如何打Android的補丁包------how to patch android.

How to fast apply R10.3.2 patches android

Here I take frameworks/base.git as an example, you can follow the same method for other gits.git

 Assume you had unzipped R10.3.2 release package to /opt/imx-android-r10.3.2/. app


//===========================how to patch many pacths one time==============ui

$ cd /opt/imx-android-r10.3.2/code/r10.3.2/platform/frameworks/base.gitspa

$ ls *.patch > seriescode

$ cd ~/myandroid/frameworks/baseorm

$ git quiltimport --patches /opt/imx-android-r10.3.2/code/r10.3.2/platform/frameworks/base.git ip



If error happened when applying some patch, please use git apply to patch it separately, to do that follow the next example, using frameworks/base it


//===========================how to patch  a  pacth one time==============ast


$cd ~/myandroid/frameworks/base

$git apply /opt/imx-android-r10.3.2/code/r10.3.2/platform/frameworks/base.git/0001-ENGR00133115-Support-MMS-streaming-playback-in-OMX-G.patch



Repeat the last command with each patch under the folder.
