視差滾動demo (pc)


demo :http://runjs.cn/detail/uvizsekdhtml

  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
  2 <html>
  3     <head>
  4         <meta charset="utf-8">
  5         <style>
  6             html,body{
  7                 margin:0;padding:0;
  8             }
  9             .pages{
 10                 width:100%;
 11                 height:100vh;
 12                 outline: 1px solid blue;
 13             }
 14             #a,#b,#c{
 15                 width:50%;
 16                 height:200px;
 17             }
 18             #a ,#c{
 19                 background:rgba(212,132,11,.5);
 20             }
 21             #b{
 22                 background:rgba(22,32,11,.5);
 23             }
 24         </style>
 25     </head>
 26     <body>
 27         <div class="pages">
 28             <div id="a">123</div>
 29             <div id="c">123</div>
 30         </div>
 31         <div class="pages">
 32             <div id="b">bbb</div>
 33         </div>
 34         <div class="pages">
 35         </div>
 36     </body>
 37 </html>
 38 <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.js" integrity="sha256-iT6Q9iMJYuQiMWNd9lDyBUStIq/8PuOW33aOqmvFpqI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
 39 <script>
 40 var design_size = {"width" : 1920 }
 41 var pages = [
 42     {
 43      "height" : 4000 //* radio 
 44      ,"background" : "http://image.tianjimedia.com/uploadImages/2012/221/960UAS60H799.jpg"
 45     ,"elems" : [
 46             {"id" : "#a"
 47              ,"start" : {"left" : 0 , "top" : 0}
 48              ,"end" : {"left": 200 , "top" : 3600}
 49             }
 50             ,{"id" : "#c"
 51              ,"start" : {"right" : 0 , "bottom" : 4000}
 52              ,"end" : {"right": 200 , "bottom" : 0}
 53             }
 54         ]
 55     },
 56     {
 57      "height" : 3500 //* radio 
 58     ,"background" : "http://image.tianjimedia.com/uploadImages/2012/072/S056Y53BS3Q6_1000x500.jpg"
 59     ,"elems" : [
 60             {"id" : "#b"
 61              ,"start" : {"right" : 0 , "top" : 0}
 62              ,"end" : {"right": 500 , "top" : 3200}
 63             }
 64         ]
 65     },
 66     {
 67      "height" : '3.0' //* radio 
 68     ,"background" : "http://image.tianjimedia.com/uploadImages/2013/065/85GSC473318U.jpg"
 69     ,"elems" : [
 70         ]
 71     },
 72 ]
 74 </script>
 75 <script>
 76 ~function (pg_conf , pg_doms){
 77     var window_height = window.innerHeight
 78     var radio = $(window).width() / design_size.width 
 80     pg_doms = $(pg_doms)
 81     var h_stack = [0]
 82         ,_pos = 0
 83         ,_play = 0
 84         ,_direct
 86     var scene , scene_dom , scene_elems
 87     var animating = false 
 88     scrollTo(document.body , 0 ,100)
 89     function scrollTo(element, to, duration) {
 90         animating = true
 91         if (duration <= 0) return animating = false;
 92         var difference = to - element.scrollTop;
 93         var perTick = difference / duration * 10;
 95         setTimeout(function() {
 96             element.scrollTop = element.scrollTop + perTick;
 97             if (element.scrollTop == to) return animating = false;
 98             scrollTo(element, to, duration - 10);
 99         }, 10);
100     }
101     function play(index ,opt){
102         if (!pg_conf[index]) {
103             return
104         }
105         opt = opt || {}
106         _play = index
107         scene = pg_conf[index]
108         scene_dom = pg_doms.eq(index)
109         scene_elems = scene.elems
110         if (0 && opt.movein){
111             if ('top' == opt.movein){
112                 var to = h_stack[_play]
114             }else {
115                 var to = h_stack[_play+1] - window_height 
116             }
117             if (to) scrollTo(document.body , to ,200)
118         }
119         ///window.scrollTo(0, h_stack[_play])
120         /*
121         scene_elems.forEach(function(e_conf){
122             e_conf.dom.css('position','absolute').css(e_conf.start)
123         })
124         */
125     }
126     function roll(s){
127         if (!scene) return
128         if (s > scene.scrTotal) return 
129         var process = s / scene.scrTotal
131         //console.log(process , s, scene.scrTotal , scene.height , window.innerHeight)
132         scene_elems.forEach(function(e_conf){
133             var ret = {}
134             //console.log(e_conf)
135             for (var key in e_conf.end){
136                 if (key in e_conf.start) {
137                     var m = (e_conf.end[key] - e_conf.start[key] )*process + e_conf.start[key]
138                     ret[key] = m
139                 }
140             }
141             //console.log(ret)
142             e_conf.dom.css(ret)
144         })
146     }
147     var t = 0
148     pg_conf.forEach(function(p , i){
149         var dom = pg_doms.eq(i)
150         if (/^\d*\.\d*$/.test(p.height)){
151             var height = p.height * window_height
152         }else {
153             var height = p.height * radio
154         } 
156         t += height
157         h_stack.push(t)
158         p.height = height
159         p.scrTotal = height - window_height
160         dom.css({width:'100%'
161             ,height: height
162             ,position:'relative'
163             ,background: 'url(' + p.background+ ') '
164             ,'background-size':'cover'
165             ,'background-attachment' : 'fixed'
166         })
167         p.elems.forEach(function(e_conf){
168             e_conf.dom = $(e_conf.id).css('position','absolute').css(e_conf.start)
169             for (var key in e_conf.start){
170                 e_conf.start[key] = e_conf.start[key] * radio
171             }
172             for (var key in e_conf.end){
173                 e_conf.end[key] = e_conf.end[key] * radio
174             }
175         })
176     })
177     play(_play)
179     var _threshold = window_height //-  100 
180     function move(evt){
181         if (animating) return 
182         var scrl = document.body.scrollTop
183         if (scrl > _pos)  _direct = 'down'
184         else _direct = 'up'
185         _pos = scrl
187         var boudary = h_stack[_play]
188         if ('down' == _direct){
189             if (_play !== h_stack.length - 2){
190                 var bound_next = h_stack[_play + 1]
192                 if (scrl + _threshold > bound_next) {
193                     console.log('next')
194                     play(_play+1 ,{"movein" : "top"})
195                 } 
196             }
197         }else {
198             if (_play !== 0){
199                 var bound_next = h_stack[_play ]
200                 if (scrl <= bound_next){
201                     console.log('pre')
202                     play(_play-1 ,{"movein" : "bottom"})
204                 }
205             }
206         }
207         boudary = h_stack[_play]
208         roll(scrl - boudary)
210     }
211     window.addEventListener('scroll' , move)
213 }(pages , '.pages')
214 </script>