Machine Learning Group at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridgephp
Machine Learning Group at University of columbiahtml
Machine Learning Research Group at university of texas at austinide
Machine Learning Research Group at university of Torontogoogle
Machine Learning Research Group at Carnegie Mellon university人工智能
Machine Learning Research Group at university of Wisconsinspa
Machine Learning Research Group at university of
Machine Learning Research Group activities at university of Oxfordssr
Machine Learning Research Group at Microsoft (Asia)htm
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratoryblog
Andrew Ng andML Notes, OpenClass
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The International Machine Learning Society
In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos
CS281: Advanced Machine Learning,Harvard University, Fall 2013
University of Toronto: machine learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Very good online book
Deep Learning - by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville