variable (of the CG model) into edges variables
for (i = 0; i < userParam.nbclients + 2; i++) {
java.util.Arrays.fill(userParam.edges[i], 0.0);
for (route r : routes) {
if (r.getQ() > 1e-6) {
// we consider only the routes in the current local solution
ArrayList<Integer> path = r.getpath(); // get back the sequence of
// cities (path for this route)
prevcity = 0;
for (i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) {
city = path.get(i);
userParam.edges[prevcity][city] += r.getQ(); // convert into edges
prevcity = city;
// find a fractional edge
for (i = 0; i < userParam.nbclients + 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < userParam.nbclients + 2; j++) {
coef = userParam.edges[i][j];
if ((coef > 1e-6) && ((coef < 0.9999999999) || (coef > 1.0000000001))) {
// this route has a fractional coefficient in the solution =>
// should we branch on this one?
feasible = false;
// what if we impose this route in the solution? Q=1
// keep the ref of the edge which should lead to the largest change
change = Math.min(coef, Math.abs(1.0 - coef));
change *= routes.get(i).getcost();
if (change > bestObj) {
bestEdge1 = i;
bestEdge2 = j;
bestObj = change;
bestVal = (Math.abs(1.0 - coef) > coef) ? 0 : 1;
(8) 若是是整數解,那麼就找到了一個新的可行解,判斷是否更新upper bound:
if (branching.lowestValue < upperbound) { // new incumbant feasible solution!
upperbound = branching.lowestValue;
for (route r : routes) {
if (r.getQ() > 1e-6) {
route optim = new route();
optim.path = r.getpath();
System.out.println("OPT | Lower bound: " + lowerbound
+ " | Upper bound: " + upperbound + " | Gap: "
+ ((upperbound - lowerbound) / upperbound) + " | BB Depth: "
+ depth + " | Local CG cost: " + CGobj + " | " + routes.size()
+ " routes");
} else {
System.out.println("FEAS | Lower bound: " + lowerbound
+ " | Upper bound: " + upperbound + " | Gap: "
+ ((upperbound - lowerbound) / upperbound) + " | BB Depth: "
+ depth + " | Local CG cost: " + CGobj + " | " + routes.size()
+ " routes");
return true;
(9) 不然,找一條邊繼續進行分支(這條邊具體的選擇也會影響分支的速度,選擇看步驟(7)中的 bestEdge1和 bestEdge2),EdgesBasedOnBranching函數的做用是經過設置距離矩陣各邊的距離,來禁止或者指定選擇一些邊(好比將一條邊的距離設置爲正無窮,那麼該邊就沒法訪問了)。這裏是先分左支,即該邊被禁止,要移除column generation的RLMP中包含該邊的全部路徑:
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// branching (diving strategy)
// first branch -> set edges[bestEdge1][bestEdge2]=0
// record the branching information in a tree list
treeBB newNode1 = new treeBB();
newNode1.father = branching;
newNode1.branchFrom = bestEdge1;
newNode1.branchTo = bestEdge2;
newNode1.branchValue = bestVal; // first version was not with bestVal
// but with 0
newNode1.lowestValue = -1E10;
newNode1.son0 = null;
// branching on edges[bestEdge1][bestEdge2]=0
EdgesBasedOnBranching(userParam, newNode1, false);
// the initial lp for the CG contains all the routes of the previous
// solution less(去掉分支的邊) the routes containing this arc
ArrayList<route> nodeRoutes = new ArrayList<route>();
for (route r : routes) {
ArrayList<Integer> path = r.getpath();
boolean accept = true;
if (path.size() > 3) { // we must keep trivial routes
// Depot-City-Depot in the set to ensure
// feasibility of the CG
prevcity = 0;
for (j = 1; accept && (j < path.size()); j++) {
city = path.get(j);
if ((prevcity == bestEdge1) && (city == bestEdge2))
accept = false;
prevcity = city;
if (accept) nodeRoutes.add(r);
boolean ok;
ok = BBNode(userParam, nodeRoutes, newNode1, bestRoutes, depth + 1);
nodeRoutes = null; // free memory
if (!ok) {
return false;
branching.son0 = newNode1;
(10) 而後是分右支,該支限定該邊必定要通過,所以要要移除column generation的RLMP中不包含該邊的全部路徑:
// second branch -> set edges[bestEdge1][bestEdge2]=1
// record the branching information in a tree list
treeBB newNode2 = new treeBB();
newNode2.father = branching;
newNode2.branchFrom = bestEdge1;
newNode2.branchTo = bestEdge2;
newNode2.branchValue = 1 - bestVal; // first version: always 1
newNode2.lowestValue = -1E10;
newNode2.son0 = null;
// branching on edges[bestEdge1][bestEdge2]=1
// second branching=>need to reinitialize the dist matrix
for (i = 0; i < userParam.nbclients + 2; i++) {
System.arraycopy(userParam.distBase[i], 0, userParam.dist[i], 0,
userParam.nbclients + 2);
EdgesBasedOnBranching(userParam, newNode2, true);
// the initial lp for the CG contains all the routes of the previous
// solution less the routes incompatible with this arc
ArrayList<route> nodeRoutes2 = new ArrayList<route>();
for (route r : routes) {
ArrayList<Integer> path = r.getpath();
boolean accept = true;
if (path.size() > 3) { // we must keep trivial routes
// Depot-City-Depot in the set to ensure
// feasibility of the CG
prevcity = 0;
for (i = 1; accept && (i < path.size()); i++) {
city = path.get(i);
if (userParam.dist[prevcity][city] >= userParam.verybig - 1E-6) accept = false;
prevcity = city;
if (accept) nodeRoutes2.add(r);
ok = BBNode(userParam, nodeRoutes2, newNode2, bestRoutes, depth + 1);
nodeRoutes2 = null;
// update lowest feasible value of this node
branching.lowestValue = Math.min(newNode1.lowestValue, newNode2.lowestValue);
return ok;
branch and bound的代碼就到這了,是否是很是簡單呢!細節上礙於篇幅我就很少講了。你們能夠慢慢看代碼,不懂在留言區提出來就行了。
4、column generation
這部分分爲Master problem和pricing problem,這兩部分的內容公衆號已經介紹過了。Master problem的代碼基本上是固定的框架,直接拿過來用就行了。而pricing problem的代碼用的是labeling的算法。
注意pricing problem找路徑時,是要結合以前branch and bound禁止or已經選擇的邊進行最短路的尋找,關於這部分的內容能夠參照:
乾貨 | VRPTW子問題ESPPRC的介紹及其求解算法的C++代碼
最短路問題與標號算法(label correcting algorithm)研究(1) - 開篇介紹
最短路問題與標號算法(label correcting algorithm)研究(2) - 最短路徑問題簡介
最短路問題與標號算法(label correcting algorithm)研究(3)
最短路問題與標號算法(label correcting algorithm)研究(4)
乾貨 | Branch and Price算法求解VRPTW問題(附JAVA代碼分享)
這篇推文包含的內容很少,可是若是你恰好在學習branch and price算法,不妨看看這個,看看代碼,相信對你會有所幫助的哦。國內這塊的資料和代碼都太少了,大佬們的代碼又長又臭,壓根看不下去。

乾貨 | 學習算法,你須要掌握這些編程基礎(包含JAVA和C++)

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