tutorial to compile and install mplack on ubuntu 16.04
mlpack: a scalable C++ machine learning libraryc++
Armadillo: c++ linear algebra library based onLAPACK
If you are compiling Armadillo by hand, ensure that LAPACK and BLAS are enabled.
see OpenCV vs. Armadillo vs. Eigen on Linuxgit
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev
version: 2.0.1
by defaultmlpack
will install to/usr/include/mlpack
wget https://www.mlpack.org/files/mlpack-3.1.1.tar.gz git clone https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack.git mkdir build && cd build && cmake-gui .. make -j8 sudo make install
configure and outputgithub
... Found Armadillo: /usr/lib/libarmadillo.so (found suitable version "6.500.5", minimum required is "6.500.0") Armadillo libraries: /usr/lib/libarmadillo.so ...
version: 3.1.1
by defaultmlpack
will install to/usr/local/include
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#.rst: # FindMLPACK # ------------- # # Find MLPACK # # Find the MLPACK C++ library # # Using MLPACK:: # # find_package(MLPACK REQUIRED) # include_directories(${MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # add_executable(foo foo.cc) # target_link_libraries(foo ${MLPACK_LIBRARIES}) # # This module sets the following variables:: # # MLPACK_FOUND - set to true if the library is found # MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS - list of required include directories # MLPACK_LIBRARIES - list of libraries to be linked # MLPACK_VERSION_MAJOR - major version number # MLPACK_VERSION_MINOR - minor version number # MLPACK_VERSION_PATCH - patch version number # MLPACK_VERSION_STRING - version number as a string (ex: "1.0.4") # UNIX paths are standard, no need to specify them. find_library(MLPACK_LIBRARY NAMES mlpack PATHS "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/mlpack/lib" "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/mlpack/lib64" "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/mlpack" ) find_path(MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES mlpack/core.hpp mlpack/prereqs.hpp PATHS "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/mlpack" ) if(MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR) # Read and parse mlpack version header file for version number file(STRINGS "${MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR}/mlpack/core/util/version.hpp" _mlpack_HEADER_CONTENTS REGEX "#define MLPACK_VERSION_[A-Z]+ ") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define MLPACK_VERSION_MAJOR ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" MLPACK_VERSION_MAJOR "${_mlpack_HEADER_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define MLPACK_VERSION_MINOR ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" MLPACK_VERSION_MINOR "${_mlpack_HEADER_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define MLPACK_VERSION_PATCH ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" MLPACK_VERSION_PATCH "${_mlpack_HEADER_CONTENTS}") unset(_mlpack_HEADER_CONTENTS) set(MLPACK_VERSION_STRING "${MLPACK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${MLPACK_VERSION_MINOR}.${MLPACK_VERSION_PATCH}") endif() find_package_handle_standard_args(MLPACK REQUIRED_VARS MLPACK_LIBRARY MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR MLPACK_VERSION_STRING ) if(MLPACK_FOUND) set(MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS ${MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(MLPACK_LIBRARIES ${MLPACK_LIBRARY}) endif() # Hide internal variables mark_as_advanced( MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR MLPACK_LIBRARY )
From here
find_package(MLPACK REQUIRED) MESSAGE( [Main] " MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS}") MESSAGE( [Main] " MLPACK_LIBRARIES = ${MLPACK_LIBRARIES}") # /usr/local/include # /usr/local/lib/libmlpack.so
see mlpack clustering
skip now.ide
from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
see sklearn clustering
see opencv clustering