使用棧實現隊列的下列操做:push(x) -- 將一個元素放入隊列的尾部。pop() -- 從隊列首部移除元素。peek() -- 返回隊列首部的元素。empty() -- 返回隊列是否爲空。編程
你只能使用標準的棧操做 -- 也就是隻有 push to top, peek/pop from top, size, 和 is empty 操做是合法的。spa
class MyQueue { public: /** Initialize your data structure here. */ stack<int> s1, s2; MyQueue() { } /** Push element x to the back of queue. */ void push(int x) { while(!s2.empty()) { s1.push(s2.top()); s2.pop(); } s2.push(x); while(!s1.empty()) { s2.push(s1.top()); s1.pop(); } } /** Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element. */ int pop() { int a = s2.top(); s2.pop(); return a; } /** Get the front element. */ int peek() { return s2.top(); } /** Returns whether the queue is empty. */ bool empty() { return s2.empty(); } };