fabric-sdk-go config詳解

 1 name: "chaoyang-prescription-network"  2 description: "chao yang hospital prescription network"  3 version: 1.0.0  4 client:  5  organization: cyorg.bjgoodwill.com  6  logging:  7  level: info  8  cryptoconfig:  9  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config  10  #path: /opt/app/fabric/cli/user/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/Admin-peer0cyorg.bjgoodwill..com  11  credentialStore:  12  path: /tmp/state-store  13  cryptoStore:  14  path: /tmp/msp  15  BCCSP:  16  security:  17  enabled: true  18  default:  19  provider: "SW"  20  hashAlgorithm: "SHA2"  21  softVerify: true  22  level: 256  23  tlsCerts:  24  systemCertPool: false  25  client:  26  key:  27  path:  28  #path: /opt/app/fabric/cli/user/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/Admin-peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/tls/client.key  29  cert:  30  path:  31  #path: /opt/app/fabric/cli/user/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/Admin-peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/tls/client.crt  32 channels:  33  prescriptionchannel:  34  peers:  35  peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com:  36  endorsingPeer: true  37  chaincodeQuery: true  38  ledgerQuery: true  39  eventSource: true  40  policies:  41  queryChannelConfig:  42  minResponses: 1  43  maxTargets: 1  44  retryOpts:  45  attempts: 5  46  initialBackoff: 500ms  47  maxBackoff: 5s  48  backoffFactor: 2.0  49           
 50  prescriptionmultiorgchannel:  51 
 52  peers:  53  peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com:  54  endorsingPeer: true  55  chaincodeQuery: true  56  ledgerQuery: true  57  eventSource: true  58 
 59  peer0.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com:  60  endorsingPeer: true  61  chaincodeQuery: true  62  ledgerQuery: true  63  eventSource: true  64 
 65  peer0.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com:  66  endorsingPeer: true  67  chaincodeQuery: true  68  ledgerQuery: true  69  eventSource: true  70 
 71  # [Optional]. The application can use these options to perform channel operations like retrieving channel  72  # config etc.  73  policies:  74  #[Optional] options for retrieving channel configuration blocks  75  queryChannelConfig:  76  #[Optional] min number of success responses (from targets/peers)  77  minResponses: 1  78  #[Optional] channel config will be retrieved for these number of random targets  79  maxTargets: 1  80  #[Optional] retry options for query config block  81  retryOpts:  82  #[Optional] number of retry attempts  83  attempts: 5  84  #[Optional] the back off interval for the first retry attempt  85  initialBackoff: 500ms  86  #[Optional] the maximum back off interval for any retry attempt  87  maxBackoff: 5s  88  #[Optional] he factor by which the initial back off period is exponentially incremented  89  backoffFactor: 2.0  90 
 91 organizations:  92  cyorg.bjgoodwill.com:  93  mspid: CYOrgMSP  94  cryptoPath: peerOrganizations/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/users/Admin@cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/msp/  95  #cryptoPath: msp/  96  peers:  97  - peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com  98  certificateAuthorities:  99  - ca.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com 100   
101  jhorg.bjgoodwill.com: 102  mspid: JHOrgMSP 103  # This org's MSP store (absolute path or relative to client.cryptoconfig) 104  cryptoPath: peerOrganizations/jhorg.bjgoodwill.com/users/Admin@jhorg.bjgoodwill.com/msp 105  peers: 106  - peer0.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com 107  certificateAuthorities: 108  - ca.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com 109   
110  wjworg.bjgoodwill.com: 111  mspid: WJWOrgMSP 112  # This org's MSP store (absolute path or relative to client.cryptoconfig) 113  cryptoPath: peerOrganizations/wjworg.bjgoodwill.com/users/Admin@wjworg.bjgoodwill.com/msp 114  peers: 115  - peer0.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com 116  certificateAuthorities: 117  - ca.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com 118  # Orderer Org name 119  ordererorg: 120  # Membership Service Provider ID for this organization 121  mspID: "PrescriptionOrdererMSP" 122 
123  # Needed to load users crypto keys and certs for this org (absolute path or relative to global crypto path, DEV mode) 124  cryptoPath: ordererOrganizations/bjgoodwill.com/users/Admin@bjgoodwill.com/msp 125 
126 orderers: 127  orderer.bjgoodwill.com: 128  url: grpc:// 129  grpcOptions: 130  ssl-target-name-override: orderer.bjgoodwill.com 131  keep-alive-time: 0s 132  keep-alive-timeout: 20s 133  keep-alive-permit: false 134  fail-fast: false 135  allow-insecure: false 136  tlsCACerts: 137  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/bjgoodwill.com/tlsca/tlsca.bjgoodwill.com-cert.pem 138  #path: /opt/app/fabric/cli/user/member1.example.com/Admin-peer0.member1.example.com/tlsca.member1.example.com-cert.pem 139 peers: 140  peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com: 141  url: grpc:// 142  eventUrl: grpc:// 143  grpcOptions: 144  ssl-target-name-override: peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com 145  keep-alive-time: 0s 146  keep-alive-timeout: 20s 147  keep-alive-permit: false 148  fail-fast: false 149  allow-insecure: false 150  tlsCACerts: 151  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/tlsca/tlsca.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com-cert.pem 152  #path: /opt/app/fabric/cli/user/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/Admin-peer0.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/tls/ca.crt 153  
154  peer0.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com: 155  url: peer0.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com:7051 156  eventUrl: peer0.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com:7053 157  grpcOptions: 158  ssl-target-name-override: peer0.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com 159  keep-alive-time: 0s 160  keep-alive-timeout: 20s 161  keep-alive-permit: false 162  fail-fast: false 163  allow-insecure: false 164  tlsCACerts: 165  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/jhorg.bjgoodwill.com/tlsca/tlsca.jhorg.bjgoodwill.com-cert.pem 166  #path: /opt/app/fabric/cli/user/member1.example.com/Admin-peer0.member1.example.com/tls/ca.crt 167       
168  peer0.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com: 169  url: peer0.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com:7051 170  eventUrl: peer0.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com:7053 171  grpcOptions: 172  ssl-target-name-override: peer0.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com 173  keep-alive-time: 0s 174  keep-alive-timeout: 20s 175  keep-alive-permit: false 176  fail-fast: false 177  allow-insecure: false 178  tlsCACerts: 179  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/wjworg.bjgoodwill.com/tlsca/tlsca.wjworg.bjgoodwill.com-cert.pem 180  #path: /opt/app/fabric/cli/user/member1.example.com/Admin-peer0.member1.example.com/tls/ca.crt 181 certificateAuthorities: 182  ca.fbi.citizens.com: 183  url: 184  tlsCACerts: 185  # Comma-Separated list of paths 186  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/tlsca/tlsca.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com-cert.pem 187  # Client key and cert for SSL handshake with Fabric CA 188  client: 189  key: 190  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/users/User1@cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/tls/client.key 191  cert: 192  path: ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/prescriptionserver/client/go/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/users/User1@cyorg.bjgoodwill.com/tls/client.crt 193 
194  # Fabric-CA supports dynamic user enrollment via REST APIs. A "root" user, a.k.a registrar, is 195  # needed to enroll and invoke new users. 196  registrar: 197  enrollId: admin 198  enrollSecret: adminpw 199  # [Optional] The optional name of the CA. 200  caName: ca.cyorg.bjgoodwill.com 201 
202 entityMatchers: 203  orderer: 204  - pattern: (\w*)orderer.bjgoodwill.com(\w*) 205  urlSubstitutionExp: grpc://orderer.bjgoodwill.com:7050 206  sslTargetOverrideUrlSubstitutionExp: orderer.bjgoodwill.com 207       mappedHost: orderer.bjgoodwill.com
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