李兵.人郵2013.4 git
實體模型 –> 修正後劃分 有限元網格 app
offset WP 偏移工做平面 ide
模型的創建 優化
將cT輪廓曲線 提取出來輸入三維造型軟件進行建模的方法,這種方法因爲要對輪廓曲線進行很大調整所以會產生比較大的偏差,而且會耗費大量的時間。動畫
在Mimics軟件中提取頭頸骨骼對應的灰度閾值並造成輪廓曲線.經過自動造型構成了具備大量三角形 利用逆向工程軟件Geomagic和軟件Mimics接口將曲面導入Geomagic中對曲面進行自動修正和優化。造成了具備NURBS曲面的模型ui
1. 導入mimics
2. 幾何模型 閥值選取,區域增加,分離蒙罩.創建3D表面模型.體積 面積 閥值範圍
3. 面風格劃分 網格重劃器magics, 參數默認 , 保存爲.lis的ansys element 文件.
1. 截取圖像,在畫筆(Window操做系統自帶軟件)中打開,修改,使得圖片光滑天然,獲得腦血管的邊界輪廓圖像,以.bmp的單色圖片格式保存。
2. 運行Matlab7.0軟件,導入生成的.bmp圖片文件。在自寫程序datamat(功能是顯示單色圖片像素點的座標)中指定腦血管單色圖片.bmp的路徑,獲得腦血管輪廓各點的二維座標
4. 運行Ansys軟件,導入生成的點座標文本文件(.dat格式),重現腦血管輪廓各點,而後對它進行鏡像和旋轉,使它的形狀和原來的同樣,接着用樣條線鏈接各輪廓像素點座標,從新生成腦血管的邊界輪廓
If you want ANSYS ICEM CFD to behave exactly as this tutorial describes, you should go to the Settings Menu, click Selection, and disable Auto Pick Mode in the DEZ. Most experienced ICEM CFD users prefer to enable Auto Pick Mode as it improves efficiency.
Initially, all surfaces, curves, and points of the geometry are in the generic part GEOM. The different geometries must be assigned to appropriate parts for further processing.
Create fluid and solid Material Points for the interiors of the cylinder and blade, respectively.
The material point that will be created will help us to keep the FLUID region separate from the SOLID region. This is not strictly necessary since blocks can simply be created in the FLUID part rather than creating a material point.
The blocking strategy for this model involves an internal O-Grid longitudinally in the pipe, surrounding separate blocking for the blade. Within the ANSYS ICEM CFD, projection-based, mesh generation environment, the block faces between different materials (at the Fluid-Solid interface) are projected to the closest geometry surface. Block faces within the same material may be associated to specific CAD surfaces only if necessary for the definition of internal walls.
Here, you create the initial blocking, and then fit the blocking more closely to the geometry by associating the vertices and edges to the geometry.
(is this made me very embarrassed before ?
In the Display tree, enable the display of Vertices, and enable vertex Numbers.
Associate the vertices to points on the geometry. (very interesting
Associate the block edges to curves on the geometry.
AORTA, Foloow SEE:
Tetra/Prism Mesh Generation for an Aorta
Import STL data into ANSYS ICEM CFD.
Set up global and part parameters for meshing.
Generate the mesh using the Octree approach.
Generate the mesh using the Delaunay approach.
Examine the mesh using cut-planes.
Smooth the mesh to improve the mesh quality.
Solid Full Display
Step 1: Creating Parts
Split the geometry. segment surface by Angle 35 ?
Create the INLET part.Create the OUTLET part.
Extract the feature curve from the inlet and outlet surfaces. Geometry > Create/Modify Curve > Extract Curves from Surfaces
Step 2: Creating the Material Point
Selection of Points for Creating Material Point
Step 3: Generating the Octree Mesh
Measure the smallest diameter on the aorta geometry.use this value to set the minimum size for the mesh.
Assign the mesh sizes.2
for Max element. Select Enabled for Curvature/Proximity Based Refinement and enter 0.5
for Min size limit. Set Refinement to 18
Specify the parts for prism creation.
Modify the global prism settings.
for Ortho weight.
Number of volume smoothing steps to 0
Compute the mesh.
Mesh Method is set to Robust (Octree). Enable Create Prism Layers.
Examine the mesh
Disable the display of surfaces.
Select Solid & Wire.
how you can replace the Octree volume mesh with a Delaunay volume mesh for smoother volume transition.
7. Use cut planes to examine the mesh.
Select Wire Frame.Select Manage Cut Plane.Set the following parameters:
Set Fraction Value to 0.95
Enable the display of volumes in the display control tree.
Select Solid & Wire.
Examine the mesh using a cut plane in the X direction.
Select Middle X Plane in the Method drop-down list.
Disable Show Cut Plane in the Manage Cut Plane DEZ.
8. Smooth the mesh.
The smoothing approach involves initial smoothing of the interior elements without adjusting the prisms. After initial smoothing, you will smooth the prisms as well.
for Smoothing iterations and 0.2
for Up to value.
Freeze for PENTA_6
9.Check the mesh for any errors that may cause problems during the analysis.
Make sure no errors/problems are reported during the check.
Set Fraction Value to 0.62
Step 4: Generating the Delaunay Mesh
In this step, you will replace the Octree mesh with the Delaunay mesh because it has a smoother volume transition.
Select Quick (Delaunay) from the Mesh Method drop-down list
Compute the mesh.
The Create Prism Layers option can be disabled as the prisms were already generated during the Octree mesh generation.
Existing Mesh is selected in the Select drop-down list.
Ensure that Load mesh after completion is enabled.
Examine the mesh using cut planes.
Smooth the mesh.
As the prisms were smoothed in the previous step, you will smooth the other elements without adjusting the prisms.
for Smoothing iterations and 0.2
for Up to value.
Select Freeze for PENTA_6.
Check the mesh for any errors that may cause problems during the analysis.
Step 5: Saving the Project
Select the solver.
Set the appropriate boundary conditions.
Click Create new under AORTA_WALL ,Select wall from the list of Boundary Conditions in the Selection dialog box
Similarly, set the boundary conditions for INLET to velocity-inlet and OUTLET to pressure-outlet, exhaust-fan, outlet-vent.
Set the boundary conditions for FLUID to fluid.
Write the input file for ANSYS FLUENT.
The mesh was created in units of millimeters (mm), and hence needs to be scaled to meters.
6. Further Setup
You can solve this example for transient, laminar flow using ANSYS FLUENT. A basic setup could include the following:
Material properties
Density: 1060 kg/m3
Viscosity: 0.0035 kg/m-s
Solver setup: transient, laminar flow
Boundary conditions
The transient velocity profile (one cycle) is available with the tutorial example file (AorticInflowWaveform.prof
). The profile assumes a cardiac output of 6.8 l/min and 75 beats per minute.
Note: Run at least 1.5 cycles to remove the effects of the initial condition.
Assume zero pressure at the outlets.
The periodic solution can be visualized by plotting the inlet pressure for 3 cycles.
Other results of interest include wall shear, static pressure on the wall, and velocities along the length.
A more advanced setup could include two-way FSI, which can be done using ANSYS.
encountered a serious problem
i.e., entertaining, journalistic, and literary.
ansys continue…
Use the Swept command to create a solid body or a sheet by sweeping one or more sections along one, two, or three guide strings.
X有限元分析 ansys13.0 約束方程的定義 . p59:
Xfluent 流體計算應用教程 2版.溫正.