Your task is to program a function which converts any input to an integer.javascript
Do not perform rounding, the fractional part should simply be
If converting the input to an integer does not make sense (with an object, for instance), the function should return 0 (zero).數組
Also, Math.floor(), parseInt() and parseFloat() are disabled for your unconvenience.code
function toInteger(n) { var arr, i, ret = 0, sgn = 1, mul; var pos, front, matches, swap; if(typeof n == 'string' || typeof n == 'number'){ n += ''; if(n.slice(0, 1) == '-'){ sgn = -1; n = n.slice(1); } if(matches = /^(\d*\.\d+)e(-?\d+)$/i.exec(n)){ front = matches[1]; mul = toInteger(matches[2]); pos = front.indexOf('.'); arr = front.split(''); if(mul >= 0){ for(i = 0; i < mul; ++i){ swap = arr[pos + i]; arr[pos + i] = arr[pos + i + 1]; arr[pos + i + 1] = swap; if(arr[arr.length - 1] == '.')arr.push('0'); } }else{ if(pos < -mul){ for(i = -mul - pos; i > 0; --i){ arr.unshift('0'); } } for(i = 0; i > mul; --i){ swap = arr[pos + i]; arr[pos + i] = arr[pos + i - 1]; arr[pos + i - 1] = swap; } } }else{ arr = n.split(''); } for(i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i){ if(arr[i] >= '0' && arr[i] <= '9'){ ret = ret * 10 + (arr[i] - '0'); }else if(arr[i] == 'e' || arr[i] == 'E'){ mul = arr.slice(i + 1).join(''); if(!/^-?\d+$/.test(mul)){ ret = 0; break; } mul = toInteger(mul); ret *= (mul > 0? Math.pow(10, mul): Math.pow(.1, - mul)); ret = toInteger(ret); break; }else if(arr[i] == '.'){ break; }else{ ret = 0; break; } } } else if(n === true)return 1; return ret * sgn; }
It passes all my unit tests, can not figure out what is wrong with my
Test.assertEquals(toInteger(1), 1) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('1e-2'), 0) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('-20e-2'), 0) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('-.98720e-2'), 0) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('-200.67e-2'), -2) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('-200.67e3'), -200670) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('-200.67e0'), -200) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('-1234e-5'), 0) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('1234e7'), 12340000000) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('-200e-2'), -2) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('e-0'), 1) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('.3e1'), 3) Test.assertEquals(toInteger('5000e-2'), 50) Test.expect(toInteger("4.55") === 4)
例如~~n, n >> 0, n | 0, n ^ 0,這些都是可行的直接切割整數部分的技巧。string