這裏使用的 Python 版本是:Python 3.6.0b2。node
經過調用Python內置的 xml.dom.minidom 對 xml 文件進行解析,獲取xml內容。此類用於下面 BaseDao 獲取數據庫鏈接信息。
1 import sys 2 import re 3 import pymysql 4 import xml.dom.minidom 5 6 from xml.dom.minidom import parse 7 8 class ConfigurationParser(object): 9 """ 10 解析xml 11 - @return configDict = {"jdbcConnectionDictList":jdbcConnectionDictList,"tableList":tableList} 12 """ 13 def __init__(self, configFilePath=None): 14 if configFilePath: 15 self.__configFilePath = configFilePath 16 else: 17 self.__configFilePath = sys.path[0] + "/config/config.xml" 18 pass 19 20 def parseConfiguration(self): 21 """ 22 解析xml,返回jdbc配置信息以及須要生成python對象的表集合 23 """ 24 # 解析xml文件,獲取Document對象 25 DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.__configFilePath) # <class 'xml.dom.minidom.Document'> 26 # 獲取 generatorConfiguration 節點的NodeList對象 27 configDOM = DOMTree.getElementsByTagName("generatorConfiguration")[0] #<class 'xml.dom.minicompat.NodeList'> 28 29 # 獲取 jdbcConnection 節點的 property 節點集合 30 jdbcConnectionPropertyList = configDOM.getElementsByTagName("jdbcConnection")[0].getElementsByTagName("property") 31 # 循環 jdbcConnection 節點的 property 節點集合,獲取屬性名稱和屬性值 32 jdbcConnectionDict = {} 33 for property in jdbcConnectionPropertyList: 34 name = property.getAttributeNode("name").nodeValue.strip().lower() 35 if property.hasAttribute("value"): 36 value = property.getAttributeNode("value").nodeValue 37 if re.match("[0-9]",value) and name != "password" and name != "host": 38 value = int(value) 39 else: 40 value = property.childNodes[0].data 41 if re.match("[0-9]",value) and name != "password" and name != "host": 42 value = int(value) 43 if name == "charset": 44 if re.match("utf-8|UTF8", value, re.I): 45 value = "utf8" 46 elif name == "port": 47 value = int(value) 48 elif name == "creator": 49 if value == "pymysql": 50 value = pymysql 51 jdbcConnectionDict[name] = value 52 # print(jdbcConnectionDict) 53 return jdbcConnectionDict 54 55 if __name__ == "__main__": 56 print(ConfigurationParser().parseConfiguration())
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <generatorConfiguration> 3 <jdbcConnection> 4 <property name="creator">pymysql</property> 5 <property name="host"></property> 6 <property name="database">rcddup</property> 7 <property name="port">3306</property> 8 <property name="user">root</property> 9 <property name="password">root</property> 10 <property name="charset">Utf-8</property> 11 <property name="mincached">0</property> 12 <property name="maxcached">10</property> 13 <property name="maxshared">0</property> 14 <property name="maxconnections">20</property> 15 </jdbcConnection> 16 </generatorConfiguration>
BaseDao是在 DBUtils 的基礎上對 pymysql 操做數據庫進行了一些簡單的封裝。github
其中 queryUtil 用於拼接SQL語句,log4py用於控制檯輸出信息,page 分頁對象。sql
因爲DBUtils基礎上執行的 SQL 查詢結果是一個元組類型結果,在 SQL 查詢結果返回以後,利用 setattr()方法實現將 SQL 查詢結果轉換成想要的類對象。爲了獲得想要的結果,所以類對象(User)的 __str__()須要按照特定的格式重寫(下文會給出User類的代碼示例)。數據庫
1 import pymysql 2 import time 3 import json 4 5 from DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB 6 from configParser import ConfigurationParser 7 from queryUtil import QueryUtil 8 from log4py import Logger 9 from page import Page 10 11 12 global PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST 13 PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST = [] 14 15 class BaseDao(object): 16 """ 17 Python 操做數據庫基類方法 18 - @Author RuanCheng 19 - @UpdateDate 2017/5/17 20 """ 21 __logger = None 22 __parser = None # 獲取 xml 文件信息對象 23 __poolConfigDict = None # 從 xml 中獲取的數據庫鏈接信息的字典對象 24 __pool = None # 數據庫鏈接池 25 __obj = None # 實體類 26 __className = None # 實體類類名 27 __tableName = None # 實體類對應的數據庫名 28 __primaryKeyDict = {} # 數據庫表的主鍵字典對象 29 __columnList = [] 30 31 def __init__(self, obj=None): 32 """ 33 初始化方法: 34 - 1.初始化配置信息 35 - 2.初始化 className 36 - 3.初始化數據庫表的主鍵 37 """ 38 if not obj: 39 raise Exception("BaseDao is missing a required parameter --> obj(class object).\nFor example [super().__init__(User)].") 40 else: 41 self.__logger = Logger(self.__class__) # 初始化日誌對象 42 self.__logger.start() # 開啓日誌 43 if not self.__parser: # 解析 xml 44 self.__parser = ConfigurationParser() 45 self.__poolConfigDict = self.__parser.parseConfiguration() 46 print(self.__poolConfigDict) 47 self.__pool = PooledDB(**self.__poolConfigDict) 48 # 初始化參數 49 if (self.__obj == None) or ( self.__obj != obj): 50 global PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST 51 if (not PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST) or (PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST.count == 0): 52 self.__init_primary_key_dict_list() # 初始化主鍵字典列表 53 self.__init_params(obj) # 初始化參數 54 self.__init_columns() # 初始化字段列表 55 self.__logger.end() # 結束日誌 56 pass 57 ################################################# 外部調用方法 ################################################# 58 def selectAll(self): 59 """ 60 查詢全部 61 """ 62 sql = QueryUtil.queryAll(self.__tableName, self.__columnList) 63 return self.__executeQuery(sql) 64 65 def selectByPrimaryKey(self, value): 66 """ 67 按主鍵查詢 68 - @Param: value 主鍵 69 """ 70 if (not value) or (value == ""): 71 raise Exception("selectByPrimaryKey() is missing a required paramter 'value'.") 72 sql = QueryUtil.queryByPrimaryKey(self.__primaryKeyDict, value, self.__columnList) 73 return self.__executeQuery(sql) 74 75 def selectCount(self): 76 """ 77 查詢總記錄數 78 """ 79 sql = QueryUtil.queryCount(self.__tableName); 80 return self.__execute(sql)[0][0] 81 82 def selectAllByPage(self, page=None): 83 """ 84 分頁查詢 85 """ 86 if (not page) or (not isinstance(page,Page)): 87 raise Exception("Paramter [page] is not correct. Parameter [page] must a Page object instance. ") 88 sql = QueryUtil.queryAllByPage(self.__tableName, self.__columnList, page) 89 return self.__executeQuery(sql, logEnable=True) 90 91 def insert(self, obj): 92 """ 93 新增 94 - @Param: obj 實體對象 95 """ 96 if (not obj) or (obj == ""): 97 raise Exception("insert() is missing a required paramter 'obj'.") 98 sql = QueryUtil.queryInsert(self.__primaryKeyDict, json.loads(str(obj))) 99 return self.__executeUpdate(sql) 100 101 def delete(self, obj=None): 102 """ 103 根據實體刪除 104 - @Param: obj 實體對象 105 """ 106 if (not obj) or (obj == ""): 107 raise Exception("delete() is missing a required paramter 'obj'.") 108 sql = QueryUtil.queryDelete(self.__primaryKeyDict, json.loads(str(obj))) 109 return self.__executeUpdate(sql) 110 111 def deleteByPrimaryKey(self, value=None): 112 """ 113 根據主鍵刪除 114 - @Param: value 主鍵 115 """ 116 if (not value) or (value == ""): 117 raise Exception("deleteByPrimaryKey() is missing a required paramter 'value'.") 118 sql = QueryUtil.queryDeleteByPrimaryKey(self.__primaryKeyDict, value) 119 return self.__executeUpdate(sql) 120 121 def updateByPrimaryKey(self, obj=None): 122 """ 123 根據主鍵更新 124 - @Param: obj 實體對象 125 """ 126 if (not obj) or (obj == ""): 127 raise Exception("updateByPrimaryKey() is missing a required paramter 'obj'.") 128 sql = QueryUtil.queryUpdateByPrimaryKey(self.__primaryKeyDict, json.loads(str(obj))) 129 return self.__executeUpdate(sql) 130 131 ################################################# 內部調用方法 ################################################# 132 def __execute(self, sql="", logEnable=True): 133 """ 134 執行 SQL 語句(用於內部初始化參數使用): 135 - @Param: sql 執行sql 136 - @Param: logEnable 是否開啓輸出日誌 137 - @return 查詢結果 138 """ 139 if not sql: 140 raise Exception("Execute method is missing a required parameter --> sql.") 141 try: 142 self.__logger.outSQL(sql, enable=logEnable) 143 conn = self.__pool.connection() 144 cur = conn.cursor() 145 cur.execute(sql) 146 result = cur.fetchall() 147 resultList = [] 148 for r in result: 149 resultList.append(r) 150 return resultList 151 except Exception as e: 152 conn.rollback() 153 raise Exception(e) 154 finally: 155 cur.close() 156 conn.close() 157 pass 158 159 def __executeQuery(self, sql="", logEnable=True): 160 """ 161 執行查詢 SQL 語句: 162 - @Param: sql 執行sql 163 - @Param: logEnable 是否開啓輸出日誌 164 - @return 查詢結果 165 """ 166 if not sql: 167 raise Exception("Execute method is missing a required parameter --> sql.") 168 try: 169 self.__logger.outSQL(sql, enable=logEnable) 170 conn = self.__pool.connection() 171 cur = conn.cursor() 172 cur.execute(sql) 173 resultTuple = cur.fetchall() 174 resultList = list(resultTuple) 175 objList = [] 176 177 for result in resultList: 178 i = 0 179 obj = self.__obj() 180 for col in self.__columnList: 181 prop = '_%s__%s'%(self.__className, col) 182 setattr(obj, prop, result[i]) 183 i += 1 184 objList.append(obj) 185 if not objList: 186 return None 187 elif len(objList) == 1: 188 return objList[0] 189 else: 190 return objList 191 except Exception as e: 192 conn.rollback() 193 raise Exception(e) 194 finally: 195 cur.close() 196 conn.close() 197 pass 198 199 def __executeUpdate(self, sql=None, logEnable=True): 200 """ 201 執行修改 SQL 語句: 202 - @Param: sql 執行sql 203 - @Param: logEnable 是否開啓輸出日誌 204 - @return 影響行數 205 """ 206 try: 207 self.__logger.outSQL(sql, enable=logEnable) 208 conn = self.__pool.connection() 209 cur = conn.cursor() 210 return cur.execute(sql) 211 pass 212 except Exception as e: 213 conn.rollback() 214 raise Exception(e) 215 pass 216 finally: 217 conn.commit() 218 cur.close() 219 conn.close() 220 pass 221 222 def __init_params(self, obj): 223 """ 224 初始化參數 225 - @Param:obj class 對象 226 """ 227 self.__obj = obj 228 self.__className = obj.__name__ 229 for i in PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST: 230 if i.get("className") == self.__className: 231 self.__primaryKeyDict = i 232 self.__className = i["className"] 233 self.__tableName = i["tableName"] 234 break 235 236 def __init_primary_key_dict_list(self): 237 """ 238 初始化數據庫主鍵集合: 239 - pk_dict = {"className": {"tableName":tableName,"primaryKey":primaryKey,"auto_increment":auto_increment}} 240 """ 241 global PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST 242 sql = """ 243 SELECT 244 t.TABLE_NAME, 245 c.COLUMN_NAME, 246 c.ORDINAL_POSITION 247 FROM 248 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS as t, 249 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS c 250 WHERE t.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME 251 AND t.TABLE_SCHEMA = "%s" 252 AND c.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = "%s" 253 """%(self.__poolConfigDict.get("database"),self.__poolConfigDict.get("database")) 254 resultList = self.__execute(sql, logEnable=False) 255 for result in resultList: 256 pk_dict = dict() 257 pk_dict["tableName"] = result[0] 258 pk_dict["primaryKey"] = result[1] 259 pk_dict["ordinalPosition"] = result[2] 260 pk_dict["className"] = self.__convertToClassName(result[0]) 261 PRIMARY_KEY_DICT_LIST.append(pk_dict) 262 self.__logger.outMsg("initPrimaryKey is done.") 263 264 def __init_columns(self): 265 """ 266 初始化表字段 267 """ 268 sql = "SELECT column_name FROM Information_schema.columns WHERE table_Name = '%s' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='%s'"
%(self.__tableName, self.__poolConfigDict["database"])
269 resultList = self.__execute(sql, logEnable=False) 270 for result in resultList: 271 self.__columnList.append(result[0]) 272 self.__logger.outMsg("init_columns is done.") 273 # print(self.__columnList) 274 pass 275 276 def __convertToClassName(self, tableName): 277 """ 278 表名轉換方法: 279 - @Param: tableName 表名 280 - @return 轉換後的類名 281 """ 282 result = None 283 if tableName.startswith("t_md_"): 284 result = tableName.replace("t_md_", "").replace("_","").lower() 285 elif tableName.startswith("t_ac_"): 286 result = tableName.replace("t_ac_","").replace("_","").lower() 287 elif tableName.startswith("t_"): 288 result = tableName.replace("t_","").replace("_","").lower() 289 else: 290 result = tableName 291 return result.capitalize()
建立以個 UserDao,繼承BaseDao以後調用父類初始化方法,傳遞一個 User 對象給父類,咱們就能夠很方便的對 User 進行CRUD了。json
1 import random 2 import math 3 4 from baseDao import BaseDao 5 from user import User 6 from page import Page 7 8 9 class UserDao(BaseDao): 10 11 def __init__(self): 12 super().__init__(User) 13 pass 14 15 userDao = UserDao() 16 17 ######################################## CRUD 18 19 # print(userDao.selectAll()) 20 # user = userDao.selectByPrimaryKey(1) 21 # print(user) 22 23 # print(userDao.insert(user)) 24 25 # print(userDao.delete(user)) 26 # print(userDao.deleteByPrimaryKey(4)) 27 28 # user = userDao.selectByPrimaryKey(1) 29 # print(userDao.updateByPrimaryKey()) 30 # print(userDao.update()) 31 32 ######################################## 根據主鍵更新 33 34 # strList = list("QWERTYUI歐帕斯電飯鍋和進口量自行車VB大家送人頭剛回家個省份和健康的根本就可得到草泥馬VB大家從v莫妮卡了VB了") 35 # for index in range(1000): 36 # user = User() 37 # user.set_id(index+1) 38 # name = "" 39 # for i in range(random.randint(3,8)): 41 # name += random.chioce(strList) 42 # user.set_name(name) 43 # user.set_status(1) 44 # i += 1 45 # userDao.updateByPrimaryKey(user) 46 47 ######################################## 更新 48 49 # user = User() 50 # user.set_id(2) 51 # user.set_name("測試更新") 52 # userDao.updateByPrimaryKey(user) 53 54 ######################################## 分頁查詢 55 56 # page = Page() 57 # pageNum = 1 58 # limit = 10 59 # page.set_page(pageNum) 60 # page.set_limit(limit) 61 # total_count = userDao.selectCount() 62 # page.set_total_count(total_count) 63 # if total_count % limit == 0: 64 # total_page = total_count / limit 65 # else: 66 # total_page = math.ceil(total_count / limit) 67 # page.set_total_page(total_page) 68 # begin = (pageNum - 1) * limit 69 70 # for user in userDao.selectAllByPage(page): 71 # print(user)
User 對象屬性設置爲私有,經過 get/set 方法訪問,最後重寫 __str__() 方法,用於 BaseDao 返回 User 對象,而不是一個字典對象或者字符串什麼的。api
1 import json 2 3 class User(object): 4 5 def __init__(self): 6 self.__id = None 7 self.__name = None 8 self.__status = None 9 pass 10 11 def get_id(self): 12 return self.__id 13 14 def set_id(self, id): 15 self.__id = id 16 17 def get_name(self): 18 return self.__name 19 20 def set_name(self, name): 21 self.__name = name 22 23 def get_status(self): 24 return self.__status 25 26 def set_status(self, status): 27 self.__status = status 28 29 30 def __str__(self): 31 userDict = {'id':self.__id,'name':self.__name,'status':self.__status} 32 return json.dumps(userDict)
拼接 SQL 語句的工具類。app
1 from page import Page 2 3 class QueryUtil(object): 4 5 def __init__(self): 6 pass 7 8 @staticmethod 9 def queryColumns(columnList): 10 i = 1 11 s = "" 12 for col in columnList: 13 if i != 1: 14 s += ", `%s`"%(col) 15 else: 16 s += "`%s`"%(col) 17 i += 1 18 return s 19 @staticmethod 20 def queryByPrimaryKey(primaryKeyDict, value, columnList): 21 """ 22 拼接主鍵查詢 23 """ 24 sql = 'SELECT %s FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`="%s"'%(QueryUtil.queryColumns(columnList), primaryKeyDict["tableName"], primaryKeyDict["primaryKey"], str(value)) 25 return sql 26 27 @staticmethod 28 def queryAll(tableName, columnList): 29 """ 30 拼接查詢全部 31 """ 32 return 'SELECT %s FROM %s'%(QueryUtil.queryColumns(columnList), tableName) 33 34 @staticmethod 35 def queryCount(tableName): 36 """ 37 拼接查詢記錄數 38 """ 39 return 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s'%(tableName) 40 41 @staticmethod 42 def queryAllByPage(tableName, columnList, page=None): 43 """ 44 拼接分頁查詢 45 """ 46 if not page: 47 page = Page() 48 return 'SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT %d,%d'%(QueryUtil.queryColumns(columnList), tableName, page.get_begin(), page.get_limit()) 49 50 51 @staticmethod 52 def queryInsert(primaryKeyDict, objDict): 53 """ 54 拼接新增 55 """ 56 tableName = primaryKeyDict["tableName"] 57 key = primaryKeyDict["primaryKey"] 58 columns = list(objDict.keys()) 59 values = list(objDict.values()) 60 61 sql = "INSERT INTO `%s`("%(tableName) 62 for i in range(0, columns.__len__()): 63 if i == 0: 64 sql += '`%s`'%(columns[i]) 65 else: 66 sql += ',`%s`'%(columns[i]) 67 sql += ') VALUES(' 68 for i in range(0, values.__len__()): 69 if values[i] == None or values[i] == "None": 70 value = "null" 71 else: 72 value = '"%s"'%(values[i]) 73 if i == 0: 74 sql += value 75 else: 76 sql += ',%s'%(value); 77 sql += ')' 78 return sql 79 80 @staticmethod 81 def queryDelete(primaryKeyDict, objDict): 82 """ 83 拼接刪除 84 """ 86 tableName = primaryKeyDict["tableName"] 87 key = primaryKeyDict["primaryKey"] 88 columns = list(objDict.keys()) 89 values = list(objDict.values()) 90 91 sql = "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE 1=1 "%(tableName) 92 for i in range(0, values.__len__()): 93 if values[i] != None and values[i] != "None": 94 sql += 'and `%s`="%s"'%(columns[i], values[i]) 95 return sql 96 97 @staticmethod 98 def queryDeleteByPrimaryKey(primaryKeyDict, value=None): 99 """ 100 拼接根據主鍵刪除 101 """ 103 sql = 'DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`="%s"'%(primaryKeyDict["tableName"], primaryKeyDict["primaryKey"], value) 104 return sql 105 106 @staticmethod 107 def queryUpdateByPrimaryKey(primaryKeyDict, objDict): 108 """ 109 拼接根據主鍵更新 110 UPDATE t_user SET name='test' WHERE id = 1007 111 """ 112 tableName = primaryKeyDict["tableName"] 113 key = primaryKeyDict["primaryKey"] 114 columns = list(objDict.keys()) 115 values = list(objDict.values()) 116 keyValue = None 117 sql = "UPDATE `%s` SET"%(tableName) 118 for i in range(0, columns.__len__()): 119 if (values[i] != None) and (values[i] != "None"): 120 if columns[i] != key: 121 sql += ' `%s`="%s", '%(columns[i], values[i]) 122 else: 123 keyValue = values[i] 124 sql = sql[0:len(sql)-2] + ' WHERE `%s`="%s"'%(key, keyValue) 125 return sql
import json import math class Page(object): def __init__(self): self.__page = 1 self.__total_page = 1 self.__total_count = 0 self.__begin = 0 self.__limit = 10 self.__result = [] pass def get_page(self): return self.__page def set_page(self, page): if page > 1: self.__page = page def get_total_page(self): return self.__total_page def set_total_page(self, total_page): if total_page > 1: self.__total_page = total_page def get_total_count(self): return self.__total_count def set_total_count(self, total_count): if total_count > 0: self.__total_count = total_count def get_begin(self): return self.__begin def set_begin(self, begin): if begin > 0: self.__begin = begin def get_limit(self): return self.__limit def set_limit(self, limit): if limit > 0: self.__limit = limit def get_result(self): return self.__result def set_result(self, result): self.__result = result def __str__(self): pageDict = {'page':self.__page,'total_page':self.__total_page,'total_count':self.__total_count,'begin':self.__begin,'limit':self.__limit,'result':self.__result} return json.dumps(pageDict)
1 import time 2 3 class Logger(object): 4 5 def __init__(self, obj): 6 self.__obj = obj 7 self.__start = None 8 pass 9 10 def start(self): 11 self.__start = time.time() 12 pass 13 14 def end(self): 15 print("%s >>> [%s] Finished [Time consuming %dms]"%(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), self.__obj.__name__, time.time()-self.__start)) 16 pass 17 18 def outSQL(self, msg, enable=True): 19 """ 20 輸出 SQL 日誌: 21 - @Param: msg SQL語句 22 - @Param: enable 日誌開關 23 """ 24 if enable: 25 print("%s >>> [%s] [SQL] %s"%(str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())), self.__obj.__name__, msg)) 26 pass 27 28 def outMsg(self, msg, enable=True): 29 """ 30 輸出消息日誌: 31 - @Param: msg 日誌信息 32 - @Param: enable 日誌開關 33 """ 34 if enable: 35 print("%s >>> [%s] [Msg] %s"%(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), self.__obj.__name__, msg)) 36 pass 37 38
爲了便於建立 user.py文件,此出提供了自動生成方法,只須要在配置文件中簡單的配置數據庫鏈接信息以及要生成的表便可生成對象的py類文件。
1 import sys 2 import re 3 import pymysql 4 import time 5 import os 6 import xml.dom.minidom 7 8 from xml.dom.minidom import parse 9 10 global _pythonPath 11 global _daoPath 12 global _servicePath 13 global _controllerPath 14 15 class Generator(object): 16 """ 17 # python類生成器 18 @param configDict 配置文件信息的字典對象 19 """ 20 def __init__(self, configFilePath=None): 21 if not configFilePath: 22 self.__configDict = ConfigurationParser().parseConfiguration() 23 else: 24 if os.path.isabs(configFilePath): 25 self.__configDict = ConfigurationParser(configFilePath).parseConfiguration() 26 else: 27 configFilePath = configFilePath.replace(".", sys.path[0]) 28 pass 29 30 def run(self): 31 """ 32 # 生成器執行方法 33 """ 34 fieldDict = DBOperator(self.__configDict).queryFieldDict() 35 PythonGenarator(self.__configDict, fieldDict).run() 36 # DaoGenarator(self.__configDict).run() 37 # ServiceGenarator(self.__configDict).run() 38 # ControllerGenarator(self.__configDict).run() 39 40 41 class PythonGenarator(object): 42 """ 43 # pyEntity文件生成類 44 @param configDict 配置文件信息的字典對象 45 """ 46 def __init__(self, configDict, fieldDict): 47 self.__configDict = configDict 48 self.__fieldDict = fieldDict 49 self.__content = "" 50 pass 51 52 def run(self): 53 """ 54 執行 py 類生成方法 55 """ 56 for filePath in self.__configDict["pythonPathList"]: 57 if not os.path.exists(filePath): 58 os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filePath), exist_ok=True) 59 # 獲取表名 60 fileName = os.path.basename(filePath).split(".py")[0] 61 # 表名(首字母大寫) 62 ClassName = fileName.capitalize() 63 # 打開新建文件 64 file = open(filePath, "w", encoding="utf-8") 65 self.writeImport(file) # 生成 import 內容 66 self.writeHeader(file, ClassName) # 生成 class 頭部內容 67 self.writeInit(file, fileName, ClassName) # 生成 class 的 init 方法 68 tableDictString = self.writeGetSet(file, fileName) # 生成 get/set 方法,並返回一個類屬性的字典對象 69 self.writeStr(file, fileName, tableDictString) # 重寫 class 的 str 方法 70 file.write(self.__content) 71 file.close() 72 print("Generator --> %s"%(filePath)) 73 pass 74 75 def writeImport(self,file ,importList = None): 76 """ 77 # 寫import部分 78 """ 79 self.__content += "import json\r\n" 80 pass 81 82 def writeHeader(self, file, className, superClass = None): 83 """ 84 # 寫類頭部(class ClassName(object):) 85 """ 86 if not superClass: 87 self.__content += "class %s(object):\r\n"%(className) 88 else: 89 self.__content += "class %s(%s):\r\n"%(className, superClass) 90 pass 91 92 def writeInit(self, file, fileName, className): 93 """ 94 # 寫類初始化方法 95 """ 96 self.__content += "\tdef __init__(self):\n\t\t" 97 for field in self.__fieldDict[fileName]: 98 self.__content += "self.__%s = None\n\t\t"%(field) 99 self.__content += "pass\r\n" 100 pass 101 102 def writeGetSet(self, file, fileName): 103 """ 104 # 寫類getXXX(),setXXX()方法 105 @return tableDictString 表屬性字典的字符串對象,用於寫__str__()方法 106 """ 107 tableDictString = "" 108 i = 1 109 for field in self.__fieldDict[fileName]: 110 if i != len(self.__fieldDict[fileName]): 111 tableDictString += "'%s':self.__%s,"%(field,field) 112 else: 113 tableDictString += "'%s':self.__%s"%(field,field) 114 Field = field.capitalize() 115 self.__content += "\tdef get_%(field)s(self):\n\t\treturn self.__%(field)s\n\n\tdef set_%(field)s(self, %(field)s):\n\t\tself.__%(field)s = %(field)s\n\n"%({"field":field}) 116 i += 1 117 return tableDictString 118 119 def writeStr(self, file, fileName, tableDictString): 120 """ 121 # 重寫__str__()方法 122 """ 123 tableDictString = "{" + tableDictString + "}" 124 self.__content += "\n\tdef __str__(self):\n\t\t%sDict = %s\r\t\treturn json.dumps(%sDict)\n"%(fileName, tableDictString, fileName) 125 pass 126 127 class DaoGenarator(object): 128 """ 129 # pyDao文件生成類 130 @param configDict 配置文件信息的字典對象 131 """ 132 def __init__(self, configDict): 133 self.__configDict = configDict 134 pass 135 136 def run(self): 137 pass 138 139 class ServiceGenarator(object): 140 """ 141 # pyService文件生成類 142 @param configDict 配置文件信息的字典對象 143 """ 144 def __init__(self, configDict): 145 self.__configDict = configDict 146 pass 147 148 def run(self): 149 pass 150 151 class ControllerGenarator(object): 152 """ 153 # pyControlelr生成類 154 @param configDict 配置文件信息的字典對象 155 """ 156 def __init__(self, configDict): 157 self.__configDict = configDict 158 pass 159 160 def run(self): 161 pass 162 163 class ConfigurationParser(object): 164 """ 165 解析xml\n 166 @return configDict = {"jdbcConnectionDictList":jdbcConnectionDictList,"tableList":tableList} 167 """ 168 def __init__(self, configFilePath=None): 169 if configFilePath: 170 self.__configFilePath = configFilePath 171 else: 172 self.__configFilePath = sys.path[0] + "/config/generatorConfig.xml" 173 self.__generatorBasePath = sys.path[0] + "/src/" 174 pass 175 176 def parseConfiguration(self): 177 """ 178 解析xml,返回jdbc配置信息以及須要生成python對象的表集合 179 """ 180 # 解析xml文件,獲取Document對象 181 DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.__configFilePath) # <class 'xml.dom.minidom.Document'> 182 # 獲取 generatorConfiguration 節點的NodeList對象 183 configDOM = DOMTree.getElementsByTagName("generatorConfiguration")[0] #<class 'xml.dom.minicompat.NodeList'> 184 185 # jdbcConnection 節點的 property 節點集合 186 jdbcConnectionPropertyList = configDOM.getElementsByTagName("jdbcConnection")[0].getElementsByTagName("property") 187 188 # pythonGenerator節點對象 189 pythonDOM = configDOM.getElementsByTagName("pythonGenerator")[0] 190 _pythonPath = self.__getGeneratorPath(pythonDOM.getAttributeNode("targetPath").nodeValue) 191 192 # serviceGenerator 節點對象 193 serviceDOM = configDOM.getElementsByTagName("serviceGenerator")[0] 194 _servicePath = self.__getGeneratorPath(serviceDOM.getAttributeNode("targetPath").nodeValue) 195 196 197 # pythonGenerator節點對象 198 daoDOM = configDOM.getElementsByTagName("daoGenerator")[0] 199 _daoPath = self.__getGeneratorPath(daoDOM.getAttributeNode("targetPath").nodeValue) 200 201 # controllerGenerator 節點對象 202 controllerDOM = configDOM.getElementsByTagName("controllerGenerator")[0] 203 _controllerPath = self.__getGeneratorPath(controllerDOM.getAttributeNode("targetPath").nodeValue) 204 205 # 循環 jdbcConnection 節點的 property 節點集合,獲取屬性名稱和屬性值 206 jdbcConnectionDict = {"host":None,"user":None,"password":None,"port":3306,"database":None,"charset":"utf8"} 207 for property in jdbcConnectionPropertyList: 208 name = property.getAttributeNode("name").nodeValue.strip().lower() 209 if property.hasAttribute("value"): 210 value = property.getAttributeNode("value").nodeValue 211 else: 212 value = property.childNodes[0].data 213 if name == "charset": 214 if re.match("utf-8|UTF8", value, re.I): 215 continue 216 elif name == "port": 217 value = int(value) 218 jdbcConnectionDict[name] = value 219 # print(jdbcConnectionDict) 220 221 222 pythonPathList = [] 223 daoPathList = [] 224 servicePathList = [] 225 controllerPathList = [] 226 227 # 獲取 table 節點的集合 228 tableList = [] 229 tableDOMList = configDOM.getElementsByTagName("table") 230 for tableDOM in tableDOMList: 231 table = {} 232 name = tableDOM.getAttributeNode("name").nodeValue.strip().lower() 233 alias = tableDOM.getAttributeNode("alias").nodeValue.strip().lower() 234 if (not alias) or alias == '' : 235 prefix = name 236 else: 237 prefix = alias 238 table["tableName"] = name 239 table["alias"] = alias 240 tableList.append(table) 241 242 243 pythonPath = "%s/%s.py" %(_pythonPath, prefix) 244 pythonPathList.append(pythonPath) 245 daoPath = "%s/%sDao.py" %(_daoPath, prefix) 246 daoPathList.append(daoPath) 247 servicePath = "%s/%sService.py" %(_servicePath, prefix) 248 servicePathList.append(servicePath) 249 controllerPath = "%s/%sController.py" %(_controllerPath, prefix) 250 controllerPathList.append(controllerPath) 251 252 configDict = { 253 "jdbcConnectionDict":jdbcConnectionDict, 254 "tableList":tableList, 255 "pythonPathList":pythonPathList, 256 "daoPathList":daoPathList, 257 "servicePathList":servicePathList, 258 "controllerPathList":controllerPathList 259 } 260 # print(configDict) 261 return configDict 262 263 def __getGeneratorPath(self, targetPath): 264 return self.__generatorBasePath + targetPath.replace(".","/") 265 266 class DBOperator(object): 267 268 def __init__(self, configDict=None): 269 if configDict == None: 270 raise Exception("Error in DBOperator >>> jdbcConnectionDict is None") 271 self.__configDict = configDict 272 pass 273 274 def queryFieldDict(self): 275 """ 276 * 獲取數據庫表中的全部字段名 277 * @ return tableDict 278 """ 279 fieldDict = {} 280 jdbcConnectionDict = self.__configDict["jdbcConnectionDict"] 281 conn = pymysql.Connect(**jdbcConnectionDict) 282 # 循環數據表 283 for table in self.__configDict["tableList"]: 284 tableName = table["tableName"] 285 alias = table["alias"] 286 fieldList = [] 287 # 獲取遊標 288 cursor = conn.cursor() 289 # 查詢表的字段名稱和類型 290 sql = """SELECT COLUMN_NAME as name, DATA_TYPE as type 291 FROM information_schema.columns 292 WHERE table_schema = '%s' AND table_name = '%s' 293 """%(self.__configDict["jdbcConnectionDict"]["database"], tableName) 295 # 執行sql 296 cursor.execute(sql) 297 # 返回全部查詢結果 298 results = cursor.fetchall() 299 # 關閉遊標 300 cursor.close() 301 # 將表全部字段添加到 fieldList 中 302 for result in results: 303 field = result[0].lower() 306 fieldList.append(field) 308 fieldDict[alias] = fieldList 309 # 關閉數據庫鏈接 310 conn.close() 312 return fieldDict 313 314 if __name__ == "__main__": 315 Generator().run()
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <generatorConfiguration> 3 <jdbcConnection> 4 <property name="host"></property> 5 <property name="database">rcddup</property> 6 <property name="port">3306</property> 7 <property name="user">root</property> 8 <property name="password">root</property> 9 <property name="charset">UTF-8</property> 10 </jdbcConnection> 11 <!-- targetPath 文件生成路徑 --> 12 <pythonGenerator targetPath="cn.rcddup.entity"></pythonGenerator> 13 <daoGenerator targetPath="cn.rcddup.dao"></daoGenerator> 14 <serviceGenerator targetPath="cn.rcddup.service"></serviceGenerator> 15 <controllerGenerator targetPath="cn.rcddup.controller"> </controllerGenerator> 16 17 <!-- name:數據庫代表,alias:生成的 class 類名 --> 18 <table name="t_user" alias="User" ></table> 19 </generatorConfiguration>
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