basic mongodb

basic mongodb



mongod is the primary daemon process for the MongoDB system. It handles data requests, manages data format, and performs background management operations. html

--dbpath <path> Specify a directory for the mongod instance to store its data. Typical locations include: /srv/mongodb, /var/lib/mongodb or /opt/mongodb linux

Unless specified, mongod will look for data files in the default /data/db directory. (Windows systems use the \data\db direc‐ tory.) If you installed using a package management system. Check the /etc/mongodb.conf file provided by your packages to see the configuration of the dbpath. c++

--directoryperdb Alters the storage pattern of the data directory to store each database's files in a distinct folder. This option will create directories within the --dbpath named for each directory. mongodb

Use this option in conjunction with your file system and device configuration so that MongoDB will store data on a number of distinct disk devices to increase write throughput or disk capacity. less

mongo ide


By default, mongo looks for a database server listening on port 27017 on the localhost interface. To connect to a server on a different port or interface, use the --port and --host options. this

Select a database


show dbs

use mydb

Create a Collection and Insert Documents

j = { name : "mongo" }
k = { x : 3 }

db.testData.insert( j )
db.testData.insert( k )

show collections


Post by: Jalen Wang (轉載請註明出處)spa
