mysql> create database txl charset utf8; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec) mysql>
mysql> use txl; Database changed mysql> create table tb_txl (id int auto_increment primary key,name char(20),gender char(1),brithday date,tel char(20)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.29 sec) mysql> desc tb_txl; +----------+----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +----------+----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | name | char(20) | YES | | NULL | | | gender | char(1) | YES | | NULL | | | brithday | date | YES | | NULL | | | tel | char(20) | YES | | NULL | | +----------+----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 #Author:zhuima #Date:2015-03-30 #Version:0.1 #Function:display a list and add date # 導入模塊 import os def menu(): '''設置munu目錄,提供給用戶的操做接口 ''' print ''' 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program ''' op = raw_input('Please select one >>> ') return op def txl_exit(): ''' 退出程序 ''' os._exit(0) def txl_error(): ''' 當用戶輸出選項不在定義的選項內的時候,報錯''' print print 'Unkonw options,Please try again!' # 定義dict,配合函數實現switch功能 ops = { # '1':txl_add, # '2':txl_dis, # '3':txl_update, # '4':txl_del, # '5':txl_sort, '0':txl_exit, } def main(): '''主程序 ''' while True: op = menu() ops.get(op,txl_error)() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
[root@mysql01 day0330]# cat db_config.py import MySQLdb db_config = { 'host' : 'localhost', 'user' : 'root', 'passwd' : 'zhuima', 'charset' : 'utf8', 'db': 'txl', } conn = MySQLdb.connect(**db_config) cursor = conn.cursor()
#確保自定義模塊可以被正常導入 import sys module_path = '/zhuima' sys.path.append(module_path) # 導入自定義模塊 from db_config import conn,cursor .... def txl_add(): '''讀取用戶輸入信息,並寫入數據庫''' name = raw_input('Please enput your name: ') gender = raw_input('Please enput your gender: ') brithday = raw_input('like (YYYY-MM-DD) >>> ') tel = raw_input('Please enput your tel: ') sql = 'insert into tb_txl values (null,%s,%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute(sql,(name,gender,brithday,tel)) conn.commit() def txl_dis(): '''從數據庫中提取信息,而後打印出來 ''' sql = 'select name,gender,brithday,tel from tb_txl' cursor.execute(sql) info = cursor.fetchall() #print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % info if len(info) > 0: print "name\tgender\tbrithday\ttel" print "---------------------------" #print info # 這裏打印出來的結果未做處理 for x in info: print x else: print print ">>> Empty,There is no user info in db <<<" #print info def txl_exit(): '''關閉鏈接, 退出程序 ''' cursor.close() conn.close() os._exit(0)
[root@mysql01 day0330]# python v3_1.py 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 2 name gender brithday tel --------------------------- ((u'zhuima', u'f', datetime.date(1988, 12, 8), u'10086'),) 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 1 Please enput your name: nick Please enput your gender: m like (YYYY-MM-DD) >>> 1990-10-10 Please enput your tel: 10010 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 2 name gender brithday tel --------------------------- (u'zhuima', u'f', datetime.date(1988, 12, 8), u'10086') (u'nick', u'm', datetime.date(1990, 10, 10), u'10010') 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 0
def txl_del(): status = True name = raw_input('Delete Information By Name >>> ') select_sql = 'select name from tb_txl' cursor.execute(select_sql) info = cursor.fetchall() print info for line in info: if name in line: status = False delete_sql = 'delete from tb_txl where name=%s' cursor.execute(delete_sql,(name,)) conn.commit() if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<"
[root@mysql01 day0330]# python v3_1.py 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 2 name gender brithday tel ------------------------------------ (u'zhuima', u'f', datetime.date(1988, 12, 8), u'10086') (u'kale', u'f', datetime.date(1988, 2, 18), u'10032') 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 4 Delete Information By Name >>> kale ((u'zhuima',), (u'kale',)) 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 2 name gender brithday tel ------------------------------------ (u'zhuima', u'f', datetime.date(1988, 12, 8), u'10086') 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 4 Delete Information By Name >>> sdfsdf ((u'zhuima',),) >>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<< 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:sort user info by 0.exit program Please select one >>> 0
mysql> select * from tb_txl; +----+--------+--------+------------+-------+ | id | name | gender | brithday | tel | +----+--------+--------+------------+-------+ | 1 | zhuima | f | 1988-12-08 | 10086 | | 6 | nick | m | 1990-10-06 | 10011 | +----+--------+--------+------------+-------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> update tb_txl set tel='10010' where name='nick'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.22 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from tb_txl; +----+--------+--------+------------+-------+ | id | name | gender | brithday | tel | +----+--------+--------+------------+-------+ | 1 | zhuima | f | 1988-12-08 | 10086 | | 6 | nick | m | 1990-10-06 | 10010 | +----+--------+--------+------------+-------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql>
def txl_update(): statue = True name = raw_input('Update Information By Name >>> ') select_sql = 'select name from tb_txl' cursor.execute(select_sql) info = cursor.fetchall() for line in info: if name in line: status = False gender = raw_input('Update Your Gender for %s >>> ' % name) brithday = raw_input('Update Your Brithday like (YYYY-MM-DD) for %s >>> ' % name) tel = raw_input('Update Your Tel for %s >>> '% name) update_sql = 'update tb_txl set gender=%s,brithday=%s,tel=%s where name=%s' cursor.execute(update_sql,(gender,brithday,tel,name,)) conn.commit() if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<"
[root@mysql01 day0330]# python v3_1.py 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program Please select one >>> 2 name gender brithday tel ------------------------------------ (u'nick', u'm', datetime.date(1990, 10, 6), u'10010') (u'zhuima', u'f', datetime.date(1988, 12, 8), u'10086') 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program Please select one >>> 3 Update Information By Name >>> zhuima Update Your Gender for zhuima >>> m Update Your Brithday like (YYYY-MM-DD) for zhuima >>> 1990-10-10 Update Your Tel for zhuima >>> 10000 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program Please select one >>> 2 name gender brithday tel ------------------------------------ (u'nick', u'm', datetime.date(1990, 10, 6), u'10010') (u'zhuima', u'm', datetime.date(1990, 10, 10), u'10000') 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program Please select one >>> 5 Enter The name >>> sdfsdf >>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<
def txl_check(): status = True name = raw_input('Enter The name >>> ') cursor.execute('select * from tb_txl') info = cursor.fetchall() for line in info: if name in line: status = False print line if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<"
[root@mysql01 day0330]# python v3_1.py 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program Please select one >>> 5 Enter The name >>> sdfs >>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<< 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program Please select one >>> 5 Enter The name >>> nick (6L, u'nick', u'm', datetime.date(1990, 10, 6), u'10010') 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program Please select one >>>
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 #Author:zhuima #Date:2015-03-22 #Version:0.1 #Function:display a list and add date # 導入模塊 import os #確保自定義模塊可以被正常導入 import sys module_path = '/zhuima' sys.path.append(module_path) # 導入自定義模塊 from db_config import conn,cursor def menu(): '''設置munu目錄,提供給用戶的操做接口 ''' print ''' 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program ''' op = raw_input('Please select one >>> ') return op def txl_add(): '''讀取用戶輸入信息,並寫入數據庫''' name = raw_input('Please enput your name: ') gender = raw_input('Please enput your gender: ') brithday = raw_input('like (YYYY-MM-DD) >>> ') tel = raw_input('Please enput your tel: ') sql = 'insert into tb_txl values (null,%s,%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute(sql,(name,gender,brithday,tel)) conn.commit() def txl_dis(): '''從數據庫中提取信息,而後打印出來 ''' sql = 'select name,gender,brithday,tel from tb_txl' cursor.execute(sql) info = cursor.fetchall() #print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % info if len(info) > 0: print "name\tgender\tbrithday\ttel" print "------------------------------------" #print info for x in info: print x else: print print ">>> Empty,There is no user info in db <<<" #print info def txl_del(): status = True name = raw_input('Delete Information By Name >>> ') select_sql = 'select name from tb_txl' cursor.execute(select_sql) info = cursor.fetchall() for line in info: if name in line: status = False delete_sql = 'delete from tb_txl where name=%s' cursor.execute(delete_sql,(name,)) conn.commit() if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<" def txl_update(): statue = True name = raw_input('Update Information By Name >>> ') select_sql = 'select name from tb_txl' cursor.execute(select_sql) info = cursor.fetchall() for line in info: if name in line: status = False gender = raw_input('Update Your Gender for %s >>> ' % name) brithday = raw_input('Update Your Brithday like (YYYY-MM-DD) for %s >>> ' % name) tel = raw_input('Update Your Tel for %s >>> '% name) update_sql = 'update tb_txl set gender=%s,brithday=%s,tel=%s where name=%s' cursor.execute(update_sql,(gender,brithday,tel,name,)) conn.commit() if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<" def txl_check(): status = True name = raw_input('Enter The name >>> ') cursor.execute('select * from tb_txl') info = cursor.fetchall() for line in info: if name in line: status = False print line if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<" def txl_exit(): ''' 退出程序 ''' cursor.close() conn.close() os._exit(0) def txl_error(): ''' 當用戶輸出選項不在定義的選項內的時候,報錯''' print print 'Unkonw options,Please try again!' # 定義dict,配合函數實現switch功能 ops = { '1':txl_add, '2':txl_dis, '3':txl_update, '4':txl_del, '5':txl_check, '0':txl_exit, } def main(): '''主程序 ''' while True: op = menu() ops.get(op,txl_error)() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def txl_dis(): '''從數據庫中提取信息,而後打印出來 ''' status = True sql = 'select name,gender,brithday,tel from tb_txl' cursor.execute(sql) info = cursor.fetchall() if len(info) > 0: status = False print "name\tgender\tbrithday\ttel" print "------------------------------------" for name,gender,age,tel in info: today = datetime.date.today() age = (today-age).days/365 print "%(name)s\t%(gender)s\t%(age)s\t\t%(tel)s" % locals() if status: print print ">>> Empty,There is no user info in db <<<"
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 #Author:zhuima #Date:2015-03-22 #Version:0.1 #Function:display a list and add date # 導入模塊 import os import datetime #確保自定義模塊可以被正常導入 import sys module_path = '/zhuima' sys.path.append(module_path) # 導入自定義模塊 from db_config import conn,cursor def menu(): '''設置munu目錄,提供給用戶的操做接口 ''' print ''' 1.add user info 2.disp all user info 3.update user info by username 4:del user by username 5:check user info by username 0.exit program ''' op = raw_input('Please select one >>> ') return op def txl_add(): '''讀取用戶輸入信息,並寫入數據庫''' name = raw_input('Please enput your name: ') gender = raw_input('Please enput your gender: ') brithday = raw_input('like (YYYY-MM-DD) >>> ') tel = raw_input('Please enput your tel: ') sql = 'insert into tb_txl values (null,%s,%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute(sql,(name,gender,brithday,tel)) conn.commit() def txl_dis(name=None): '''從數據庫中提取信息,而後打印出來 ''' status = True sql = 'select name,gender,brithday,tel from tb_txl' cursor.execute(sql) info = cursor.fetchall() if len(info) > 0: status = False print "name\tgender\tage\ttel" print "------------------------------------" for name,gender,age,tel in info: today = datetime.date.today() age = (today-age).days/365 print "%(name)s\t%(gender)s\t%(age)s\t%(tel)s" % locals() if status: print print ">>> Empty,There is no user info in db <<<" #print info def txl_del(): status = True name = raw_input('Delete Information By Name >>> ') select_sql = 'select name from tb_txl' cursor.execute(select_sql) info = cursor.fetchall() for line in info: if name in line: status = False delete_sql = 'delete from tb_txl where name=%s' cursor.execute(delete_sql,(name,)) conn.commit() if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<" def txl_update(): statue = True name = raw_input('Update Information By Name >>> ') select_sql = 'select name from tb_txl' cursor.execute(select_sql) info = cursor.fetchall() for line in info: if name in line: status = False gender = raw_input('Update Your Gender for %s >>> ' % name) brithday = raw_input('Update Your Brithday like (YYYY-MM-DD) for %s >>> ' % name) tel = raw_input('Update Your Tel for %s >>> '% name) update_sql = 'update tb_txl set gender=%s,brithday=%s,tel=%s where name=%s' cursor.execute(update_sql,(gender,brithday,tel,name,)) conn.commit() if status: print print ">>>Unkonw User,Please Try again! <<<" def txl_check(): status = True name = raw_input('Enter The name >>> ') sql = 'select name,gender,brithday,tel from tb_txl where name = %s' cursor.execute(sql,(name,)) info = cursor.fetchall() if len(info) > 0: status = False print "name\tgender\tbrithday\ttel" print "------------------------------------" for name,gender,age,tel in info: today = datetime.date.today() age = (today-age).days/365 print "%(name)s\t%(gender)s\t%(age)s\t%(tel)s" % locals() if status: print print ">>> Empty,There is no user info in db <<<" def txl_exit(): ''' 退出程序 ''' cursor.close() conn.close() os._exit(0) def txl_error(): ''' 當用戶輸出選項不在定義的選項內的時候,報錯''' print print 'Unkonw options,Please try again!' def main(): '''主程序 ''' # 定義dict,配合函數實現switch功能 ops = { '1':txl_add, '2':txl_dis, '3':txl_update, '4':txl_del, '5':txl_check, '0':txl_exit, } while True: op = menu() ops.get(op,txl_error)() if __name__ == '__main__': main()