- 考慮
- 學號:整型
- 採用北京交通大學的五級九段制,詳情請點擊連接:
- 收集全部學生的我的信息,利用
實現- 對收集到的學生信息用
- 假設總共有三個班級,4位學生。咱們將績點由低到高的順序,將第一位給1班,第二位給2班。若是班級人數不能整除學生人數也不要緊,後面的排序方式依然由低到高,直到排完爲止。如示意圖所示:
- 經過績點(調用
的方法)找到對應的學生信息- 打印各班學生信息
/** * @author Hephaest * @version 6/04/2018 * @since jdk1.8.0_162 */ public class Name { //聲明實例變量 private String first; private String second; private String last; private String fullName; /**初始化構造方法,用 this 指向類中的實例變量,尤爲是當調用的參數和內部聲明參數一致時*/ //當沒有中間名時 public Name(String first, String last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; } //當有中間名時 public Name(String first, String second, String last) { this.first = first; this.second = second; this.last = last; } //判斷是否有中間名,有的話注意是兩個空格 public String getFullName() { if(second==null) { fullName=first+" "+last; return fullName; } else { fullName=first+" "+second+" "+last; return fullName; } } }
/** * @author Hephaest * @version 6/04/2018 * @since jdk1.8.0_162 */ import java.util.*; public class Grade { private String rank; private double grade; private double xuefen; /** * 若是成績是以等級形式給的,使用這個構造方法 * @param rank 等級 * @param xuefen 學分 */ public Grade(String rank,double xuefen) { this.rank=rank; this.xuefen=xuefen; this.grade=0.0; } /** * 若是成績是以百分比或者直接就是績點的形式,使用這個構造方法 * @param grade 百分比的成績或績點 * @param xuefen 學分 */ public Grade(double grade,double xuefen) { this.grade=grade; this.xuefen=xuefen; this.rank=""; } /* 考慮成績是以哪一種形式輸入的,進入對應的判斷語句 * 判斷標準詳見:http://www.bjtu.edu.cn/pub/xxgk/xxgksxqs/xsglfwxx/18999.htm */ public double getgrade() { if(rank.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { if(grade>100||grade<0) { System.out.println("Wrong input!"); grade=0.0; xuefen=0.0; return grade; } else if (grade>=96) { grade=5.0; return grade; } else if (grade>=91) { grade=4.5; return grade; } else if (grade>=86) { grade=4.0; return grade; } else if (grade>=81) { grade=3.5; return grade; } else if (grade>=76) { grade=3.0; return grade; } else if (grade>=71) { grade=2.5; return grade; } else if (grade>=66) { grade=2.0; return grade; } else if (grade>=61) { grade=1.5; return grade; } else if (grade>=60) { grade=1.0; return grade; } else if(grade>=00&&grade<=5) { return grade; } else { grade=0.0; return grade; } } else { //由於輸入的是一串字符串,因此要轉換成一個個字符 char[] array= rank.toCharArray(); double grade=0.0; for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++) { switch(array[i]) { case 'A': grade=4.0; break; case 'B': grade=3.0; break; case 'C': grade=2.0; break; case 'D': grade=1.0; break; case 'F': grade=0.0; break; case '+': grade+=0.5; break; case '-': if(grade<=0) { break; } else { grade-=0.5; break; } default: System.out.println("Your input is wrong!"); } } return grade; } } public double getXuefen() { return xuefen; } }
/** * @author Hephaest * @version 6/04/2018 * @since jdk1.8.0_162 */ import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Student { //用Name聲明實例變量name,用ArrayList<grade> 聲明grade private Name name; private int id; private ArrayList<Grade> grade; //若是沒有中間名,使用這個構造方法進行實例化 public Student(String first, String last, int id) { this.name = new Name(first, last);//調用以前寫好的Name類 this.id = id; grade=new ArrayList<Grade>();//調用已經在package有的Arraylist類 } //若是有中間名,使用這個構造方法進行實例化 public Student(String first, String second, String last, int id) { this.name = new Name(first, second, last); this.id = id; grade=new ArrayList<Grade>(); } //直接獲取Name裏的方法,避免重寫 public String getName() { return name.getFullName(); } //一個學生可能有不少項成績,鏈表的add方法就是在(單個)學生的成績後面繼續追加成績,很實用的辦法 public void addGrade(Grade newGrade) { grade.add(newGrade); } //把一個學生的全部成績進行加權平均運算,獲得最終的績點 public double averageGPA() { double sum1=0.0; double sum2=0.0; for(int i = 0;i < grade.size(); i++) { sum1+=grade.get(i).getgrade()*grade.get(i).getXuefen(); sum2+=grade.get(i).getXuefen(); } return sum1/sum2; } //獲取學生學號 public int getID() { return id; } //對單個學生的全部信息進行打印,依次爲:姓名-學號-平均績點 public void print() { DecimalFormat fm = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); System.out.println("Name:\t " + getName() + "\nID:\t " + getID() + "\nGPA:\t" + fm.format(averageGPA())); } }
/** * @author Hephaest * @version 6/04/2018 * @since jdk1.8.0_162 */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class ClassInfo { private ArrayList<Student> students; // 用 Arraylist 聲明students public ClassInfo() { students =new ArrayList<Student>(); } /** * initialInfo 用來獲取控制檯中輸入的全部學生信息 * @param numberOfStudent 肯定輸入學生的個數 * @param newclas 輸入創造的對象 */ public void initialInfo(int numberOfStudent,Object newclas) { Scanner info=new Scanner (System.in); ClassInfo newclass=(ClassInfo)newclas; for(int i=0;i<numberOfStudent;i++) { System.out.println("Set the student's ID number:"); int number=info.nextInt(); System.out.println("Set the student's first name:"); String space = info.nextLine(); String first=info.nextLine(); System.out.println("Does student has second name?"); String answer=info.nextLine(); if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { System.out.println("Set the student's second name:"); String second=info.nextLine(); System.out.println("Set the student's last name:"); String last=info.nextLine(); newclass.addStudent(new Student(first,second,last,number)); } else { System.out.println("Set the student's last name:"); String last=info.nextLine(); newclass.addStudent(new Student(first,last,number)); } System.out.println("Which types of grades you want to input:\n"+ "\t1:rank\n"+ "\t2:score\n"); int choice=info.nextInt(); switch(choice) { case 1: System.out.println("Set the student's rank:"); space = info.nextLine(); String rank=info.nextLine(); System.out.println("Set the student's xuefen:"); double xuefen=info.nextDouble(); newclass.addNewRank(i,new Grade(rank,xuefen)); break; case 2: System.out.println("Set the student's score"); double score=info.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Set the student's xuefen"); double fen=info.nextDouble(); newclass.addNewScore(i,new Grade(score,fen)); break; } boolean flag=true; while(flag==true) { System.out.println("Does any grade need to be added?"); space = info.nextLine(); answer=info.nextLine(); switch(answer) { case "Y": case "y": System.out.println("Which types of grades you"+ "want to input:\n"+ "\t1:rank\n"+ "\t2:score\n"); choice=info.nextInt(); space = info.nextLine(); switch(choice) { case 1: System.out.println("Set the student's rank"); String rank=info.nextLine(); System.out.println("Set the student's xuefen"); double xuefen=info.nextDouble(); newclass.addNewRank(i,new Grade(rank,xuefen)); break; case 2: System.out.println("Set the student's score"); double score=info.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Set the student's xuefen"); double fen=info.nextDouble(); newclass.addNewScore(i,new Grade(score,fen)); break; } break; case "n": case "N": flag=false; break; default: System.out.println("Please answer \"yes\" or \"no\" !"); } } } } //students裏追加學生(包括每一個學生的全部信息) public void addStudent(Student newStudent) { students.add(newStudent); } /** * 這個方法實現每位學生能夠擁有多個成績,經過追加的方法 * @param index 表明學生鏈表中第幾位學生 * @param newGrade grade對象(建立新的成績) */ public void addNewScore(int index,Grade newGrade) { students.get(index).addGrade(newGrade); } /* * 本質上與上面的方法同樣,名字不一樣爲了好區分新輸入的成績的形式 */ public void addNewRank(int index,Grade newGrade) { students.get(index).addGrade(newGrade); } /* * 這裏使用泡沫排序法對學生的成績進行排序 * 由於沒有辦法爲Arraylist建立數組 * 所以用新的數組拷貝students裏全部的成績 * 注意:數組下表和students的下表並非意義對應的關係 */ public double[] bubbleSortStudent() { double temp; int size = students.size(); double[] array=new double[size]; for (int i=0;i<size;i++) { array[i]=students.get(i).averageGPA(); } for(int i = 0 ; i < size-1; i ++) { for(int j = 0 ;j < size-1-i ; j++) { if(array[j] > array[j+1]) { temp = array[j]; array[j] = array[j+1]; array[j+1] = temp; } } } return array; } /** * 通過上面一步,咱們成功把students裏全部學生的成績拷貝給數組array[i] ** 如今咱們要作的就是根據學生的成績分配到不一樣的班級 * 經常使用的方法是「S」型排法 * @param num 班級的總數 * @param array 泡沫排序完後的數組 * @return 分班完後的二維數組結果 */ public double[][] allocateStudent(int num,double[] array) { int classNum=students.size()/num; int classrest=students.size()%num; classNum+=classrest; double[][] arr=new double[num][classNum]; int k; for(int j=0;j<num;j++) { k=j; for(int i=0;i<classNum;i++) { if(k>=students.size()) { break; } else { arr[j][i]=array[k]; k+=num; } } } return arr; } //找到須要刪除的學生所在的students下標,調用remove方法便可 public void removeStudent(int studentEntry) { students.remove(studentEntry); } /** * 打印每一個班級的學生信息 * @param num 班級的總數 * @param arr 通過「S」型排列完的二維數組(可看做已經分班完的結果) * 調用的是 allocateStudent 方法裏返回的數組 * 注意:通常在公佈分班狀況的時候不會顯示個體的成績(確保隱私權) * 這裏體現是爲了驗證分班結果的正確性 */ public void print(int num,double[][]arr) { for(int i=0;i<arr[0].length;i++) { System.out.println("Class"+(i+1)+" list:"+"\n"); System.out.println("--------------------"); for(int j=0;j<arr.length;j++) { for(int k=0;k<students.size();k++) { if(arr[i][j]==students.get(k).averageGPA()) { students.get(k).print(); System.out.println("\n"); removeStudent(k); } } } } } //主方法 public static void main(String [] args) { ClassInfo newclass=new ClassInfo(); Scanner info=new Scanner (System.in); System.out.println("Set the number of students:"); int numberOfStudent=info.nextInt(); newclass.initialInfo(numberOfStudent,newclass); System.out.println("Set the number of classes:"); int number=info.nextInt(); newclass.print(number,newclass.allocateStudent(number,newclass.bubbleSortStudent())); info.close(); } }
Set the number of students: 3 Set the student's ID number: 20181201 Set the student's first name: William Does student has second name? y Set the student's second name: Jefferson Set the student's last name: Smith Which types of grades you want to input: 1:rank 2:score 1 Set the student's rank: A+ Set the student's xuefen: 6 Does any grade need to be added? Y Which types of grades you want to input: 1:rank 2:score 2 Set the student's score 88 Set the student's xuefen 5 Does any grade need to be added? N Set the student's ID number: 20181145 Set the student's first name: James Does student has second name? n Set the student's last name: Bush Which types of grades you want to input: 1:rank 2:score 1 Set the student's rank: B+ Set the student's xuefen: 5 Does any grade need to be added? n Set the student's ID number: 20181219 Set the student's first name: Mary Does student has second name? n Set the student's last name: Clinton Which types of grades you want to input: 1:rank 2:score 1 Set the student's rank: C Set the student's xuefen: 2 Does any grade need to be added? n Set the number of classes: 2 Class1 list: -------------------- Name: Mary Clinton ID: 20181219 GPA: 2 Name: William Jefferson Smith ID: 20181201 GPA: 4.27 Class2 list: -------------------- Name: James Bush ID: 20181145 GPA: 3.5
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