1. outputc#
Console.WriteLine("hello world");
2. naming conventionapp
variable: start with lower-case, use camel-caseide
double thePrice = 14.95;
for the rest (class name, method name, const): start with upper-case, use camel-caseui
const int HomeRunRecord = 61;
3. value typespa
similar to primitive in javerest
for example: int, float, boolcode
4. outblog
The out keyword causes arguments to be passed by reference. This is like the ref keyword, except that ref requires that the variable be initialized before it is passed. To use an out parameter, both the method definition and the calling method must explicitly use the out keyword.ci
class OutExample { static void Method(out int i) { i = 44; } static void Main() { int value; Method(out value); // value is now 44 } }
5. ?? operatorelement
int a = (x ?? 0);
equals to
int a = (x != null? x:0);
6. is (check type compatible)
static void Test(object o) { Class1 a; if (o is Class1) { Console.WriteLine("o is Class1"); a = (Class1)o; // Do something with "a." } }
7. compare string
not like Java, in which == and equals are different.
for string in c#, == and Equals() are the same.
if (s1.Equals(s2)){}
if (s1 == s2) {}
8. define 2d array
string[,] strs = new string[3, 4];
access element in 2d array
strs[1, 2] = "hello";
9. List
var fruits = new List<string>(); fruits.Add("apple");
10. foreach
foreach (var item in fruits) { Console.WriteLine(item); }
11. dictionary
var inventory = new Dictionary<string, double>(); inventory.Add("apples", 56); if (inventory.TryGetValue("apples", out value)) { Console.WriteLine("apple value:" + value); }
12. encapsulation
class Fruit { private string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } }
the second line is a method call
var f1 = new Fruit(); f1.Name = "apple";
below is a same definition of name
public string Name { get; set; }
13. override method
public override string ToString() { return base.ToString(); }
14. extend class
class Produce { private string name; public Produce(string name) { Name = name; } } class Fruit : Produce { public Fruit(string name): base(name) { } }
15. as, is
class A { } class B : A { } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { B obj = new B(); A obj2 = obj as A; if (obj is A) { Console.WriteLine("obj is A"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
"as" is safer than below, it return null if failed to cast
A obj2 = (A)obj;