;(function (global) { //上傳配置 var config = { getTokenUrl: "//xxx.xxx.com/api/Active/qintoken?bucket=wnlother", //獲取token接口地址 qiniuUpUrl: "//xxx.qiniup.com/putb64/-1", //上傳的七牛服務器地址 imgUrlDomain: 'https://xxx.xxx.com/' // 圖片域名 }; //定義上傳方法 function uploadQN(img, resolve) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', config.getTokenUrl, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // readyState == 4說明請求已完成 if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 304) { // 從服務器得到數據 var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr2.open('POST', config.qiniuUpUrl, true); xhr2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); xhr2.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'UpToken ' + res.token); xhr2.send(img.substring(23)); xhr2.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr2.readyState === 4) { var resData = JSON.parse(xhr2.responseText); console.log(resData.key); var remoteImg = config.imgUrlDomain + resData.key; resolve(remoteImg); } }; } }; xhr.send(); }; //兼容CommonJs規範 if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = uploadQN; } //兼容AMD/CMD規範 if (typeof define === "function") define(function () { return uploadQN; }); //註冊全局變量,兼容直接使用script標籤引入插件 global.uploadQN = uploadQN; })(window); //調用方法 uploadQN(imgdata, (res) => { //do something });
;(function (global) { //定義上傳方法 function UploadQN(img, options) { var config = { getTokenUrl: "//xxx.xxx.com/api/Active/qintoken?bucket=wnlother", //獲取token接口地址 qiniuUpUrl: "//xxx.qiniup.com/putb64/-1", //上傳的七牛服務器地址 imgUrlDomain: 'https://xxx.xxx.com/', // 圖片域名 success: function(res) {} }; if (!(this instanceof UploadQN)) { console.log(0); return new UploadQN(img, options); } // options = options || config; // 合併參數 for (var k in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty (k)) { config [k] = options [k]; } } console.log(config); // 1.獲取token var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', config.getTokenUrl, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // readyState == 4說明請求已完成 if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 304) { // 從服務器得到數據 var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); // 2.上傳七牛 var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr2.open('POST', config.qiniuUpUrl, true); xhr2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); xhr2.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'UpToken ' + res.token); xhr2.send(img.substring(23)); xhr2.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr2.readyState === 4) { var resData = JSON.parse(xhr2.responseText); console.log(resData.key); var remoteImg = config.imgUrlDomain + resData.key; // 3.執行回調 config.success && config.success(remoteImg); } }; } }; xhr.send(); }; //兼容CommonJs規範 if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = UploadQN; } //兼容AMD/CMD規範 if (typeof define === "function") define(function () { return UploadQN; }); //註冊全局變量,兼容直接使用script標籤引入插件 global.UploadQN = UploadQN; })(window); //調用方法 UploadQN(imgdata, { imgUrlDomain: 'https://other.image.cq-wnl.com/', success: (res) => { console.log(res); } }); 或 var loader = new UploadQN(imgdata, { imgUrlDomain: 'https://other.image.cq-wnl.com/', success: (res) => { console.log(res); } });
/* eslint-disable */ ;(function (global) { //定義上傳方法 function UploadQN(img, options) { this.img = img; this.config = { getTokenUrl: "//xxx.xxx.com/api/Active/qintoken?bucket=wnlother", //獲取token接口地址 qiniuUpUrl: "//xxx.qiniup.com/putb64/-1", //上傳的七牛服務器地址 imgUrlDomain: 'https://xxx.xxx.com/' // 圖片域名 }; this.resultImg = ''; if (!(this instanceof UploadQN)) { console.log(0); return new UploadQN(img, options); } // options = options || this.config; // 合併參數 for (var k in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty (k)) { this.config [k] = options [k]; } } console.log(this.config); this.init(); }; UploadQN.prototype = { init: function() { this.getToken(); }, getToken: function() { var that = this; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', that.config.getTokenUrl, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // readyState == 4說明請求已完成 if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 304) { // 從服務器得到數據 var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); that.upload(res); } }; xhr.send(); }, upload: function(res) { var that = this; var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr2.open('POST', that.config.qiniuUpUrl, true); xhr2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); xhr2.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'UpToken ' + res.token); xhr2.send(that.img.substring(23)); xhr2.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr2.readyState === 4) { var resData = JSON.parse(xhr2.responseText); console.log(resData.key); var remoteImg = that.config.imgUrlDomain + resData.key; that.resultImg = remoteImg; // 3.執行回調 // that.success(); // that.config.success && that.config.success(remoteImg); } }; }, success: function(cb) { cb(this.resultImg); return this; } }; //兼容CommonJs規範 if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = UploadQN; } //兼容AMD/CMD規範 if (typeof define === "function") define(function () { return UploadQN; }); //註冊全局變量,兼容直接使用script標籤引入插件 global.UploadQN = UploadQN; })(window);